Liu Xiaofei's face flushed red.

Almost cried out.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Feng Hao wrapped one arm around her waist, and covered her mouth with the other to stop her from making a sound.

However, this brought the two of them closer together, and the stimulation they caused each other undoubtedly became stronger.


Liu Xiaofei struggled a few times, her body was like soft cotton, and under the friction of her hot and elastic buttocks, Feng Hao felt the evil fire bursting out, and he almost couldn't control it.

After all, he is a man with normal physical needs, and he is full of vigor, how can he resist such a temptation.

And during this time, sister Peng had already walked in.

"Feifei, why is the light in your room so dim, do you want to..."

"Ah, no."

When Sister Peng was about to turn on the light, Liu Xiaofei called out in a hurry. After Sister Peng looked at the bed in astonishment, she squeaked and explained, "Well, I'm going to sleep. If it's too bright, I'll sleep." no."


Sister Peng didn't doubt her, but she sat on the sofa not far away and rubbed her aching temple, "Feifei, I can't hold it anymore, why haven't they issued a statement?"

Speaking of which, Sister Peng met Zhao Yi only once. To be honest, Zhao Yi gave her a feeling that she was too young, whether it was in negotiation or communication, she was not sophisticated enough.

"I... I don't know."

Liu Xiaofei answered very irresponsibly, but her delicate body became hot because of being hugged by Feng Hao all the time, her slender and round legs twisted uneasily, and the abnormal situation between her legs made her very uncomfortable.


Feng Hao took a breath of cool air, and with his concentration, the symbol of masculinity, he raised his head arrogantly and reached a certain wet place.

This little girl's unconscious movements almost melted the will of the Supreme God.

"Don't move!"

Feng Hao bit her crystal ear flaps, warning softly.

He was really afraid that he would not be able to bear it and eat this little elf.

Moreover, even if you want to eat it, you can't do it at this time.


Suddenly something hot came between her legs, Liu Xiaofei's delicate body trembled, and her whole body became limp.

So embarrassing.

Although Sister Peng couldn't see what happened inside the quilt, the sense of shame of being watched still lingered.

"Feifei, are you okay?"

Seeing her writhing all the time, Sister Peng thought she was sick and caught a cold, so she asked concerned.

"I, I'm fine."

Seeing that Sister Peng showed signs of getting up, Liu Xiaofei quickly said, "Sister Peng, can I talk about other things tomorrow, I want to sleep, I've been tired all day..."

"That's it...then you go to sleep."

Sister Peng saw that she couldn't even open her eyes, so she stood up and said as she left, "However, you should inform the other side earlier, let's hold a formal press conference together."

"Well, I will talk to Zhao Yi tomorrow."

Seeing her go out, Liu Xiaofei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

However, her whole body is like a cat, lazily leaning against Feng Hao's arms.

In his arms, Liu Xiaofei felt warm and comfortable, even a little attached.

Suddenly, her pretty face turned red again.

"How long are you going to hold me?"

Liu Xiaofei couldn't help but coquettishly said.

This guy is so hateful, he took advantage of himself just now.

In particular, it was the fiery heat on her delicate body... It made her feel so ashamed.

She has a clean body, so she can't let this guy get his feet wet!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's urgent, I have to..."

Feng Hao reluctantly left her big bed, and he couldn't put it down because of her cotton-like delicate body.

However, he also knew that the behavior just now was indeed a little too much.

Liu Xiaofei just raised her head, and saw the tall tent under the opponent's crotch,

His cheeks were hot, and he snorted softly, "Is this also a last resort?"


Feng Hao pinched his legs in embarrassment, his old face turned red.

"It can't be my fault..."

He muttered softly.

"What did you say?"

Liu Xiaofei raised her head, supported half of her delicate body, and glared at him.

This guy is so good at getting cheap!

However, she didn't realize that half of her snow-white breasts ran out playfully, breathing fresh air.

"No, nothing..."

Feng Hao just glanced at it, but didn't dare to read any further.

He, the majestic supreme god, was forced into such a predicament by a little girl.

Can't stop here.

"Then I'll go first, see you tomorrow..."

Liu Xiaofei looked at the back of Feng Hao fleeing in embarrassment, and suddenly felt funny again, there was a shyness on her small face that she didn't realize, she was really like a spoiled little wife.

A cold wind blows.

The coolness on her chest finally made Liu Xiaofei aware of something strange.

Immediately there was a soft cry, and the whole person retracted into the bed, covering even his head.

There is still a masculine breath in the bed.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaofei's eyes were blurred, and she couldn't help leaning her head on the place where Feng Hao had been lying just now, as if she was still leaning on his chest.

She didn't know him for a long time, but he was like a mystery, which was impossible to see through and figure out.

However, he gave Liu Xiaofei a sense of security that she had never had before. A woman's intuition told her that this man was worth relying on and trustworthy.

This feeling is like the previous life, the two are husband and wife.

Otherwise, how could Liu Xiaofei be so close to him, and even the absurd thing happened just now.

"You...are you really arranged by God to protect me?"

Liu Xiaofei poked her head out, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and muttered in a low voice.

It wasn't until she fell into a deep sleep that Feng Hao, who was leaning against the window, left quietly.


Feng Hao fell directly from the window into the living room of the villa, but saw the scene that made him spurt blood.

Two beauties in pajamas were rolling together on the sofa. During the fight, their clothes were messy, their sleek thighs and fragrant shoulders were all exposed, and they even attacked each other's secret and sensitive places.

"It's disgusting, how come yours is so much bigger than mine."

