Martial Inverse

Chapter 24 The Killer

Chapter 24 The Killer

Xu Wenxuan was very unhappy, very unhappy.

Seeing the battle of ancient gods becoming more and more popular, he became more and more angry.

Especially when the box office of the War of the Ancient Gods came out, broke countless records, and even grabbed the headlines of countless portal entertainment news with lightning speed, Xu Wenxuan was so angry that he almost burned his whole body.

Seeing that the headlines of each website were full of ancient battles, Liu Xiaofei, Feng Hao, and Xu Wenxuan directly smashed his computer.

Why, why did this happen, it should be him, Xu Wenxuan, who appeared on these headlines, and Liu Xiaofei at most, not Feng Hao.

Damn damn it.

Why did this happen? Why didn’t the Ancient God Wars crew invite him to participate in the show? Why did the damn crew remain indifferent even after he expressed his desire to participate? Why did he decide to invest 300 million in it, but still didn’t replace the Feng Hao.

If he had been able to join the Ancient God Wars back then, he should be the one appearing on these headlines now.

The box office broke 1.375 billion on the first day, and the cumulative box office broke 5 billion on the eighth day. There is no problem with the estimated box office breaking 10 billion.

In other words, as long as he can participate in the battle of the ancient gods, he can almost 100% enter the tens of billions of star clubs.

But, why, the ancient war of gods would rather choose such an unknown rookie than use him.

Yes, after watching the War of the Ancient Gods, Xu Wenxuan admitted that in the performance of the role of "Emperor", that Feng Hao really played very well, that kind of disdain for all living beings, that kind of emperor's air, which makes people impeccable.

Xu Wenxuan thought that he really couldn't compare, at least he couldn't perform so well.

However, who is Feng Hao? He is an unknown newcomer, while Xu Wenxuan is a popular star in the mainland. If he can participate in the ancient war of gods, how much star effect can he bring to the ancient war of gods.

How can this be compared to a newcomer.

If he can participate in the battle of the ancient gods, it will be a strong alliance, and the battle of the ancient gods will definitely be more popular than it is now.

But why, why....

Xu Wenxuan roared in his heart,

Thinking of Feng Hao who was standing with Liu Xiaofei on the cover of every headline, all these should belong to him.

Xu Wenxuan sat on the sofa out of breath, and it took a long time before he slowly forced himself to calm down.

Taking a last look at the two people who are still occupying the headlines of major websites, Xu Wenxuan slowly showed a sneer.

Feng Hao, since you have taken away everything that should belong to me, then don't blame me!

Xu Wenxuan took out his mobile phone, and then went all the way to find that saved number, but he hadn't contacted him for a long time.

"Scar, I want to buy a person's life, five million."

"Who?" A cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Feng Hao!" Xu Wenxuan gritted his teeth.

"That Feng Hao from the Ancient God War?" The voice on the other end of the phone said coldly.


"Five million is not enough, ten million!"

"Ten million? Why don't you grab it!" Xu Wenxuan's face changed suddenly, and he said angrily.

There was no answer on the phone.

The voice stopped for a while, and after a few seconds, the corners of Xu Wenxuan's eyes trembled, and then he said with a livid face: "Okay, ten million is ten million, I want him to die, within three days."

"Deal!" After the cold voice finished, the phone was hung up.

Hearing the beeping sound of hanging up from the phone, Xu Wenxuan tightly held the phone.

Feng Hao, you stole something from me, even if I can't get it back, I can make you lose everything.

Go to hell and repent!


Ten days after the battle of ancient gods continued to be popular, Zhang Yi finally couldn't help launching a celebration reception, but he didn't go outside, but inside the villa, and the participants were limited to a few people in the villa.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yi brought back a whole carload of good wine, and that night, everyone was drunk by Zhang Yi, who was enveloped in joy.

Even Xia Mengmeng was teased to take a sip, and then her face flushed instantly, and she was sent back to the room in a drunken stupor.

After a wild gossip, everyone was staggered drunk, lying down or sitting down in the living room. Only Feng Hao remained awake from beginning to end.

After all, to Feng Hao, there is no difference between drinking alcohol and drinking water.

Standing in the living room, looking at the chaotic sofa and coffee table, and Zhang Yi, Xiao Lei, Xia Shilan lying on it, Feng Hao shook his head helplessly with a wry smile.

These guys had a good drink, but in the end they asked him to clean up the mess.

But looking at the three stunning beauties with different looks, who fell in front of him drunk and dizzy, Luo Shan was half relieved, even with Feng Hao's concentration, Wei Wei couldn't help feeling hot.

But at this moment, Feng Hao suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in an instant.

murderous look…….

Four to five hundred meters away from Zhang Yi's villa, on the top of a 30-story building, in the middle of the night, the wind howled. A man in a dark camouflage uniform was crouching on a corner of the roof, and as far as he could see was the direction of Zhang Yi's villa.

And in front of him, even in the dark night, a heavy sniper that seems to reflect light slightly is like a poisonous snake waiting to choose someone to eat.

The man in camouflage uniform fixed on the direction of Zhang Yi's villa through the scope on his gun, and did not shoot immediately, but waited quietly, looking for a suitable opportunity.

"Who are you!"

A faint voice suddenly came from behind him, the camouflage uniform felt a chill all over his body, almost without thinking, he rolled on the spot while holding the pistol, and at the same time turned over and stood on his side instantly.

The heavy sniper in his hand pointed in the direction of the sound and pulled the trigger hard.

Feng Hao snorted coldly, his body moved slightly, and the gun shot out of his chest brushed past him with a violent whirlwind.

After a failed shot, the camouflage uniform let go of his hands, and the sniper in his hand fell straight down. Feng Hao's eyes couldn't help but follow the drop of the sniper.

And at the moment when he bowed his head, the camouflage uniform pulled out the pistol from his waist in a blink of an eye, and then kept pulling the trigger at Feng Hao.

The 8 rounds of bullets were fired almost instantly, and the gunshots were continuous.

Feeling the eight bullets coming through the air, Feng Hao's right hand shook in front of him without raising his head, and then slowly let go of his palm under the horrified gaze of the camouflage man.

Eight bullets swished and fell to the ground.

The eyes of the camouflage uniform opened suddenly, and the pupils dilated instantly, and a wordless fear enveloped his heart.


The camouflage uniform took two steps back with horror on his face, his heels stopped, but he was already close to the edge of the roof, and there was no way to retreat.

"Who are you!" Feng Hao said lightly again.

The corner of the eye in the camouflage uniform twitched, and almost without thinking, he threw the empty pistol towards Feng Hao. At the same time, he turned around and jumped towards the roof of the building.

Actually jumped directly from the 30-storey high-rise building.

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, but soon, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw the camouflage uniform jumping directly from the 30-story building, and suddenly pulled a slipknot somewhere on his body. In an instant, a rope hidden in the darkness appeared and disappeared.

The camouflage uniform held the rope tightly with both hands and went straight down.

Within ten seconds, he slid directly from the roof all the way down.

Both feet landed on the ground, and the camouflage uniform didn't even have time to take a breath, so he untied the buckle of the rope, and then turned around in a hurry.

However, as soon as he turned around in the camouflage uniform, a right hand like white jade instantly grabbed his neck and pressed hard against the wall behind him.

Feng Hao looked at the camouflage uniform lightly with star-like eyes, and said for the third time: "Tell me, who are you!"

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