Xia Shilan is in a bad mood recently.

Even a daughter who is only five or six years old can tell that her mother is not happy.

But couldn't they see the relatives in that room now?

"Lan Lan, is there something wrong with you?"

One of her aunts took her hand and asked her how she was.

"I'm fine..."

Xia Shilan smiled forcedly, her face haggard.

Since her father was hospitalized, her relatives have never stopped.

The men were busy poaching the corners of the company, one by one scrambling fiercely, and even inside the company, they fought several times, causing a commotion.

The woman is the aunt of this house.

It seems that they are more warm-hearted than anyone else, but Xia Shilan is very clear about what they are thinking.

However, she was helpless...

These people, even if she tries to drive them away, they will not leave.

Even, they came here one by one with their clothes, and lived there as if this was their own home.

After more than a month, Xia Shilan didn't know how she got here.

Even if it was the water handed over by these aunts, she dared not drink it.

Let go of this kind of thing, they will definitely do it.

It has to be said that this is really a great tragedy.

Originally, her relatives were all poor people. Only her father, who had great luck, boldness, and boldness, quickly made a fortune. That's why the Quanxia Group is now at its peak.

To start from scratch and become a top ten large group in the provincial capital is almost a miracle.

Soon, there was the first relative who came to join her father.

Her father couldn't bear the poverty of his relatives, so with a wave of his hand, he gave away the luxury car and villa directly.

With the first, of course there will be the second, and then the third...


Even the next-door neighbors who had a little relationship ran over.

Xia Jianghe's temper is like that, he is very soft-hearted, and he is an old friend, relatives, and people who come here are treated well, and he also arranges good jobs for some relatives' children and so on.

It would have been his doing a good deed.

When he tasted this sweetness for the first time, his relatives and old friends were also grateful to him, and they all screamed, wanting to be a cow or a horse for him.

However, things slowly changed.

Because, the human heart can never be satisfied!

Gradually, Xia Jianghe's kindness to them, in their view, became a matter of course, and even...they still felt that Xia Jianghe was too petty!

What's more, they felt that Xia Jianghe's actions must be for their own sake. Perhaps, Xia Jianghe just wanted to establish his own image.

Gradually, gratitude changed, and they even started to hate Xia Jianghe.

They felt that Xia Jianghe, who was originally the same as themselves, or even inferior to them, could run the Quanxia Group, so why couldn't they?

Then, they began to slowly tell Xia Jianghe that if they wanted to join the Quanxia Group, could they arrange something for them.

They are workers or farmers who have never read any books. They don't even know about management and finance, and they don't even know anything about the stock market. Why do they want to join the company?

However, Xia Jianghe didn't think much about it. He thought that they had benefited too much from him, that they had a disturbed conscience and wanted to help him, so he gave some of them some idle jobs.

That is to say, the kind of position where you don't have to do anything, just eat and wait to die.

However, these relatives of his are not like him, all of them are arrogant and domineering, and they are still forming cliques within the group for personal gain.

It is because of Xia Jianghe's indulgence to them step by step that today's scene came about.

As soon as he fell down, the whole Xia Group was in a state of turmoil. The reason, of course, was those moths in the Quan Xia Group.

They have no fart skills, and they are very good at fighting for power and profit.

What's worse is that some people feel that they have no way to seize power, so they just want to earn a little bit...

He also cheated his daughter with strength.

Because, if Xia Jianghe falls, Xia Shilan will definitely be the only legal heir.

These aunts in Xia's villa racked their brains one by one, trying to get Xia Shilan on the bed of their son or even grandson.

Then, there were poor second generations who thought they were romantic and chic, came to the villa one by one, and showed their courtesy one by one...

"Mengmeng, go get mom a bottle of water."

Xia Shilan said to Xia Mengmeng who was not far away, who was pouting.

Of course, this daughter was not her own, but adopted by her, so naturally her surname was Xia.

However, she has always treated Xia Mengmeng as her own daughter.


Xia Mengmeng replied feebly, then dragged herself and walked towards the water dispenser.

However, neither of them saw that the little aunt who had been holding Xia Shilan's hand all the time had her eyes lit up, and there was a look that no one noticed.

Xia Shilan took the water from Mengmeng, took a sip, and put the cup aside...

For some reason, she suddenly felt very tired, and her eyelids kept fighting.

"Lan Lan is tired, come on, I'll take you up to lie down..."

The little aunt stood up, took the sleepy Xia Shilan by her arm, and walked upstairs.

At this time, although there were a few aunts and six wives whispering not far away, seeing that Xia Shilan didn't respond, they didn't care.

No one saw that after going upstairs, the little aunt led the dazed Xia Shilan towards her room.

Feng Hao is on his way to AH.

Of course, on the way, he was not idle either, he took out his IPAD and began to look up all the things related to Quanxia Group.

With his skills, everything in the Quanxia Group will not be kept secret in front of him.

He likes this world more and more, because people in this world are very dependent on the Internet. On the Internet, no one has secrets.

And Fenghao is the god of the Internet!

Even the affairs and relationships of Xia Jianghe's relatives and friends are all clear.

Of course, Fenghao is most concerned about Qingwu.

That is Xia Shilan.

He really wanted to see how many people were planning on Xia Shilan.

Of course, he directly filtered out some irrelevant and irrelevant characters, and directly locked on one of them...

Yan Hannan!

His father is the mayor of AH City, and his mother is the daughter of a certain leader. She can be called the prince of AH, and it is not an exaggeration to overshadow the sky with one hand.

