Martial Inverse

Chapter 18: Battle of the Ancient Gods

During the filming of God of War, both Feng Hao and Liu Xiaofei disappeared from the public eye.

During this period, it is worth mentioning that many people who wanted to investigate were all in vain.

They set up a net in the major filming bases, but they didn't see the filming crew of the battle of ancient gods at all.

Even Liu Xiaofei's agent, Sister Peng, knew nothing about it.

It wasn't until a month later that the public performance began, and the two protagonists of the ancient war of gods appeared.

However, the public performances didn't have any big scenes, at most they were just ostentatious, and they didn't even have the sets or wire needed for some special effects.

This confuses many people, and makes them even more confused about how those amazing special effects are made.

However, during the observation process, a person came into their sight.

That is the male protagonist of Ancient God War... Feng Hao.

He is very comfortable with the role of emperor, every move carries the power of a superior, and every gesture has the demeanor of a superior.

It seems that he is an emperor walking in the world, watching the world with disdain!

After some still photos were quietly posted on the Internet, Feng Hao immediately gained a large number of fans. Zhao Yi opened Weibo for Feng Hao. In just a few days, the world's followers exceeded one million. continue to increase.

While everyone was lamenting Feng Hao's acting skills, no one knew that he was acting in his true colors.

In particular, whenever he faced the heroine Liu Xiaofei, the true feelings in his eyes would melt the hearts of all women.

Among them, of course, Liu Xiaofei was also included.

In just a few months, Liu Xiaofei fell hopelessly in love with this man.

Perhaps, she didn't even realize that she was staring at Feng Hao for longer and longer every day, every time.

This kind of behavior is called... nympho!

She, Liu Xiaofei, the goddess in boys' hearts, turned out to be a nympho.

Today, in the process of filming...


It's Xu Wenxuan! "

"very handsome……"

"Excited, I finally met my idol..."

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the arena, and they were approaching the Ancient God Wars crew.

Xu Wenxuan.

Huaxia's popular idol is the top first-line martial arts star in Huaxia. No matter in terms of appearance or acting skills, people can't find any faults.

Although he is a rising star, he became famous in one fell swoop because of the TV series "Sword" cooperating with Liu Xiaofei.

Moreover, according to gossip, Xu Wenxuan seems to be Liu Xiaofei's suitor!

Of course, this has not been confirmed. However, when asked about this aspect in public, Xu Wenxuan did not deny or admit it, and his attitude was ambiguous.

"Little Fei!"

Even though it was still during the shooting time, Xu Wenxuan barged in.

With a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and a charming smile, he walked towards Liu Xiaofei in a gentlemanly manner.

His appearance made everyone in the Ancient Gods War crew frown.

However, because he is a top star, no one dared to offend him, and the director could only call a timeout.

However, Liu Xiaofei didn't seem to hear his cry, her eyes kept falling on Feng Hao who was not far away, and in those beautiful big eyes, there was water and light flowing, full of affection.

Xu Wenxuan, who yelled several times in a row but got no answer, suddenly darkened, especially the affection in her eyes, which made his expression a little ugly.

His gaze also fell on Feng Hao.

Because of the timeout, Feng Hao also walked towards this side, at this moment, Liu Xiaofei realized it, and subconsciously went up to meet him.


She spoke lightly, with unresolved affection in her voice.


It's what she called Feng Hao in the play.

"Ha ha."

Feng Hao just glanced at Xu Wenxuan who was standing there, then returned his gaze to Liu Xiaofei, raised his hand, and gently brushed aside a stray strand of hair on her forehead.

"Little Fei!"

At this time, a discordant voice came, which awakened Liu Xiaofei, who was immersed in Feng Hao's deep affection.

It's Xu Wenxuan.

He still has a bright smile, holding flowers, he still looks so gentlemanly.

However, when Liu Xiaofei saw him, she couldn't help but frowned. Looking at the bouquet he handed over, she didn't pick it up immediately, but explained to Feng Hao, "Don't get me wrong, I..."

Xu Wenxuan was chasing her, which was well known in the circle, but she had clearly rejected him a long time ago, but he never gave up, and what she didn't expect was that he would come here to make trouble.

"I know."

Feng Hao smiled slightly to reassure her, but when he turned to Xu Wenxuan, the smile on his face was frozen, and his voice was very cold, "Now is the filming period, please leave!"

He is not polite to his rival in love.


Xu Wenxuan became angry and stared, "You chased me away? Do you know who I am?"

Ever since he reached the top line, when has he been so ignored? ! Which crew he went to, which crew was not grateful to him.

After all, his whereabouts can bring a lot of popularity.

"Do I need to know who you are?"

Feng Hao was speechless.

How can there be such self-righteous people in any world?


Xu Wenxuan didn't expect that this guy was simply an idiot, and he didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

"Good boy!"

He stared at Feng Hao with a gloomy expression, the bouquet in his hand had been deformed by him, and he didn't even know it, "Your Ancient God War crew, you are doing very well!"

"Just wait and see!"

He threw the bouquet and turned away.

On the same day, on his personal Weibo, he posted such a Weibo...

"It's true that anyone can be the protagonist now. Is it really okay for some crews to pretend like this?"

It's just a sentence, but behind it @古古神战列集团.

First, a group of netizens who didn't know the truth were asking what happened. Then, a fan of Xu Wenxuan broke the news that...Xu Wenxuan went to visit the crew of Ancient Gods War, but was kicked out by the leading actor of Ancient Gods War.

This time, it really hit a hornet's nest.

You know, Xu Wenxuan's personal microblog has more than 20 million followers!

