

On this day, it unexpectedly appeared in the sea of ​​the Bund of SH City.

The dragon has a great impact on people. Its boundless majesty and shiny metallic scales make people dare not even breathe loudly.

And the person floating in front of the dragon made people tremble.

No one can see the person's front clearly, but the pair of big wings behind him, like two groups of flames burning, under the black thundercloud, give people a strong visual impact, really like the legendary Gods in general.

"Oh Maika, is that an angel?"

Some foreigners exclaimed, and many of them knelt on the ground with crosses drawn on their chests.

They watched, feeling shocked at most, but Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei, who were in the apartment at this time, watched the scene in the computer video, and the two were speechless for a long time.

The two of them saw with their own eyes that a pair of fire wings suddenly grew behind Feng Hao, and then flew into the sky.

Although they couldn't see the front, those pair of fire wings could prove that the one standing in front of that huge creature was undoubtedly Feng Hao!

"This guy……"

Zhang Yi stared blankly at the computer screen, opened and closed his mouth, feeling a lot of emotion, but finally couldn't say anything.

At the same time, she thought more.

Be sure to tie this guy to your side, no matter what method you use!

Obviously, judging from the current situation, this guy who came out of the ravine is not only strong, he is already a fantasy superhero type!

Didn't he want to be his agent himself?

then do it!

Zhang Yi even felt that if the matter in front of him could be used well, it would directly make Feng Hao a star figure attracting the world's attention!

No wonder, this guy never thinks about the consequences, even beating Yun Liao violently.

Zhang Yi felt that he had been unlucky for so long, and finally, he was lucky to have picked up such a treasure!

As for Xiaolei, she didn't think so superficially.

She is in a special department, so she has more contact with things than Zhang Yi, and she has a wider knowledge.

For example, the point that has always been the most controversial in the world... Did humans really evolve from apes? !

If apes can really evolve into humans, why, since the emergence of human civilization, there has been no record of apes evolving into humans.

If the theory of evolution is not established, where did man come from?

Ancient legends, ancient biography, are those fictional or real?

The mysteries of the world, the pyramids, Bermuda, Tianchi ghosts...

Why is it that human civilization is only thousands of years old, but there are many ancient cities that are tens of thousands of years old? How many secrets are hidden in them that are unknown to the world...

In this world, everything pays attention to science, but why are there many things that science cannot explain? Why do famous scientists still believe in God, why do people who come back after landing on the moon choose to believe in religion...

These, through some contact, Xiaolei knows a little bit.

However, even if she had some knowledge, she was dumbfounded by the scene in front of her.


In Chinese legends, the supreme creature!

It actually appeared!

What this represents, she doesn't know, but there is no doubt about the power of the dragon, otherwise, it may definitely become the totem of China.

"Who the hell is he?"

She found that Feng Hao became more and more mysterious, and his abilities became more and more terrifying.

"Little Black..."

Looking at the black dragon in front of him, after Feng Hao's eyes fell on the top of its head, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Little Qiuqiu, why are you here?"

This guy is the king of troublemakers!

In a place that no one can see, above the head of the black dragon, a creature that looks like a cat or a dog is lazily lying there. Originally, it was complaining to the black dragon, but seeing Feng Hao appearing in front of him After that, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Hey, I'll come and play with you.


Obviously, the two of them secretly followed after Feng Hao opened the teleportation array.

"Could it be that the teleportation array is not closed?"

Feng Hao was a little puzzled.

But after understanding, he found out that the moment the teleportation array was closed, Xiao Qiuqiu instructed the little black dragon to bring it over.

In other words, it was only half a minute later than Feng Hao at most.

However, in just half a minute, Feng Hao has been living here for more than a month? !


What the hell is this place? !

Rao Fenghao is the supreme god of one side, and he has also developed a strong interest in this place.

"Go, talk somewhere else!"

Glancing at the situation below, Feng Hao frowned, stepped forward, and stood on top of Xiao Hei's head.


With a roar, the little black dragon soared into the sky, soared upwards, and disappeared in an instant.

However, the last scene left an extremely deep impression on people all over the world...

Coming with wings, leaving with a dragon, a god-like figure!

At the same time, some mysterious departments in countries all over the world have become a mess.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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