No one knew what the terrifying creature was, and even the images captured by satellites were blurry. 『(VIII) Chinese Ω『ΔNet』⒈

It seemed that around the mysterious creature and the person who appeared behind, there was a special magnetic field interfering with satellite signals, so even the pictures taken by some mobile phones were much clearer than those taken by satellites.

However, due to the environment at that time when shooting with mobile phones and other equipment, the creature and the person could not see the true face either.

What the hell is that.

Not only ordinary people, but also special departments all over the world are asking.

Huaxia, in a courtyard...

A few old men carrying general stars and a few people in Chinese tunic suits walked in quickly from the outside.

When they arrived, they looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then entered a courtyard together.

In this courtyard, there is a pool with a pavilion in the pool, lotus in the water, fish under the lotus, the water is clear to the bottom, and interlaced aquatic plants can be seen.

Standing in the pavilion was an old man in ordinary clothes. The fishing rod was placed aside. The old man looked at the sky, his pupils flickering, and there was no expression on his face.

After these people arrived, they stood quietly behind the old man and did not make a sound to disturb him.

"Odd, so odd..."

After a long time, the old man looked away and murmured softly.

"Old Hong, but what did you see?"

An old man with a general star on his shoulder asked eagerly.

From words and actions, it can be seen that even high-ranking people like them have great respect for this old man in common clothes.

Without looking back, the old man picked up his fishing rod, put on the bait, and started fishing.

However, the old man was not as calm as they seemed, and there was a glint of light in his ancient and calm eyes, obviously he was also thinking.

"Old Hong, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

The man in the Chinese tunic suit spoke. Obviously he is a person in a temple, and he is naturally concerned about people's livelihood.

"If something bad happens, who do you think can stop it?!"

The old man glanced at him lightly.


Everyone nodded.

Although none of them were present at the scene in person, from the video, it can be seen that the creature and the person who finally escaped from the dragon were not what they could have imagined.

Otherwise, they wouldn't come together to disturb the old man's Qingxiu.

"I know what's on your mind."

The old man stared at his fishing rod, but snorted softly, "I advise you to put away your little thoughts, that kind of character is not something you can control!"

"Old Hong taught me that."

Everyone looked a little embarrassed.

Indeed, they were thinking, if Huaxia had that kind of strange person to help, who else could resist?

However, they overlooked one point, that kind of person can really be driven by them?

If it offends others, it is obvious who will suffer.

"Then Hong Lao thinks, how to deal with it?"

one of them asked.

The old man closed his eyes and thought.

After a long time, he said, "You can try your best to see if you can find any clues, but even if you find that person, don't act rashly, and don't disturb him!"

What the old man said first sounded the alarm in their hearts.

Strange people and strangers all have their own tempers, and if they meet someone with a bad temper, it is easy to cause bad things.


The old man hesitated a little, but still said, "If you can form a good relationship with him, then you must do your best!"

Do your best.

The four words were spoken from the old man's mouth, and they already understood what they were going to do.

A group of people let out a long breath after they walked out of the old man's courtyard.

"Oh, I thought it was a good thing, but who knows, there is another hard job on my hands."

The old man in the Chinese tunic suit that Xiaolei called long sighed, saying that his life was suffering.

No way, who told him that the department he was in charge of was in charge of such strange people?

"You old thing,

Leisurely and carefree, but also said that he is suffering, or, let's change? "

Standing beside him was an old man who was also wearing a Chinese tunic suit and gave him a bad breath.

"Hey, forget it then."

The old man smiled.

"By the way, Lao Peng, you sent my granddaughter Lei Lei out on some dangerous mission, right?"

An old man with a general star on his shoulder came out and asked him with a frown.

In other words, it seems that the city where my granddaughter happened to be going is the city of SH, and I don't know if something will happen.

"What asked me to send out, she asked to go out by herself."

Lao Peng rolled his eyes, but after the old man reminded him, he suddenly remembered something.

Sombra's IP address is the same as Xiaolei's, and he doesn't know how Xiaolei confirmed it yet.

"I still have things to do, goodbye, old immortals!"

Thinking, he left in a hurry.

sh city.

Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei's gazes were not on Feng Hao, but on the one white and one black who were following Feng Hao.

The white creature, like a cat but also like a dog, is fluffy and clean, with bright eyes, very cute. If it wasn't for the video, the two women would have rushed to hug it.

And that black creature, although it looks like a dog, has no hair, is naked, and also has a haughty look that should not be approached by strangers. It is very weird, and the two girls don't like it.

As for Xiao Qiuqiu, after seeing Xiaolei, she jumped into her embrace, but afterward, there was a hint of doubt in its eyes.

Obviously, it mistook Xiaolei for Qiong Ling'er.

However, although the two women are very similar, their auras are different.

And Xiaolei was naturally taken aback by its behavior, but she still hugged it and rubbed its furry body, liking it very much.

As for Xiao Qiuqiu, he didn't care about anything else, squinted his eyes, and lay down on her soft chest enjoying himself.

"so cute!"

Zhang Yi didn't ask Feng Hao about those things, but came over, and the two girls teased the little ball to their heart's content, and even brought a lot of food to feed it.

In this world, there are probably no other advantages, but in terms of diet and food, it is much better than Tianwu Continent.

After all, Tianwu Continent is a major in martial arts, and everyone's thoughts are on martial arts. Who would spend that time studying diet issues?

"By the way, Feng Hao, is that you?"

After seeing Feng Hao walking towards the sand, Zhang Yicai pointed to the screen on the computer screen and asked Feng Hao.


Feng Hao threw a grape into his mouth and nodded casually.

He was used to being high and high, so he didn't take this matter to heart, and he never thought of hiding it from the two women.

After all, it is people who live together.


Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei looked at him speechlessly.

They thought that Feng Hao would find all kinds of excuses to prevaricate them, and refused to admit it, but they never expected that this guy did not play cards according to common sense, and even admitted it directly! ! !

Xiaolei even felt that if she asked this guy if he was a black shadow, he would admit it.

For a moment, the two women didn't know what to say.

Then, they looked at Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei again, and the eyes were different, especially when they looked at Xiao Hei.

Don't look at it as docile as a dog behind Feng Hao, but as a real dragon, when it treats people other than Feng Hao, it still reveals its arrogance as a dragon.

"Could it be..."

Looking at its shiny and hairless body, the two women looked at each other and couldn't help but take a breath.

Could this little black dog be the black dragon in the video? !

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