Martial Inverse

Chapter 20 Guessing

The first of July has passed.

Soon, someone on the Internet calculated the box office for the day of the War of the Ancient Gods.

At the same time, this is something that many film and television companies, even those unconvinced stars, have been paying attention to.



"Impossible, is this fake?!"


After everyone saw the box office statistics, they couldn't help but gasped, and there were exclamations of surprise in front of the computer screens.

"1.375... billion!"

When the box office came out on the first day, all the hot spots, Weibo, and news exploded!

You know, in China, many big-name stars are proud of the highest box office of one billion, and even when promoting, they will bring... XXX, a movie starring in a billion box office.

Wait, a list of titles.

This fully demonstrates how shocking the one billion box office is. Moreover, a movie that can reach a box office of one billion must be very popular.

Over one billion on the first day!

1.375 billion!

Everyone who saw the box office couldn't describe the shock in their hearts.

You know, before this, the movie with the highest box office in China on the first day was barely 200 million.

However, I won't say much about how much water is in it. It is said that there are scandals. A movie theater plays one episode in five minutes, and it is full.

This is the so-called first-day highest movie.

However, they did not question the Ancient God War.

Because, now Weibo, Moments, and pictures of power theaters are everywhere. It seems that from zero to twenty-four o'clock at night, the popularity has not dropped much.

And in the end, it reached a terrifying 100% shooting volume!

If someone said something at this time, the box office would be booming,

I'm afraid I will be drowned by the mouth water.

Paralyzed, a movie ticket that can be sold online for hundreds of dollars at three or four in the morning, still needs a box office? !

For a short time, the domestic and foreign media were completely detonated because of the box office on the first day!

Because of this, many foreigners cross the ocean, just to come to China to see it.

And more foreign movie fans strongly demand that their own countries introduce them.

Of course, it's not that they don't have the financial strength to go to China to watch movies, but that they are not proficient in Chinese language.

Such a high box office on the first day, such a high level of popularity, fulfilled the ancient gods, but at the same time, it suffered for other movies...

But later, due to the problem of the number of films scheduled, no other films could be scheduled at all, so all the films released in July were postponed.

With such an ending, many film and television companies could only smile wryly.

Even if they wanted to protest, it was useless.

Because, even if they were given the amount of filming, no one would watch it.

Originally, they thought that after a few days, the popularity would drop a bit, but they didn't expect that at this time, many movie fans had already started to do it twice...

Many movie fans said that even if they watched such a movie ten times in a row, they would not feel tired!

But at this time, they can only choose to postpone, and then postpone...


Inside the apartment.


Zhang Yi, who had been staring at the refresh of the computer screen, opened her small mouth at the moment when she saw the box office on the first day, and the wireless expanded, almost to the point where it split open. Blinking staring at the computer screen, the pupils also expanded to the limit, and finally, a scream came out of her mouth, "Ah!..."

As a young lady of the Zhao Group, she is not a bumpkin who has never seen money, but after seeing the series of numbers, she still couldn't help but scream.

"Congratulations, Xiao Yi."

Xiaolei congratulated her from the bottom of her heart.

Because she knew that for Zhao Yi, it was not just about money, but that Zhao Yi could finally control his own life, and he no longer needed to look at the faces of his father and stepmother!

The two girls hugged each other, crying and making noise.

On the contrary, Feng Hao was much calmer.

For the series of numbers, he just glanced at them, then put aside the tablet in his hand, and continued to tease Xia Mengmeng beside him.

For some reason, Xia Mengmeng was also very attached to him. Zhao Yi even jokingly said that even his father and daughter were not as close as the two of them.

As for Feng Hao, he enjoyed this very much.

On the Tianwu Continent, he has never had time to spend time with his family and Xiao Qingmeng, but now, he can let go of all the pressure and live an ordinary life.

However, Xiao Qiuqiu, who was hugged by Xia Mengmeng, was extremely depressed.

Our Lord Beast God expressed that he was very unhappy, very upset!

Because, in the movie, he was suppressed by the little black dragon!

For this reason, these days, it has often bullied the little black dragon, kicking and kicking it at every turn, anyway, it is not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, this is already a foregone conclusion!

Because, our Lord Beast God also sadly discovered that the Chinese people in this world regard the dragon as the highest divine beast, and that it is suppressed by the dragon is nothing more than normal in the eyes of the Chinese people.

What's so special is that it doesn't even have a chance to stand up!

"Ding dong! Ding dong..."

Not long after, the apartment doorbell rang.

It's Liu Xiaofei and her manager, Sister Peng.

Of course they also came to celebrate.

The happiest thing is none other than Sister Peng.

For her, this is simply a good thing that fell from the sky.

Before this, although Liu Xiaofei was a first-tier star in China, but I believe that after this movie, Liu Xiaofei will become an international first-tier star!

In the battle of ancient gods, the role played by Liu Xiaofei is too perfect, she is completely a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, she is so out of this world, so shocking.

While Sister Peng and Zhao Yi were celebrating each other, Liu Xiaofei walked towards Feng Hao, as if, in her sight and mind, only that one person existed.

Her heart fell.

In Liu Xiaofei's heart, Feng Hao can only be described as perfect.

It can be said that Feng Hao fulfilled all her fantasies about the person she likes.

Feng Hao drove the dragon and took her to travel in the sky and walk among the clouds. Also take her deep into the bottom of the sea and play in the water.

