Martial Inverse

Chapter 19 Detonate the world

With an investment of 300 million yuan, only a male lead is required.

This is something that cannot be refused for any crew!

With the urine nature of domestic movies, with a few million investment, the gimmick will be tens of millions. If you invest tens of millions, you will say that you have invested hundreds of millions.

Even so, the so-called "hundreds of millions" of investment movies are very few in China.

As for the Jiang Group, this came with a real cash of 300 million yuan.

However, the result was that Jiang's group members were dismissed without even seeing the high-level crew.

Even if the people from the Jiang Group were furious, it would be of no use.

This matter quickly reached Xu Wenxuan's ears.

When people from Jiang's group called him, their attitude was also very bad.

If it weren't for the fact that Xu Wenxuan is the spokesperson for many of Jiang's products, which has brought Jiang a lot of profits, Jiang's would not have done such a thing.

After all, the Jiang Corporation is one of the top ten large groups in the catering industry of Huaxia National Energy.

This time, the Jiang family would not go public this time, but this made Xu Wenxuan confused.

It seems that the Ancient God War crew has already identified the protagonist and will not change it.

He still didn't give up. When he wanted to appeal to the fans and the navy on the Internet, the crew of the ancient gods who had been silent all this time suddenly issued a statement...


The filming of the battle of the ancient gods has been carried out to the late stage, and no actor will be replaced for any reason!


A simple sentence, but very clear.

What are you kidding?

Changed Feng Hao? !

Zhao Yi's first reaction when he got the news was... Could it be that Xu Wenxuan's brain was kicked by a donkey?

Perhaps, around Zhao Yi, even many people in the production team were puzzled why Zhao Yi's attitude was so tough.

But Zhao Yi himself is very clear.

Without Feng Hao, there would be no Ancient God War!

Perhaps, the tough attitude of the Ancient Gods War crew would offend many of Xu Wenxuan's fans, but she didn't care.

It didn't surprise her either.

Following this statement, there was a wave of boycotts against the War of the Ancient Gods on the Internet, and many people even said that they would never watch it after it was released.

However, no matter how much trouble they made, the Ancient God War crew remained indifferent.

And under this wave, finally, the first fan of Ancient God Wars stood up...

"Don't look at it if you have the ability!"

This sentence seemed to express the aspirations of many fans of Ancient Gods War, and then, many people spontaneously began to support the Ancient Gods War crew.

"Xu Wenxuan's three-legged cat's acting skills are just as good as pretending to be stupid and cute by relying on his appearance. Playing the emperor? He is still far behind!"

"That's right, I think Feng Hao is very domineering, especially the kind of aura that is more than me... Oh, my god, I seem to have fallen in love with him beyond hope."

"The moment I saw Feng Hao appear, I was already conquered by him..."

Slowly, more and more people joined in, and the voices became louder and louder.

In the sideshow of the movie, Feng Hao's performance is impeccable, that kind of disdainful temperament has left a deep, even indelible impression on many people.

But what about Xu Wenxuan?

It seems that in addition to acting stupid and being cute, it is just playing stupid and being cute. Many people can't help asking... Do they want to see a stupid and cute emperor on the movie screen? !

The answer is definitely no.

Even many of Xu Wenxuan's fans who were still raising their flags were silent. They suddenly felt that Xu Wenxuan was indeed not suitable for playing the role of the emperor.

Slowly, the incident turned around on the Internet, no matter how unwilling Xu Wenxuan was, there was nothing he could do.

Because, he also found out that besides having no qualifications, Feng Hao is indeed impeccable in acting.

At least, this is the case in the role of emperor.

There was nothing he could do.

However, no matter what, he couldn't figure out why he failed.


Things on the Internet did not affect the shooting, let alone Feng Hao's mood.

After more than three months of filming, the War of the Ancient Gods is finally completed, and it will be released on a large scale after post-production and review.

Originally, reviewing things in this area was very cumbersome.

You know, there are still many movies that have been reviewed for more than half a year and are still under review.

What caused this is conceivable.

Originally, Zhao Yi and Liu Xiaofei's agent, Sister Peng, had already prepared some funds to open up this relationship so that they could pass the assessment quickly, but the heads of relevant departments who received them seemed extraordinarily enthusiastic.

Even before they handed over any benefits, the supervisor directly called someone to take the film for review, and, as instructed, the review must be completed within one day.

So, in such a daze, this difficult work was completed without any hindrance, and even the benefits were confiscated from them.

Of course, how do they know that it's not that they don't accept it, but... they don't dare to accept it!

I don't know the reason, but when the filming of the Ancient Gods War started, the head of a certain government issued a secret instruction, so the Ancient Gods War has been given the green light all the way to the present.

Otherwise, with Zhang Yi's little funds, it would be almost impossible to complete the filming!

Soon, China's summer vacation is coming, and the crew of Ancient Gods finally announced the premiere date...July 1st.

If there is anything worth looking forward to in July, it is undoubtedly... the battle of the ancient gods!

Not only Huaxia, but the eyes of the whole world are focused on it.

Because War of the Ancient Gods is currently only shown in Huaxia, many foreign movie fans have traveled to China, just to see it quickly.

