Martial Inverse

Chapter 26 The Devil

One was smashed to pieces, and the other had no bones left.

Definitely not a good way to die.

For a woman, especially for a woman who loves beauty, these two ways of death are probably more frightening than death.

However, for camouflage uniforms, there is no difference.

It is also just a death, whether the body is smashed or no bones remain, it makes no difference to the camouflage uniform.

As for the third option.

Name the employer?

Live by speaking the word of your employer.

Not sure about camouflage uniforms, but there is a possibility, at least a glimmer of hope.

However, the images of his wife and children flashed across his mind in the camouflage uniform, and then he recalled the organization's punishment for the betrayers.

Leaking organization information after being caught is tantamount to betrayal.

A bitter smile flashed across the face of the camouflage uniform, and he glanced at the expressionless Feng Hao, and the huge black dragon still hovering around the two of them.

The camouflage uniform slowly closed his eyes.

For a dying person, it is meaningless whether the person facing him is a man, a god, or a monster.

Death at the hands of God is no nobler than death at the hands of the devil.

Watching the camouflage uniform pinched by him slowly close his eyes, even the fear on his face has completely disappeared, turning into silence, and the heart that was originally beating wildly due to fear has slowly returned to calm.

The camouflage uniform is actually ready to accept death safely!

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the camouflage uniform with a face that seemed to be calm in the ancient well, looked at it for a long time, and then slowly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then... Feng Hao instantly let go of his right hand holding the camouflage uniform.

The hands clenched around his neck like giant pincers disappeared in an instant, and the squinting camouflage uniform felt his body suddenly fall downwards.

Almost instinctively, the camouflage uniform suddenly opened his eyes.

A strong gust of air blows towards us,

At the same time, a sense of weightlessness made the camouflage uniform unable to move.

The organization taught him many things, all kinds of firearms, weapons, close combat, hiding, and even anti-torture to extract confessions and so on.

But they have never been taught how to deal with falling from high altitudes and how to deal with weightlessness.

The body kept falling, and the bottom was pitch black, like a bottomless abyss.

The camouflage uniform opened its eyes wide and stared down. The dots of lights on the ground formed countless shining pictures, and various city avenues turned into veins in the pictures.

For the first time, the camouflage uniform discovered that the night view of the city from the sky at night is so beautiful and charming.

But at this moment, the camouflage uniform is not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

Perhaps, this is the last picture in my life.

The picture of the city is getting bigger and bigger, and then the camouflage uniform can slowly see the tall buildings in the city, and then the various cars under the tall buildings, and then pedestrians.

The camouflage uniform looked at the last moment of his life with cherished eyes, nostalgic for the prosperous ecology of this world, and then looked at the ground that was getting closer and closer.

The camouflage uniform pursed his lips, trying his best to show a smile, welcoming... death.


The camouflage uniform almost fell off the roof of a tall building, and below it was a bustling street with colorful neon lights.

fifty meters.

Forty meters.

Thirty meters.

Twenty meters.

Ten meters....

The camouflage uniforms can already see the heads of the walking crowd below, as if they are within reach.

Next to him is a barbecue stand, and in front of the stand are two young men who seem to be waiting for their own barbecue to come out.

There are various snack shops next to it, pedestrians come and go, smiling, everyone is enjoying this rare night.

It's just that they don't know if they can still smile like this when they fall from the sky and fall to pieces in front of them.

Even when they fell to pieces, and the shattered flesh and blood splashed on them, could they still enjoy the delicious food in their hands.

It's actually interesting to think about it.

At the last moment of his life, the camouflage uniform showed such an ordinary smile on his face.


The whole person in the camouflage uniform is like a big character, and the whole person is less than two meters from the ground. He can even see a tiny bug crawling out of the gap on the ground.

At this moment, the heart of the camouflage uniform has been like an ancient well without any ripples.

Finally, to die.

The camouflage uniform slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment.

In the bustling night market, a gust of wind suddenly swept past. In front of a barbecue stall, a young man in his twenties suddenly squatted down with his head in his hands and a look of horror on his face.

But after a while, the young man suddenly slowly let go of the hands clasped above his head, stood up with a dazed expression, and looked around.

Just now, something seemed to have fallen.

Yes, illusion?

The camouflage uniform closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

But after a long time, the camouflage uniform froze for a moment, the pain did not come, but a cold current blew past.

The camouflage uniform suddenly opened his eyes, and then the corners of his eyes trembled.

High in the sky, above the clouds, a god with wings on his back stands tall, with a raging flame burning above the wings. The huge black dragon was still hovering around.

The camouflage uniform swallowed the saliva in his mouth, and then tried to open his mouth: "You..."

But before he could say anything, Feng Hao looked at him expressionlessly, and then, the hand that was holding his collar suddenly loosened.

The sense of weightlessness that made people feel at a loss came again, and the camouflage uniform once again seemed to fall into the abyss.

The camouflage uniform was panting, his heart was beating wildly, and he looked at the night scene of the city below which was getting bigger and bigger.

This time, his landing point was the top of a tall building.

But just when he was about to turn into powder, a gust of wind swept over him, and when the camouflage uniform came back to his senses again, he appeared above the high-altitude clouds again.

The face of the camouflage uniform changed drastically, his complexion was livid, and his eyes were fixed on the calm Feng Hao.

Doesn't it make me happy to die?

Cat playing mouse?

The corner of the camouflage suit's mouth moved, but before he opened his mouth, the hand that was holding him loosened again.

A figure fell from a height of four or five kilometers again.


Three times, four times, five times....

Passing by death again and again, the camouflage uniform that had already regarded death as the way home began to slowly crumble.

He began to feel weak in his hands and feet, and the fear in his heart spread throughout his body.

Originally a heart that greeted death indifferently, when passing by death again and again, that indifference no longer knew when it would disappear.

The fear of death, or rather, the fear of every time you face death sprouts little by little.

Death is not scary, what is really scary is the moment before death.

So, brushing shoulders with death again and again, the heart of the camouflage uniform collapsed.

ten times.

"Kill me."

Thirteen times.

"You are a devil."

Fifteen times, sixteen times....

Once again, he was dropped from a height of four to five kilometers. In mid-air, all the strength in the camouflage uniform seemed to be pulled away, tears streaming down his face, as if he had exhausted his last strength and shouted loudly.

"I said, I said, it's Xu Wenxuan..."

A gust of wind swept past, and in midair, the falling figure in camouflage uniform disappeared.

Gently floating under the bright moon in the sky, Feng Hao grabbed the collar of the camouflage uniform and looked at him lightly: "Xu Wenxuan?"

The camouflage uniform opened his eyes bitterly, and nodded with difficulty.


In the middle of the night, Xu Wenxuan returned to the apartment slightly drunk.

Recently, due to the popularity of Ancient God Wars, Xu Wenxuan's irritability has increased day by day, and even a variety show announcement that was set a long time ago was pushed by him.

In the past few days, I hang around in nightclubs, the flowers are green and the wine is green.

After returning home and turning on the lights in the hall, Xu Wenxuan just took off his alcohol-stained coat, but he was suddenly stunned, and soon a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Why are you here? Didn't we agree to make a phone call? How could you come to my house." Xu Wenxuan said a little angrily.

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