Therefore, under this Weibo, even the work account Weibo of the Ancient Gods War crew was hacked by Xu Wenxuan's fans. There were even many netizens on the Internet who strongly demanded that the Ancient Gods War crew change the leading role and replace the male lead with Xu Wenxuan!

Calls to replace the hero of the Ancient Gods of War have intensified on the Internet, and there is no intention of stopping.

Even, in everyone's mind, Xu Wenxuan is definitely the most suitable candidate to play the leading role.

After all, Xu Wenxuan was originally famous for acting in ancient costumes, and every role played very well.

But what about Feng Hao?

No one knows who this person is.

This is just a newcomer!

In the eyes of Xu Wenxuan and others, Feng Hao is just a guy who wants to rely on Liu Xiaofei to get the upper hand.

Liu Xiaofei can be said to be the hottest female star in China right now.

With the movies and TV shows she participated in, no matter how bad the script is, there will be many fans.

Feng Hao, in the eyes of everyone, does not have any capital to cooperate with her.

Xu Wenxuan's move is also very obvious, he just wants to replace Feng Hao.

Moreover, in his opinion, as long as it is a normal crew, they will contact him immediately.

After all, every TV series and movie that he and Liu Xiaofei have worked with are very popular.

If he can participate in the ancient war of gods, it will definitely add fire to the ancient war of gods.

In fact, Xu Wenxuan himself is very much looking forward to being able to participate in this movie.

After all, judging from the tidbits of the movie, the special effects of this movie have reached the ultimate level, even surpassing Hollywood!

If he can participate in the battle of the ancient gods, maybe he can successfully go abroad with this movie.

Chinese stars, in China, no matter how famous you are or how prosperous you are in China, but in the international arena, they have no status. All kinds of film festivals and trophies basically have nothing to do with China.

Even if you can barely walk the red carpet, in fact, it is just a gimmick bought secretly with money. The domestic hype is okay, but it is a joke internationally.

But now, the eyes of the whole world are on the movie of War of the Ancient Gods, and some internationally renowned filmmakers are also paying attention.

There are even rumors that many first-line Hollywood movie stars have successively worked in the cast of Ancient Gods. Although some people are spreading this matter, it is not known whether it is true or not.

Some people think that this is the self-hype of the Ancient Gods War crew.

However, Xu Wenxuan heard accurate news from some sources...

It is true!

Moreover, there are several popular Hollywood movie stars.

However, he was rejected by the Ancient God War crew...rejected...

No Chinese film crew has ever dared to refuse the cooperation of a Hollywood movie star so much.

Moreover, before this, it would be difficult to invite Hollywood movie stars to participate in Chinese movies, and those first-line movie stars, even if they paid a lot of money, they could only get him to appear in the movie That's all.

It is said to participate in the performance, but in fact, it is just coming to China to make money.

However, the reason given by the Ancient God War crew for their refusal was that the Ancient God War is a battle for the origin of Chinese mythology, and people from other countries do not need to participate.

Indeed, if there are a few old men in the Battle of the Origin of Chinese Mythology, the picture, let alone how awkward it is.

So, in fact, there are already many first-line stars in China. On the bright side, or in some interviews, they jokingly expressed that they want to participate in the ancient war of gods, but, unfortunately, the ancient war of gods crew did not invite them, and they, I can't let go of my body to ask for it.

After all, it is definitely two concepts for someone to invite you and for you to go by yourself.

However, they didn't know the real reason why the Ancient God Wars crew didn't invite them... Poor!

Zhang Yi has already taken out all the funds in his hand.

So at this time, there are not a few well-known actors in the Ancient God Wars crew. If it weren't for Liu Xiaofei, the entire crew would be pure rookies.


"Brother Xuan, the matter has been settled."

Hearing the voice on the phone, the corners of Xu Wenxuan's mouth twitched, "Very good, I'll transfer it to you later."

Obviously, as a first-line star, he hired the Internet trolls to build momentum for him, otherwise, even with his popularity, things would not have developed so quickly.

With the efforts of the navy, the replacement of the leading role of the ancient god of battle soon became the headline of Weibo.

And some netizens who don't know the truth have followed suit, so that the popularity has no tendency to decline.

After hanging up the phone, the corners of Xu Wenxuan's mouth curled up into a cold arc, "An unknown boy dares to rob a woman from me, he really doesn't know what he is doing!"

In his opinion, it is a certainty that Feng Hao will be replaced by him. And he will catch up with the ancient god station and go out of the country!

The day passed quickly...

There was no response from the Ancient Gods War crew, and the filming was proceeding normally.

This is completely unreasonable!

So much so that Xu Wenxuan thought that the people from the Ancient God Wars crew didn't pay attention to the news, so they didn't contact him.

He pressed his temper and continued to wait.

The next day passed...

The Ancient God War crew still didn't respond.

This is a bit abnormal.


In his own villa, Xu Wenxuan threw away countless cups, there was glass all over the ground.

I have made it clear that I want to participate in the performance, why don't you invite me? !

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out why the Ancient Gods War crew was so abnormal.

"Could it be that the sponsor asked to use Fenghao?"

His eyes flickered, he picked up the phone again and dialed a number.

third day.

People from the Jiang Group came to the production team of Ancient Gods War and said that they could support the production team with 300 million yuan!

A fund of 300 million has never been seen in the domestic film industry.

After all, if you invest 300 million yuan, then the box office must reach at least 1 billion yuan to be profitable.

As for domestic movies, there are very few that can reach more than one billion yuan, and it depends on the time period.

If it is during the Spring Festival, the box office will naturally be high. If it is normal, it can have a box office of hundreds of millions, which is already very popular.

But the people from the Jiang Group only made one request, and that was... to replace the male lead of the Ancient Gods War!

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