
Looking at the almost perfect program on the screen, our master hacker Xiaolei children's shoes stared wide-eyed, speechless.


This guy is really the legendary black shadow!

My luck is so good? !

Xiaolei's children's shoes, I even admire myself a little.

I just came to SH to look for it, and I found it, and they lived in the same room.

It's such a waste of luck not to buy a lottery ticket.

However, when she looked at Feng Hao again, she couldn't help sighing.

From head to toe, this guy wrote that he was an otaku, and she couldn't connect with the black shadow in her imagination with that foolish look.

You know, girls always like to fantasize.

Another point is that Xiaolei's children's shoes found that this guy would always stare at him in a daze from time to time, but he kept ignoring Zhang Yi, who is also a big beauty, which made Zhang Yi's children's shoes very upset.

However, the various shortcomings of Fenghao before, after Xiaolei confirmed that Fenghao is the black shadow, they became the advantages of a generation of hacker gods.

Look, as the god of a generation of hackers, he has no airs at all, and lives so casually. The so-called big hermit lives in the city. He originally had many ways to make his life better in this metropolis, but, But he chose to be an unknown little bodyguard.

This is back to basics!

Classmate Xiaolei said with emotion.

In short, if a person is successful, what he does will have depth, and what he says will be famous aphorisms.

"Since Heiying chooses to be a bodyguard, he definitely doesn't want to be disturbed..."

Thinking about it, Xiaolei calmed down the excitement in her heart. However, after she leaned over her head and saw Fenghao's computer screen, her face suddenly became a little unnatural.

That's a beauty.

It is a female star who has only become popular recently.

Pure girl, fashion guru, movie goddess, box office guarantee... These are the evaluations of this female star by the major media.

She is Liu Xiaofei.

"Could it be that he is also a groupie?"

Xiaolei discovered that Feng Hao had been searching for various things about Liu Xiaofei, and when he saw some male stars who had ambiguous news about Liu Xiaofei, Feng Hao's eyes were obviously full of jealousy, and he was still cursing in his mouth with.

This... is simply too childish!

However, what she doesn't know is that the actress Liu Xiaofei looks like Feng Hao's wife, Le Xin.

With an angelic appearance and a fairy-like demeanor, Liu Xiaofei immediately made her popular all over the world after the first TV series she starred in came out.

The reason why Feng Hao is collecting Liu Xiaofei's information is because he doubts whether, in this world, there is also the same person as his sweet wife. If there is, Yan Qing, Wan Xin, Qing Wu, Wu Shuang, Xian'er... Where are they, what are they doing, is there any danger?

"What kind of world is this world?"

Feng Hao sighed and closed his eyes.

The appearance of a person similar to Qiong Ling'er may be just an accident, but Le Xin also appeared, is this really just a coincidence?

Thinking about it, Feng Hao looked towards Xiaolei, and a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes.

This was a different world. He didn't ask to be reunited with his wives, but he felt that they should be protected from harm.

This is also the reason why Fenghao helped Xiaolei.

"How to find them without destroying the world order?"

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes, thinking about the possibilities.

After all, he didn't have the supernatural power in Tianwu Continent, so if he wanted to find a few people, it would be tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Liu Xiaofei will arrive in SH City on July 22 to meet SH fans..."

An unintentional piece of news caught Feng Hao's attention. At the same time, he also saw pictures of hundreds of fans waiting for Liu Xiaofei to appear at the airport several days in advance after getting the news.

"That's right, star!"

Feng Hao's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that stars are the most dazzling group of people in this world.

For the general public, they may not know the names of the presidents of major powers, but they are familiar with the popular stars.

If he became a household name, wouldn't it be much easier to find someone at that time?

As for whether he can become famous, Feng Hao is not worried at all.

Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine, etc., in his eyes, they are scum, and if they are smashed down with a unicorn arm, there will be no scum left.

His own ability has surpassed those illusory heroes!

It is conceivable that Feng Hao walked out with a pair of Vermillion Bird wings behind him, his arms turned into unicorns, and he walked out full of evil spirit...

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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