"Crackling, crackling..."

We supreme beings chewed popcorn and half-lyed on the couch to watch the show.

"I said, can't you go to another place to eat? Didn't you see that Xiaolei was dealing with an emergency?"

Hearing the crunching sound of chewing, Zhang Yi couldn't help but glared at him.

She is very clear about what department her best friend works in. Seeing her best friend so nervous, she naturally knows that something serious must have happened.

Therefore, seeing Feng Hao's sloppy, irrelevant appearance, he was immediately very upset.

"Is this an emergency?"

Feng Hao murmured disdainfully, with a 'cut' sound in his mouth.

"What do you know?!"

Seeing that he was still not convinced, Zhang Yi said, "Do you know the seriousness of this matter? If Xiaolei can't hold on anymore, then if they want to paralyze the Internet in any part of our country, they have to be paralyzed, you know How much damage would that do?"

"That's it..."

Feng Hao let out a cry.

If the network is paralyzed, then he is still playing with wool.

He returned to his seat, looked at the alien computer that was playing the video in front of him, and suddenly became playful.

"Come on..."

Then, Feng Hao's hands turned into afterimages, and quickly joined the hacker war at a speed of hundreds of programs per second.

In less than half a minute, not even half a minute, the world-renowned top hacker team, the Red and Black Alliance, was directly defeated, and was chased back, causing a large area of ​​​​the network to be paralyzed.

Looking at the computer with a black screen in front of him, a group of hackers from the Red and Black Alliance looked at each other with shock in their eyes.


From their mouths, the same name came out.

Originally, they had only heard of Sombra's name, but at that time, they all believed that Sombra was just a lucky guy who just happened to hack into those secret departments.

However, within half a minute, they finally saw the horror of the black shadow.

A group defeated them all in an instant!

This kind of person is definitely not something they can afford.

"Could it be that Sombra is a special team?"

After all, with the ability of one person, it is impossible to edit so many programs in a short period of time.

However, whether it was a team or just one person, they couldn't afford to provoke them.

"The black shadow made a move?!"

The beauty Xiaolei stared at her computer screen in astonishment, her little mouth couldn't close in shock.

It was also at this moment that she realized the horror of the legendary black shadow.

God of Hackers!

Only these four words can describe Sombra.

"What shadow?"

Zhang Yi leaned over and asked curiously.

Although she knows a little bit, there is a huge difference between Xiaolei and Xiaolei.

Then, after his best friend told her about Heiying, Zhang Yi had a look of disbelief.

If it is true as what my best friend said, Sombra can conquer the safety net of any company in any place, then, doesn't it mean that he can do whatever he wants?

"You mean, that black shadow is from our Huaxia?"

Zhang Yi asked.


Xiaolei nodded, "Besides, I found his ID, and he is in SH City. To be honest, I came to SH this time mainly to look for Sombra."

Just then, her cell phone rang again.


After hearing the voice from inside, Xiaolei's face became serious.

"Where are you? We just found out that Sombra belongs to the same ID as you! Have you already found Sombra? Bring him back quickly!"

The old man's voice was hurried and excited, resounding in her ears.

"What? Sombra and I belong to the same ID address?"

Xiaolei was stunned, and immediately replied directly, "Chief, this is impossible, I'm at a friend's house of mine, and she's the only one in this house... wait..."

As she spoke, she glanced away and saw again,

Feng Hao was sitting on the sofa eating popcorn and watching the video. After a while, she looked away.

"Chief, please check again to see if there is something wrong."

She didn't think that lascivious and lazy guy could have the god-like ability of Sombra.

"When Honghei attacked, I felt that a black shadow might appear, so I kept asking people to keep an eye on it. It can't be wrong. You should investigate your friend carefully, and report to me as soon as you have the result! "

Hang up over there.

"Xiao Yi, is there anyone else in your room?"

After hanging up the phone, Xiaolei thought for a long time before asking Zhang Yi.

"There's no one else but that guy."

Zhang Yi pouted towards where Feng Hao was.

Xiaolei frowned.

She doesn't have a good impression of Feng Hao, especially his current posture, and she can't equate it with the black shadow.

"By the way, who is he? Why is he in your apartment?"

Suddenly, a new question popped up in her mind.

Why is it impossible for my best friend to find such a boyfriend? What's more, she knows what her best friend is doing, and she will work hard outside alone.

"He, a barbarian from a ravine, the bodyguard I hired."

Thinking of the scene where that guy pierced through the front of a Land Rover with his foot, Zhang Yi's eyes couldn't help trembling.

Wrecked a Land Rover.

When Xiaolei looked at Feng Hao, it was suddenly different.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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