However, what Feng Hao didn't know was that after he sneaked around certain departments in all countries that had never been made public, he got a new nickname... Black Shadow.

He is like a black shadow, pervasive, but like smoke, it is unpredictable.

Although the world's top hackers wanted to find his location, in the end, they decided on a rough idea, which is probably... that person came from China.

At this time, the capital of Huaxia, in a special base, was also tense.

"Chief, we have found the location of Sombra!"

A woman with eyes stood up, came to an old man in a Chinese tunic, and reported.


The old man in the Chinese tunic was obviously in a hurry.

If Black Shadow could be included, then his department would be truly invincible.

"The source of the signal has been traced, it is from the city of sh!"

The woman answered.

"No specific location?"

The old man frowned.

The woman shook her head.

This is already the result of her one-month experience in contacting several top hacker classmates abroad.

It is extremely difficult to find out the identity of Sombra!

"Chief, I want to go to the city of sh."

The woman made her request.


The old man left disappointed.


In the past two months, Feng Hao has fully integrated into this brand new world.

I ate and slept every day, slept and ate, and lived a very comfortable life.

In this world, he really never thought about how earth-shattering his life would be,

It's so ordinary, it's good.

However, he has been thinking about how to go back to Tianwu Continent.

This world is not just this planet, but a universe!

Feng Hao felt that the Tianwu Continent should not be one of the stars in the sky. It should be that the Tianwu Continent is a different dimensional world from this world.

This world is about technology, and the Tianwu Continent is about martial arts.

"Feng Hao, come with me, I'm going to pick up a girlfriend."

Zhang Yi ran down the stairs in a hurry, and shouted at Feng Hao who was lying on the sofa, eating snacks and watching TV.

She also didn't understand, this guy eats all day long, why doesn't he gain any flesh?

What a strange fellow!

"go out?"

Feng Hao seemed a little excited.

After he came here, he hadn't left the house yet.

"Can you let me try?"

After seeing Zhang Yi sitting in the driver's seat, Feng Hao seemed a little eager to try.

He watched several Fast and Furious movies and found that drag racing was really cool, so he wanted to try it.


Zhang Yi glanced at him, but still stepped aside.

If you let her know what Feng Hao is thinking now, she will definitely refuse without hesitation!

Sure enough, after three minutes, she regretted it...

Her Porsche Panamera 4 was speeding down the street, the red lights were all clouds, the whole process seemed to be flying, the road scene turned into an afterimage, and it backed away quickly, so she could only close her eyes and scream.

What was supposed to be more than an hour's journey took less than ten minutes to arrive.

"Tsk tsk, this car doesn't work, it's too slow."

After the latter quickly got out of the car to vomit, our supreme god was disliking her car for being so poor.


Zhang Yi, who was touching the car door, stared at him with a pale face, as if he was watching the murder of his father and enemy.

She swore that she would never let this lunatic touch her car again!

However, what surprised her was that this bumpkin who came out of the ravine could really drive, and his driving skills were simply amazing.

This is at least the level of a top driver, right?

"My friend has a lot of background. When you see her, don't talk nonsense, otherwise, you will have good fruit to eat!"

After Zhang Yi glared at him, he took a bag and walked into the airport.

"The plane... is really amazing."

Looking up, looking at the behemoth flying up and down, Feng Hao sighed with emotion.

He really admires the people in this world, who can live such a colorful life without being able to practice martial arts, and have even walked out of their planet.

Any of these things would be unimaginable in the Tianwu Continent.

"Xiao Lei!"

"Xiao Yi!"

The two big beauties hugged each other, jumping and jumping, which feasted the eyes of the people around them.


Feng Hao rubbed his eyes and found that Zhang Yin's so-called friend looked exactly like his wife, Qiong Ling'er.

If it wasn't for her different outfit and accent, he really thought it was Qiong Ling'er.

"What are you looking at, Deng Tuzi!"

After Zhang Yi led the beauty who looked like Qiong Linger over, he saw this guy, like a pervert, staring at his best friend non-stop, and the high heels directly stomped on the tip of his shoe.

In other words, isn't she a beautiful woman? Why has this guy never seen himself that way?

When she was in the apartment, she teased this guy with revealing clothes again and again, but he was like a wooden man, either staring at his TV or playing with his computer, completely ignoring her existence.

The beauty was stared at by him in a daze, without blinking her eyes, and frowned, but she didn't say anything because of Zhang Yi's face.

She was very helpless, she only found out where Sombra was in sh city, but she couldn't determine the exact location, so she could only come here to try her luck, in case Sombra made another move, she could find some clues.

After all, the narrower the scope, the greater the possibility.

However, what she didn't know was that Lord Black Shadow had already equated him with a satyr in her heart.

When he came back, Feng Hao wanted to repeat the old tricks, but unfortunately, Zhang Yi didn't give him this chance.


After driving back to the apartment at Zhang Yi's snail-like speed, Feng Hao threw himself directly onto the sofa, and then turned on the computer to check what was happening around him.


The two women chatted for a short while, and the phone of that beauty Xiaolei rang, and then, her expression changed, "What? The Red and Black Alliance is attacking the safety net?"

The Red and Black Alliance is a large international hacker organization.

Everyone who can enter the Red and Black Alliance is a world-class top hacker. They attacked China's safety net this time, probably to fight back against Sombra.

then. She took out her special computer, and waved her hands with snapping snaps. One after another, top-level hacking programs were born from her hands, and she fought back forcefully.

However, there are not as many good players as enemies, and soon, she couldn't hold on anymore, and her forehead was sweating.

"What are you doing?"

Being too noisy to watch the video due to the noise of her typing on the keyboard, Feng Hao glanced at her computer, and then, from the eyes of our Supreme God, there was a strong look of disdain.

The hacker battle between them, in the eyes of our Supreme God, is like a few children playing with building blocks, just playing house!

As long as he wants to, kill them all in minutes.

It's a pity that our big beauty doesn't know that the black shadow she's looking for is sitting next to her with popcorn flowers and watching the show.

[ps: More episodes, continue to be released on Xiami WeChat for free, zhishixiaoxiami is just the pinyin of Xiao Xiami. 】

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