Martial Inverse

Chapter 25 Playing

Being strangled tightly by one hand, the camouflage uniform only felt that it was difficult to breathe in his throat.

But at this moment, the camouflage uniform could no longer care about these things, and he stared at Feng Hao with horror in his eyes.

Not only did he catch the bullet in his hand, but he also jumped after him from the roof of the 30-storey building in an instant.

The camouflage uniform is sure, and Fenghao's simple T-shirt does not have any zipline tools.

This is definitely not an ability that humans can possess.

Superman? monster? Alien species?

Either way, it's enough to scare a camo, especially after he's shown enough malice.

But when Feng Hao asked for the third time, the professionalism he had insisted on for many years made him barely restrain the fear in his heart, he gritted his teeth tightly, but did not say a word.

From the first day he came out to be a killer, earning money by taking other people's heads, he was already prepared to be taken by others.

The murderer is always killed!

For him, every day he is alive is a day with his head on his waist. He never thought that he would live to the end of his life.

It's just that he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

From the moment he was strangled by Feng Hao, he never thought that he could leave alive.

So, if that's the case, why not add some embarrassment to the person who is about to kill him?

The camouflage uniform tried to suppress the fear in his heart, forced himself to look at Feng Hao calmly, and even forced a sneer on his face.

Feng Hao looked indifferently at the killer who was pinched by him but still had a sneer on his face, his eyes swept across the whole body of the camouflage uniform, but he narrowed his eyes slightly, focusing on a pocket on the killer's chest.

Holding the camouflage uniform tightly with one hand, slowly reached into the breast pocket of the camouflage uniform with the other hand, and then took out a photo.

When he took out the photo for the first time, Feng Hao was slightly stunned.

The person in the photo was actually him, it was a screenshot of him on the promotional cover of Ancient God Wars, and on his profile picture, there was a big red cross, the meaning was very obvious.

The killer's target was actually him.

For this,

Feng Hao really didn't expect it.

He once thought that the killer's target might be Xiaolei. After all, Xiaolei used to work in a special department and might get into various troublesome people.

Or Xia Shilan, although her relatives' conspiracy has been broken, and now Xia Jianghe's health is getting better.

But Xia Shilan is the sole heir of the Quanxia Group after all. Although Xia Jianghe is well, if something goes wrong with Xia Shilan, wouldn't Xia Shilan's relatives be able to do something again.

Even Feng Hao once thought about Zhang Yi. After all, Zhang Yi was born in a wealthy family, so it is normal for one or two enemies to find a killer.

But Feng Hao never thought that the killer would come after him.

Feng Hao suddenly remembered the heavy gun on the roof of the building.

Want to kill me with just one blow? Well, what is the most powerful weapon on earth called, a nuclear bomb? Maybe give you a nuke and see if you have a chance.

Looking at the photo, Feng Hao felt dumbfounded for a while, but his heart was relieved.

The reason why he didn't kill the killer directly after discovering the murderous intent was because he was afraid that if the killer targeted the three women.

If the target is really the three women, it is useless to kill a killer. This time he is here, even if he can kill the killer easily, but what about the next time.

That's why he asked impatiently again and again.

But after seeing that the killer's target was him, Feng Hao didn't care anymore.

Even if the earth is destroyed, Feng Hao will not die. He is really curious, is there really anything on the earth that can hurt him?

But since the question has already been asked, it seems to damage his reputation if he doesn't ask for an answer.

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing the "stubborn" camouflage uniform with a sneer on his face, as if mocking him, Feng Hao couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face.

"It seems that you don't want to say it here. Maybe if we change the environment, you can think more clearly about how to answer."

After Feng Hao finished speaking, a sneer flashed across the face of the camouflage uniform.

Do you want to torture him in another place?

As a professional killer, the organization had given them anti-extortion training. Just in case, if the assassination failed and he was caught, he would not be tortured to extract any information.

Although a killer is a profession that walks in the dark, the competition is also fierce in the current international society.

A killer organization that doesn't pay attention to professionalism will definitely not survive.

As a result of sticking to the camouflage uniform, the organization will take good care of his wife and children after his death.

Killers have families too.

Looking at the sneer of disdain on the killer's face, Feng Hao showed a mysterious smile on his face, and then felt a sudden gust of wind blowing in the camouflage uniform, and his eyes narrowed instinctively.

A few seconds later, the gust of wind disappeared, and the camouflage uniform slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw the surrounding environment clearly, his right hand trembled unconsciously.

Then the camouflage uniform looked at Feng Hao with one hand pinching him with fear in his eyes.

At night, like a black curtain covering the earth, a bright moon hangs high above the sky. The weather tonight is fine, with occasional white clouds blowing past.

And above the sky, under the bright moon, between the clouds, a celestial god with wings on his back, and a raging flame burning on the wings stands between the sky and the earth.

The camouflage uniform just feels that everything that happened today is like a dream.

Because if it was not a dream, why would such absurd things happen.

However, years of training in camouflage uniforms clearly told him that he was not dreaming.

The hand pinching his neck was in constant pain, and the lack of oxygen and cold at high altitude made the camouflage uniform feel shivering. I don't know if it was really caused by the low temperature or brought by Feng Hao. fear.

Is it a human, a god, or a monster?

But no matter what is in front of him, it is definitely an existence that he cannot resist.

And he actually wanted to assassinate such a character.

The camouflage uniform suddenly felt that finding death was so simple.

The camouflage uniform felt bitter in his heart, but suddenly, the camouflage uniform froze, and above the sky, in the distance, a majestic dragon chant came.

Following the sound, the camouflage uniform showed horror and stared at the distant sky.

In the sky, the clouds rolled, and a huge body loomed among the white clouds.

The black scales shone with a ruthless light, and the two dragon whiskers danced, as if controlling the clouds and rain between the sky and the earth. A pair of eyes as big as lanterns looked down at the sky and the earth.

Dragon, black dragon, a huge black dragon slowly flew over from the far horizon, and then its huge body coiled into a circle, enclosing Feng Hao in the middle.

The black dragon rubbed the tip of his nose against the terrifying man with flame wings in front of him, and then looked at himself with a pair of curious and strange eyes.

When the black dragon's eyes were on him, a kind of natural fear, like the fear gushing from the depths of his soul, instantly occupied his whole body.

This is a dragon, a symbol of mythology in Chinese history, and a totem of civilization.

As long as there are myths and legends, there must be dragons among them.

For a Chinese, the significance of the dragon is extraordinary.

But now, a dragon appeared in front of him, and looked at him with very unfriendly eyes.

The most important thing is that he actually saw this huge black dragon, and he actually flattered the monster in front of him who didn't know whether he was a man or a god.

The mind of the camouflage uniform went blank for a while.

Feng Hao pinched the neck of the camouflage uniform with one hand, lifted it high in the air, and silently watched the wonderful expression changes on the camouflage uniform's face.

After Xiao Hei appeared, and the camouflage uniform showed an expression of "as if completely desperate", Feng Hao said calmly: "You have three choices now."

"One, I will let go now and throw you down from here, and then, I will be smashed to pieces."

"Second, I threw you into Xiao Hei's mouth, and then he chewed and swallowed you, leaving no bones left."

"Three, tell me who hired you to kill me."

Hearing Feng Hao's indifferent words, the camouflage uniform came back to his senses, almost instinctively looked down at his feet, it was pitch black, and then found the city that couldn't see the specific appearance in the little flashes.

There is also the huge black dragon right in front of you, and its slightly opened upper and lower jaws. The inside is pitch black, as if it is bottomless.

One is smashed to pieces, and the other has no bones left.

The camouflage uniform has a bitter heart.

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