Soon, Zhang Yi and Liu Xiaofei reached an agreement unilaterally, without even considering the feelings of our Supreme God.

"I'm almost finished writing the script. I will write about the battle with Chiyou in the ancient emperor's time. The emperor drove a dragon to kill Chiyou, the great demon king..."

Zhang Yi and Liu Xiaofei were talking about their script.

The battle between the emperor and Chi You is the beginning of Chinese myths and legends. If it can be made into a movie, it will definitely be sought after by everyone in China.

While they were chatting, Feng Hao went to the sofa and played with his computer like an otaku.

While talking with Zhang Yi, Liu Xiaofei also paid attention to him.

She was very curious about who Feng Hao was, and why Yun Liao, the crown prince of SH, was so afraid of him. From the current point of view, there seemed to be nothing special about this guy.

However, it seems that he was the person on the sideshow of the movie just now.

It seems to be very temperamental.

However, that kind of temperament has been completely ruined by the current image of an otaku.


After talking about the Great Demon King Chiyou, Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

After all, she doesn't have the kind of real and immersive special effects production technology, so what should Chi You do?

If it's just a simple emperor driving a dragon, but Chi You is a special effect of fifty cents, then it would be too much of a failure.

"Feng Hao, do you have a friend or something to play the role of Chi You?"

She asked Feng Hao.

"Chi You?"

Feng Hao glanced at her, and then some information about Chi You appeared in his mind, and his eyes fell directly on Xiao Qiuqiu.

"Don't think about the deity, the deity will not do that kind of thing!"

Xiao Qiuqiu, who was lying comfortably in Xiaolei's arms, just saw Feng Hao's gaze, and knew what he was going to do, and immediately rolled his eyes at him.


The sudden sound made Liu Xiaofei, who was reading the script, suddenly raised her head to look over, and then her mouth became an 'O' shape.

That pet, which looked like a cat and a dog, actually spoke? !

She rubbed her eyes vigorously, but when she saw the pet smiling at her in a humane way, she immediately became petrified.

Then, she was looking at Zhang Yi and Xiaolei... she was surprised to find that the two of them didn't seem surprised.

"It... what breed is it?"

After a while, Liu Xiaofei asked Zhang Yi in a low voice.

"This deity is not a pet, this deity is a beast god, hum!"

However, no matter how small the sound was, it still couldn't escape Xiao Qiuqiu's ears. It hummed a few times to express some dissatisfaction.

"Did you really talk?!"

Liu Xiaofei stared her big watery eyes round in shock, her stunned look was somewhat cute.

However, our Lord Beast God just gave her a rare and strange look.


Zhang Yi coughed a few times, and then said to Feng Hao, "It...doesn't seem right."

Chi You, the biggest demon king in Chinese legends, is ferocious and tyrannical. Little Qiuqiu has nothing to do with these things.

Of course, the most important thing is that they haven't seen Xiao Qiuqiu's true colors, otherwise, they definitely wouldn't be able to play happily together.

"It fits."

Feng Hao didn't even raise his head, and replied lightly.

"What exactly is going on?"

After a long time, Liu Xiaofei woke up from the shock, her face full of confusion.

"Well, this..."

Zhang Yi glanced at Fenghao, and found that he didn't seem to want to hide anything. Finally, after she had someone to confide in, she spoke out everything with eloquence.

"Ah, much more comfortable."

After knowing this kind of thing, there is no place to confide, which is a very painful thing for a chatterbox.

However, she was comfortable, but Liu Xiaofei fell into constant shock.

Those tidbits turned out to be real shots...

"The black dragon?"

When Liu Xiaofei looked at Zhang Yi,

Zhang Yi pouted at Xiao Hei who was lying at Feng Hao's feet.


Liu Xiaofei had been missing for three full days, and her team, her manager, had already gone crazy.

However, if this kind of thing gets out, it will be very unfavorable to Liu Xiaofei. Although she has called the police, she didn't make a big fuss.

However, on the fourth day, Liu Xiaofei came back by herself, holding a white, fluffy pet.

"Feifei, where have you been the past few days? Why don't you take your phone or give me a call..."

Manager Sister Peng rushed over in a hurry.

"No, it's just that a friend picked me up and talked about something."

Seeing her haggard face and big dark circles under her eyes, Liu Xiaofei stuck out her tongue guiltily.

"No matter how important things are, you have to tell me."

Although Sister Peng complained, she was relieved to see that she came back unscathed, and at the same time told the security personnel, "Call Director An and say that Feifei has come back. These days, I have troubled him... ..."

"What do you mean?"

Looking at the contract that Liu Xiaofei handed over, Sister Peng was a little confused.

"Sister Peng, you'll know when you look at it."

Liu Xiaofei took her hand and acted like a baby.

"It's not a contract of sale, is it?"

Sister Peng said half-jokingly, picked up the contract and looked at it, "Feifei, why are you picking up movies indiscriminately? Don't you know that you have already filled up the movies in the past few years? Moreover, the only one thousand Ten thousand?"

"No, this contract cannot be signed."

After reading it, Sister Peng rubbed her temples with a headache.

With this salary, not to mention that the schedule is full, even if there is a vacancy, I will definitely not accept it.

"Sister Peng, don't be in a hurry, you can check the movie highlights in your mailbox first."

Liu Xiaofei was not surprised by her attitude, but Liu Xiaofei felt that even if there was no salary, she would still accept the film.