In her heart, Feng Hao is simply omnipotent. Especially Feng Hao's abilities made her feel like she was in a dream.

Coming to the sofa, Liu Xiaofei naturally sat beside Feng Hao, and whispered in his ear, "I want to go to the sky to see the stars, okay?"

The voice was soft and soft, and smelling the fragrance of her body made Fenghao feel like a spring breeze. Looking at the flawless and beautiful face in front of him, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost couldn't help but want to kiss her.

The goblin!

Feng Hao had to admit that he couldn't refuse her request, and it happened that he was fine now, so he went out.


With a dragon roar, it flew straight to nine days.

At this time, it was already night, and on the sky, the stars were shining brightly.

A full moon hung high, and the bright moonlight poured down, falling on Feng Hao and Liu Xiaofei who were lying on the little black head, making them look like a couple of gods and immortals.


However, just as the little black dragon passed through the clouds, a passenger plane happened to appear.

Seeing the huge monster appearing in front of him, the captain was so frightened that the passenger plane bumped up. Such a disturbance made more people pay attention to the outside of the window.

"That is……"

"My God, is that a dragon!"

"I'm not dazzled. There seems to be someone on the dragon?!"

A series of exclamations sounded in the passenger plane, and many people wanted to pick up their mobile phones to take pictures, but even the fastest-handed person could only take a picture of a dragon tail shuttling through the clouds.

These videos and photos were quickly uploaded at night, and there were different opinions.

Some believe it, while others think it is dizziness, or special effects synthesis or something.

After all, there was an incident on the Bund before this, and, before this, there were often various UFO videos on the Internet, and there was an endless stream.


For these, Feng Hao doesn't care.

Even if it caused some people to doubt, he believed that someone would suppress it.

Feng Hao sat cross-legged on top of the little black dragon's broad head, and Liu Xiaofei leaned on his lap, half-lying lazily in his arms, moving his fingers in the void, as if he wanted to pick off the stars in the sky.

And Feng Hao, looking at the star-studded sky, his thoughts drifted away.

In fact, the civilization of this world had a great impact on him.

It was also in this world that he learned that there is a universe.

Galaxies, Milky Ways, Stars, Black Holes...etc.

He didn't understand why people in this world could only step out of their own planet, why they knew so much about all kinds of unknown things in the universe, and even the formation of black holes.

Are these things conjectured by those great scientists on their own whim, or maybe someone taught them?

These cannot be verified.

However, Feng Hao learned that decades ago, this planet was still in the era of cold weapons, and in less than a hundred years, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

These were what Feng Hao came into contact with on the Internet at that time, and he also defined this world as a technological world.

However, when he was filming the battle of the ancient gods, after he learned some history of China, he accidentally discovered some things that were forgotten by people of this era.

human origin.

Feng Hao was quite surprised to find that the origin of human beings in this world is quite controversial, and each has its own theory.

Although most people today accept the theory of biological evolution, there are still many doubts about it.

For example, since humans evolved from apes, why do apes still exist?

In this regard, Feng Hao believes that apes are apes, and since human civilization has been recorded, there has never been a record of apes evolving into humans.

Therefore, the theory of evolution is actually just a guess about the origin of human beings.

The reason why people in this world accept the theory of evolution is that they cannot find a second reasonable explanation for the origin.

According to Feng Hao's understanding, human beings were not the first creatures to appear on this planet, but only appeared after the most ancient creatures became extinct after a certain "meteorite collision event".

And the so-called "meteorite collision event" is quite interesting in Feng Hao's view.

What kind of meteorite can accurately wipe out all the previous creatures on this planet? !

And after that, humans appeared on this planet, and it seems that since then, humans have no natural enemies and have directly become the masters of this planet.

And the reason why Fenghao is interested in the origin of this world is a myth in Huaxia Kingdom... Fuxi and Nuwa created man.

Leaving aside whether human beings were created by Fuxi and Nuwa, Fuxi created...Fuxi's gossip, but it attracted Fenghao's attention.

I don't know, I don't know, after knowing Fuxi's gossip, Feng Hao can no longer underestimate it.

He discovered that Fuxi's gossip is all-encompassing.

In that simple gossip diagram, the ultimate principles of the universe are contained, such as the cycle of heaven and earth, the law of life... everything that one expects to find.

Feng Hao was shocked to find that even he couldn't completely break through the gossip diagram.

From this, he deduced that Fuxi is definitely a great existence!

As for whether Fuxi is the originator of this world, he is not sure.

Because, the West also has its own origin legend.

Moreover, Feng Hao also discovered that in this world, the East and the West are very different, and even the description of the "God" in the myth is also different.

However, after his understanding, he discovered that one of them was not a common point.

That is, whether it is the gods of the east or the gods of the west, they can ride the clouds and ride the fog.

The god of the east lives in heaven.

God of the West, dwelling in heaven.

In other words, God is in heaven.

In other words, gods all come from the sky and come down from the sky.

In modern society, the reason why myths have been broken is because people have discovered that there is no heaven or heaven in the sky, and there are boundless starry sky.

But Feng Hao feels that the people here have overlooked one point... Maybe, the so-called sky does not refer to the sky, but outside the territory!

And humans were created by gods. Is it possible that the so-called 'gods' brought humans here from somewhere outside the territory, and also wiped out the creatures on this planet that could have threatened humans?

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