Zhang Yi vigorously rubbed Xiaolei's nearly 36D breasts, and said enviously.

"You little girl..."

The chest was suddenly attacked, Xiaolei's pretty face blushed slightly, and she tried to fight back.

Then, just as they were playing and getting carried away, Feng Hao fell down.

Zhang Yi, "..."

Xiaolei, "..."

Feng Hao, "..."

Three people, just like this, you look at me, and I look at you, falling into a strange and quiet situation.


It was Xiaolei who was the first to react. With a shy cry, she grabbed a bath towel and covered some important parts, but the slender thighs and smooth abdomen were still exposed... That picture was even more seductive.

Zhang Yi tugged at the bath towel but didn't snatch it over. He tidied up the stolen red bra in a panic. His pretty face blushed and he gave Feng Hao a look.

"Huh? Oh, oh..."

Feng Hao seemed to have just reacted, and immediately looked away.


He took a few deep breaths, suppressing the tumbling evil fire.

It's so terrible.

He had just been stimulated by Liu Xiaofei, and when he came back, it was such a voluptuous scene... How could he bear it? !

He is also a normal man!

However, even if he was aroused by the evil fire, he still has no solution...

Poor Supreme God, who had countless wives, but none of them were by his side.

What else can I do, I can only take a cold shower.

After Feng Hao took a shower, Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei had already tidied up, but the blush on Xiao Lei's pretty face hadn't subsided yet.

She was born in a compound, and all the elders in the family had rigid concepts, so her thinking was also very conservative.

Now, she was actually seen by a man, which made her a little bit at a loss as to how to deal with herself.

"Smelly rascal, tell me, how much have you seen?"

Zhang Yi is not like her, he stepped forward, touched his feet, and grabbed Feng Hao's ear and asked.

"I didn't see it. Besides, I really didn't mean it...Grandma, please be gentle, lighten up, your ears are going to fall off..."

Feng Hao groaned, exaggeratedly crying out in pain.

Looking at the slapstick scene, Xiaolei felt a little envious.

Out of the corner of her eye, she secretly glanced at Feng Hao who was pretending to be pitiful and begging for mercy, Xiaolei's eyes became a little blurred.

Although this man is not very handsome, his face with sharp water chestnut angles looks extraordinarily attractive. Rain's big brother.

The muscles on his body are not as good-looking as those bodybuilding coaches, but there is no trace of fat, and he looks very coordinated.

Before she knew it, Xiaolei was fascinated by it.

"Hey, wake up."

After Zhang Yi gave Feng Hao a lesson, he turned around and found that his best friend looked like a nympho, walked over and gently pushed her.

For some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable.

It if...something important was being watched.


When Xiaolei woke up, looking at Feng Hao's pleasant eyes, her neck turned red immediately, and she wished she could dig a hole to get in.

What a shame!


Feng Hao collapsed on the sofa, looking at the two girls playing, the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

What a wonderful world.

The people here, even the most ordinary ones, live in peace and stability, there is no need to worry about it, everyone has their own happiness.

How great would it be if Tianwu Continent became like this?

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rings.

Feng Hao took out his mobile phone and turned it on, and found that it was Mr. Peng's call, his eyes lit up immediately.

"I found one of those you describe..."

As soon as the phone was connected, Old Peng's voice came from the other end.

Hearing that tone, it turned out to be a bit of an invitation for credit.


Feng Hao couldn't help being a little excited.

Are there really the same people in this world?

"In AH City, that woman's name is Xia Shilan..."

When Mr. Peng on the other side of the phone said this, his tone paused, but he continued, "However, she seems to have encountered some troubles at the moment. Do you want me to help you deal with it?"


Feng Hao narrowed his eyes, a flash of cold electricity flashed, and said lightly, "No, I will handle it myself."

"Just send me her address and family information."

"Well... that's it."

"I will remember this favor."

After finishing speaking, Feng Hao hung up the phone.

"What a weirdo..."

After Mr. Peng put down the phone, he couldn't figure it out, pondered for a while, seemed to have thought of something, and then hurried out, "It seems that we need to make arrangements first, that guy will make a big fuss..."

Here, Feng Hao opened the mailbox.

What catches the eye is a photo.

In the photo, there is a woman in her twenties, beside her, she is also holding a little girl.

This photo was obviously taken not long ago.

"Qing Lan, Meng'er?!"

Looking at the person in the photo, Feng Hao's eyes revealed an incredible look.

Because, the photo turned out to be Qing Lan and Meng'er mother and daughter!

Is this also a coincidence?

However, after he continued to look at it, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Xia Shilan, the daughter of Xia Jianghe, the chairman of Quanxia Group in AH City.

Xia Jianghe started from scratch, dared to work hard, and created the Quanxia Group, which is now worth billions.

In his early sixties, he has only one daughter, Xia Shilan.

His wife, who had been with him when he was poor, left him ten years ago. He did not remarry, but devoted himself to taking care of his daughter.

He is a very affectionate person, and he takes care of all the relatives in the family.

One person attains enlightenment, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

When Xia Jianghe was here, all the relatives in the family were quite peaceful.

However, last month, bad news came that Xia Jianghe fell ill due to overwork, and there was no hope of recovery...

Now, his relatives started to move.

Xia Shilan.

He is the only legal heir of Quanxia Group.

It can also be said that as long as you get Xia Shilan, you can get Quanxia Group.

[Everyone pay attention to Xiami's WeChat official account, zhishixiaoxiami, just the pinyin of Xiao Xiami, the more people follow, the faster the update. 】

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