Speaking of which, Xia Jianghe's illness seems to be inextricably linked to him.

Moreover, Yan Hannan colluded internally and externally with a relative of Xia Jianghe.

"No, he wants to attack Qingwu!"

Just after seeing a text message, Feng Hao's eyes immediately turned red.

People are fascinated!

Sitting in the car, Feng Hao radiated a terrifying evil spirit from his whole body.

When he wanted to hurry, the car stopped.

"Excuse me, is this Chief Feng?"

It was a tenor full of spirit, through the car window, Feng Hao saw the major general medal on his shoulder.

"What's up?"

Feng Hao's tone was a little cold.

"Old Peng told me to pick you up here."

The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback by his indifferent attitude, and then he answered sternly.

Every move shows the demeanor of a soldier.

"Oh, get in the car."

Feng Hao responded lightly.

At the same time, he was also aware of Old Peng's intentions.

Want to make a fuss, Mr. Peng actually knows about AH's affairs, so he also knows what he will do, probably because he is afraid that AH will be turned upside down by him and it will be out of control, so he sent a major general over.

It is estimated that this middle-aged man's status in the army must not be low.

"Don't worry, chief, I've already arranged someone to protect Miss Xia, and I promise she won't be hurt!"

After getting into the car, the middle-aged man couldn't help but speak when he saw his fierce face.

"I hope so!"

Feng Hao doesn't mind making a scene.

But at this time, the Xia family villa was a bit lively.

After Xia Shilan passed out, about an hour or two, Yan Hannan came to Xia's villa.

The aunts in the villa naturally recognized him.

Looking at his arrogant face of the second generation ancestor, no one dared to stop him.

"I'll go upstairs and have a heart-to-heart talk with Miss Shilan!"

He ignored those aunts at all, and walked straight upstairs with an anxious expression on his face.

Xia Shilan is a well-known beauty in AH City, a real lady of every family.

The family and appearance are all first-class.

Let me ask, who wouldn't want such a woman? !


He went upstairs, and within half a minute, the door of the villa was brutally kicked open, and then, a team of heavily armed special forces rushed in fiercely.

"Where's Miss Xia?"

One of the captains grabbed a dull-faced aunt and asked.


That aunt is just a peasant woman, where has she seen such a fight, she was so scared that she almost peed her pants.

The captain threw her aside and quickly led the people upstairs.

"Young Master Yan, after this incident..."

The aunt who was stunned by Xia Shilan was looking at Yan Hannan with a charming face.

"Don't worry, Xia Shilan is mine, Quanxia Group is yours..."

Yan Hannan said so, but there was a strange flash in his eyes.

Are you kidding me, after getting Xia Shilan, he will give up the Quanxia Group? !

"Shilan is inside."

Only then did my aunt get out of the way.


Just when Yan Hannan was about to push the door open, that team of special forces rushed over and stood guard at the door like javelins.

"Go, wake up Miss Shilan!"

The captain gave an order to the medical soldier and stood at the door by himself.

"Step aside!"

Yan Hannan was also taken aback, but he became angry when he saw that these soldiers were trying to harm him.

However, these special forces ignored him, standing there like a cold-faced king kong, motionless.

"You are impatient, don't you know who I am?"

Yan Hannan grabbed the captain by the collar and roared.

"My father is the mayor of AH City, and my grandfather is the commander of the Capital Military Region. If you are sensible, get out of the way, otherwise, I won't be as good as you!"

He carried out his father and grandfather.

However, these unnumbered special forces ignored him at all, and even watched a clown performing.

They are Mr. Peng's personal soldiers, a mere mayor and army commander, how can we scare them? !

Soon, under the treatment of the medical soldiers, Xia Shilan woke up slowly.


She was dazed, not understanding what happened, and then she looked at the medical soldier beside the bed, "Who... are you? Why are you here?"

She had a feeling that this man in military uniform didn't seem to have any malice towards her.

"Don't Miss Xia know what happened?"

This medical soldier is also a woman, and she reminded after repacking the medical box.

"By the way, I seem to have taken a sip of water, and then..."

Thinking about it, Xia Shilan's delicate body trembled, and then she subconsciously protected her chest. After a while, after finding that there seemed to be nothing unusual, she slowly relaxed.

The medical soldier didn't talk to her too much, opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, Yan Hannan was still jumping and cursing, while Xia Shilan's aunt was standing there with a face full of embarrassment, unable to move forward or back.

With just one glance, Xia Shilan knew what had happened.

Obviously, it was Yan Hannan who colluded with her great-aunt in order to...

She bit her lips tightly, and her whole body was as if trapped in an ice cellar.

She is really tired. She feels that there is no support around her. Everyone has plans for her. Does she have to spend the rest of her life like this?

Soon, Xia Shilan's attention shifted to the group of special forces in military uniforms.

She looked confused.

Who are these people?

Why are they not afraid of Yan Hannan's power?

"Miss Xia, are you okay?"

The captain came to her. Although his voice was rough, she could tell that it was sincere concern.

"I'm fine."

Xia Shilan shook her head, got off the bed, straightened her clothes, and then asked in confusion, "Excuse me, who are you and why did you save me?"

"I don't know, it's the chief's order to ensure Miss Xia's safety!"

The strong man scratched his head, but couldn't understand.

Xia Shilan knew that she couldn't ask anything, but she was very curious about who was helping her.

She even looked forward to meeting that mysterious chief.

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