Everything she saw in the past few days has completely overturned her cognition.

Even if she said it now, no one would believe it.

"You even filmed sideshows with them?!"

Sister Peng was speechless, but as the tidbits progressed, her voice stopped abruptly, and then there was an unbelievable shock from her eyes.

If you want to ask what is the hottest thing on the Internet now, it is undoubtedly a tidbit of a movie...

A god-like man rides a dragon and soars up to the nine heavens. The woman beside him is like a fairy descending from the earth, her beauty is breathtaking.

However, just as everyone focused their eyes on the pair of gods and couples, the scene changed, and a fierce beast appeared.

It has a dragon head, a tiger body, four legs like a unicorn, and two horns on its head. It is extremely ferocious, and it looks like a majestic aura without anger. Its body is strong and powerful, hundreds of meters long, and it is extremely huge.

It stood there like that, and a power burst out invisibly, sweeping in all directions, the surrounding ground collapsed, and the real space vibrated continuously, giving people a feeling that it could trample through the ground and pierce the ground with just a lift of its hands and feet. The visual impact of the day.

And the final scene of this tidbit is fixed on the game between the immortal couple and the beast.

The picture in just a few minutes not only caused a sensation in China, but also the eyes of the whole world.

The reason is that the picture is too real!

Many Hollywood special effects artists came out to speak, expressing their desire to learn from the special effects artists who made this tidbit.

These remarks fueled the flames even more, making this movie called "The War of the Ancient Gods" quickly dominate the headlines all over the world.

Of course, some people may not understand, how can this team of special effects artists have such a big influence?

However, what they don't know is, why are stars all over the world proud of appearing in Hollywood? In particular, some stars in Huaxia Kingdom sharpened their heads and drilled into it.

All of this is based on Hollywood special effects!

But now, the appearance of the Ancient God War has broken the status quo.

Many Chinese stars, big names, all asked Liu Xiaofei's agency about this situation.

Because they couldn't even find the contact information of the company that cooperated with Liu Xiaofei.

So, these days, Liu Xiaofei's manager, Sister Peng, is being chased by these celebrities.

She really didn't know how to answer.

Because, she really didn't know the situation of the company named 'Tianwu'.

However, these people did not believe what she said at all. If you didn't know each other well, would you sign with him?


"Thank you for taking me back."

After coming out of Feng Hao's arms, Liu Xiaofei lowered her head and said.

"Hehe, it should be."

Although Feng Hao withdrew his palms around her slender waist, he still missed that soft feeling very much.

Although he was with Liu Xiaofei these days, it still gave him a feeling of getting along happily. Several times, because of the close relationship, he couldn't control some of his thoughts.

Because it's summer, Liu Xiaofei's dress is very cool, her high and tight chest is like a raging mountain, her thin waist is full of vitality like a water snake, her round buttocks are wrapped in an ultra-short shredded skirt, and she looks like a pair of white jade. The round and delicate thighs are slender and straight, without any gaps, full of a beautiful youthful atmosphere.

Her porcelain-smooth cheeks lowered slightly, unable to hide the tension and excitement in her heart, and of course, there was also a trace of shyness.

At this moment, being watched by Feng Hao, the tip of her nose was covered with fine sweat, her beautiful cheeks were a little flushed, her breasts were rising and falling, her clothes were stretched tightly, and there was a feeling that they might split at any time. I kept holding it tightly, not knowing where to put it.

Looking at her cute appearance, Feng Hao couldn't help stretching out his hand, lifted her chin slightly, looked at the beautiful face in front of him, leaned forward slightly, and wanted to hold the two petals he was thinking about. Twilight's lips.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of keys opening the door, which directly startled Liu Xiaofei, who was a little confused.

"someone is coming?!"

Liu Xiaofei seemed a little flustered, as if she was caught and raped on the bed, she lost her sense of proportion, and pushed Feng Hao to the bed not far away, "Quick, hide."


Feng Hao doesn't understand if he wants to hide in her bed?

He is a majestic supreme god, but now, he was forced to hide in bed by a mortal? !

Before he could react from this contrast, Liu Xiaofei also got up, and then directly covered Feng Hao with the quilt.

Immediately, a refreshing virgin fragrance entered Feng Hao's nostrils.

Her exquisite and delicate body is lying on the side, a pair of beautiful long legs are casually placed in front of her eyes, her skin is as smooth as without pores, which makes people feel blood rushing.

Such a picture is too exciting and tempting.

Feng Hao also had some instinctive reactions that could not be suppressed.

But at this time, the door had been opened, and the sound of footsteps entered the living room. Liu Xiaofei seemed even more nervous, and couldn't help shrinking back, just leaning against Feng Hao, and suddenly, she felt something pressing against her. on his buttocks.

She was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

Suddenly his face flushed red.

"Feifei, are you asleep?"

It was the voice of her manager, Sister Peng. No wonder, she was able to enter her room.

"I... I'm going to sleep..."

Liu Xiaofei tried her best to answer with a normal voice, but the abnormality in her sensitive area made her very uncomfortable, and she couldn't help moving, which made Feng Hao couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning, and almost couldn't help it. This little girl must be executed on the spot.

Liu Xiaofei, who had never had intimate contact with any man since she was a child, now, under such a strong stimulation, her delicate body gradually became hot, and she even had some embarrassing reactions.

Her cheeks were even more flushed, as if she had a high fever, and her eyes were full of water, like a pool of spring water.

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