Of course, there are also many people who say that grapes are sour.

After all, Huaxia has always been inferior to Hollywood in terms of special effects, and even the netizens of Huaxia Kingdom joked that domestic special effects are...fifty cents special effects.


Of course not many.

And there are many people who deliberately smear and criticize.

However, many Hollywood studios choose to wait and see.

In the past, Hollywood relied on storytelling to attract fans, but now, all kinds of fried rice, old memes from decades ago, can be used to make movies again.

Now, most of them in Hollywood rely on special effects to attract audiences. If the special effects technology is surpassed by China, the status of many film companies will be in jeopardy.

Finally, on July 1st, the premiere of War of the Ancient Gods was ushered in.

All over China, theaters are overcrowded, even in county-level cities, theaters are crowded.

As for the amount of filming...

Originally, the amount of preview films was 60%!

This has broken through the sky.

You know, there are many movies released every day, and there are many domestic blockbusters and overseas blockbusters.

What's more, everyone knows that on July 1st, during the summer vacation of Huaxia Kingdom, of course, there will be a lot of clouds.

What kind of concept is 60% of the film schedule.

In other words, more than half of the theaters in each theater belong only to the War of the Ancient Gods.

At that time, when the schedule was announced, it caused an uproar, and many film companies even complained, which meant that they wanted to fight against the ancient gods together.

And the leading stars in those blockbuster movies are also calling on their fans to crusade against the ancient gods.

However, all of these were defeated by a trailer!

At least, all movie theaters, on July 1st, all movie tickets for War of the Ancient Gods are sold out!

At this time, many film and television companies still have a little bit of luck in their hearts.

Perhaps, as long as the ancient gods are not so magical, they still have a chance to stand up.

In this complicated atmosphere, July 1st quietly arrived...


In the theater that should have been quiet and empty, it was overcrowded.

At 0:10, check in and enter the arena.

At ten o'clock, a magnificent scene unfolded in front of the world.

First of all, a leisurely voice came to everyone's ears...

In ancient times, monsters harmed the world, enslaved the human race, and used humans as food. Our story happened in a small tribe near Jishui.

Then, Feng Hao appeared.

He looks ordinary, just a handsome young man, but even through the silver screen, he still gives people a very comfortable feeling.

The young emperor, named Xuanyuan, was the son of the leader of the Jishui tribe.

Then, the story tells that the demon devoured a human tribe, even the largest Yandi tribe near Jiangshui, which is almost equal to pinching away the last ray of dawn and hope for human beings.

Seeing this, the audience in the theater felt heavy in their hearts, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

At this time, the young Xuanyuan stood up!

Although he is young, he has great ambitions, leading the Jishui tribe to resist the demons.

In the middle, there is a love story between young Xuanyuan and Yandi's daughter.

Together, they search for herbs, fight against diseases, subdue ferocious beasts, and harvest them for their own use.

Next, let's talk about the young Xuanyuan Fulong.

When the little black dragon appeared on the stage, it aroused everyone's emotions.

The huge and powerful body, with scales shining with cold luster, brought a strong visual impact to the audience.

With a movement of its dragon claws, it can split mountains and break rocks, and it can soar up to nine heavens, satisfying everyone's fantasy about dragons.

Let's talk about special effects.

So real!

Even many professional film critics who go to the cinema to criticize, can't find any flaws at all.

Of course, they would never have thought of it, because what they saw was a real dragon in itself!

In the end, it was the battle between the young Xuanyuan driving the dragon and the great devil Chi You.

Xiao Qiuqiu, who showed his real body, once again caused waves of exclamations in the theater.

That kind of aura, even across the screen, gave everyone a suffocating pressure.

That is the real shattering of everything, burning mountains and boiling seas, and the world is darkened.

One hundred and thirty minutes later, the first audience came out of each theater.

The look on everyone's face is different.

When many waiting people asked about their impressions of watching the movie, they couldn't say anything.

Because they have nothing to say.

The whole movie felt too shocking to them.

Because it is 3D, it makes people feel more immersive. In their ears, the roar of the little black dragon and the roar of Chi You are still echoing.

"This is the real blockbuster!"

Not long after, a famous film critic posted such a news on his Weibo.

Next, the battle of the ancient gods will completely dominate the screen!

All news hotspots, Weibo hotspots, Baidu hotspots... even foreign newspapers and magazines are all reporting everything about the ancient gods.

"The War of the Ancient Gods represents the rise of Chinese movies..."

"Where should Hollywood go..."

"On the production of special effects in Huaxia movies..."

As a result, the number of movies scheduled for movie theaters has also changed.

On July 1st, at noon, the film schedule had gone from 160% to a terrifying 70%, or even 80%!

This further shows that other movies have simply reached a point where no one cares about them.

By the night of the 1st, there were even many large theaters with a 100% film schedule!

Because no one watched other movies at all, and the war of the ancient gods was sold out every time, and even the original price of a movie ticket, which was only a few tens of yuan a piece, had already been hyped to a terrifying four-digit number on the Internet!

Moreover, the scary thing is that there is no market for the price!

Because even scalpers want to see it for themselves!

All the circumstances show that a great movie was born in China!

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