"I want to be a star!"

When our Miss Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei's children's shoes were chatting happily, the Supreme God over there put down the laptop in his hand and said to them.


Both women looked at him puzzled.

"Didn't take any medicine?"

The two asked almost in unison.

This guy must be so lazy.

Especially our Xiaolei children's shoes, I can't understand why, this sentence will come from the mouth of the hacker god.

Didn't he work as a bodyguard here because he lived in seclusion in the city?

"I'm not joking, Zhang Yi, aren't you about to start a company? Just right, how about you being my agent?"

Feng Hao has a straight face.

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes, and was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Is it that easy to be a star? !

Moreover, why should I be his manager?

She was very upset.

This guy seems to have been confusing the relationship between the two parties.

Why is she, the eldest lady, always serving this guy? ! Do I still need to obey my bodyguard?

However, speaking of it, now because of Yun Liao's interference, she is hindered in almost everything she does, and loses money in everything she does. Seeing that the 100 million principal she got from her father is less than half, she is also very anxious.

Now this guy's words made her eyes shine.

If you are in the entertainment business, will it be better than the industry?

After all, Yun's strength is also strong in industry, and the entertainment business has nothing to do with it.

But, even if it is to set up a brokerage company, where can I find stars?

Moreover, with the little funds in her hand, she can't sign any famous stars at all. After all, those popular stars don't even mention that they already have managers. It's just a show with tens of millions. Normally, she couldn't move at all.

As for some small stars, it is estimated that Yun Liao must have run away when he was scared.

"You think being a star is all about your brute strength?"

Zhang Yi said angrily.

"Stars, don't you want to do something that attracts the attention of the public?"

Feng Hao looked relaxed.

Now the world's first-line stars, the most well-known by the public, often play some heroes, and the reason why heroes are attractive is that they can do things that ordinary people can't do, and justice for the disadvantaged.

Feng Hao felt that he could easily achieve these two points.

"You think the public eye is so attractive?"

Zhang Yi pursed his lips and said, "It doesn't matter if you have outstanding strength, even if you do extraordinary things, at most it's just a momentary hot spot. As a star, you must first have your own characteristics!"

After all, Feng Hao is not from this world, so naturally he doesn't understand it deeply enough.

Just like what Zhang Yi said, don't look at how easy it is for others to become stars, their success is because they have successfully created a character with their own characteristics.

"My characteristics?"

Feng Hao was really caught by her question.

His ability is indeed extraordinary, but, after all, it is different from ordinary people, if not, he will be arrested and taken away for research.

Although, with his ability, it is unlikely that he will be caught, but his becoming a star will definitely come to naught.

However, apart from these abilities that are different from ordinary people, what other characteristics does he have?

This stumps our Supreme God.

When he was seriously thinking about his own characteristics, Xiaolei beside him was speechless.

Feelings, this hacker god is serious, does he really want to enter the entertainment industry?

Could it be that the career that he is proud of is not as good as an actor in the heart of the hacker god?

Xiaolei's children's shoes have even begun to doubt her own life.


A dragon chant shocked the world.


Although Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei who were in the apartment did not hear it,

However, Feng Hao heard it, and immediately stood up and walked outside.

This dragon chant sounds familiar.

Could it be that Xiao Hei followed?

At this moment, it is clearly noon, but SH City is gloomy, with thunderclouds billowing and lightning flashing across the sky, the scene is very haunting, like the end of the world.

But at this time, an even more astonishing scene appeared on the Bund of SH City...

The Bund was originally the busiest and busiest area in SH, and it could be said to be the focus of the world, but at this moment, everyone raised their heads, their faces were full of astonishment, and they looked into the air in shock.

Under the thundercloud, a huge body appeared there. Occasionally, thunder flashed, allowing everyone to see the scales exuding a cold luster, and the pair of big eyes like lanterns.

"what is that?!"

Many timid people sat on the ground with limp legs, their faces full of horror.

Chinese people love dragons and regard dragons as their totems and their symbols. However, when a dragon really appears in front of the public, they will not worship it, but will fear it!

And some bold ones took out their mobile phones and various devices to take pictures of this amazing scene.

After this video was broadcast live on the Internet, the number of clicks skyrocketed rapidly, and in an instant, it became the headlines of the major news, and all the attention was focused on it.


"What kind of movie is this making? I must watch it..."

"I'm going, this special effect is simply amazing, comparable to Hollywood!"

Under the video, there are basically similar comments, but no one thinks that this is real and what is happening.

And the scene that appeared next was the real one, which people all over the world would never forget!


Following a flash of lightning, everyone saw a flash of red light, and a figure appeared in front of the huge creature.

A pair of large red wings, like flames burning, fluttered slightly, and the surrounding thunder and rain did not touch his body. He, like a god, was suspended in mid-air, standing in front of the huge creature.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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