Xu Wenxuan looked anxious, looked at the figure sitting on the sofa, regardless of the coat in his hand, turned around, looked at the closed door, and hurriedly unlocked it, only then felt a little relieved.

When he turned around again, Xu Wenxuan also calmed down a little, but his face was still full of dissatisfaction.

"I told you that we can only communicate by phone. How can you come to my house? If this is discovered by others, you will kill me. "

Xu Wenxuan looked at the man in camouflage on the sofa with dissatisfaction, and complained.

But after finishing speaking, Xu Wenxuan was slightly taken aback, and then seemed to think of something, with a gleam of joy on his face: "Come here... have you completed the task? That person is dead?"

The camouflage uniform didn't speak, just sat on the sofa and looked at Xu Wenxuan quietly, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Seeing that the camouflage uniform did not speak, Xu Wenxuan blinked, and then seemed to understand something, with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, the deposit of five million has already been paid, as long as I am sure that person is really dead, the rest For the five million you placed, I will definitely transfer it to your account as soon as possible."

The camouflage uniform still looked indifferent, looking at Xu Wenxuan quietly, without saying a word.

But at this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded in the quiet room: "So, you paid for my life, that's right."

Hearing this voice, Xu Wenxuan froze there immediately, his neck seemed to be stiff and he turned his head slowly, and saw the figure lying on the lounge chair in front of the French window in the living room.

After entering the room, because the appearance of the camouflage uniform on the sofa attracted all of Xu Wenxuan's eyes, Xu Wenxuan didn't see another person in the room at first.

Hearing that slightly familiar voice at this time, Xu Wenxuan's face was full of disbelief.

Feng Hao lay on the chair, looking at Xu Wenxuan indifferently: "Ten million bought my life, but I didn't expect my life to be worth only ten million. I don't know whether I should be disappointed or think you are blind."

"However, since you have already made a move, and it's not rude to come and go, I will continue. Well, if my life is only worth ten million in your eyes, then your life, well, it's only one yuan Bar."

Feng Hao didn't know when a one-dollar coin appeared in his hand, and then lightly flicked it towards the camouflage uniform on the sofa in the distance.

"I'll pay you one dollar for his life." Feng Hao said calmly.

Coins are tossed in the air,

Then it flew into the hands of the camouflage uniform, and the camouflage uniform took it, holding it tightly. He raised his head with a fierce look in his eyes.

The moment the camouflage uniform looked over, Xu Wenxuan felt an unparalleled murderous aura enveloped him, Xu Wenxuan trembled all over, and stepped back involuntarily: "You..."

After saying a single word, Xu Wenxuan turned around and ran towards the door of the room without even thinking about it.

In that murderous look, Xu Wenxuan felt that the camouflage uniform was not fake, he really wanted to kill himself.

Although he didn't know why it became like this, but under the fear of death, he instinctively wanted to escape.

But just as Xu Wenxuan took two steps, a figure appeared behind him in an instant, covering Xu Wenxuan's mouth tightly with one hand, and at the same time, a cold blade instantly slashed across Xu Wenxuan's neck.

A trace of blood appeared on Xu Wenxuan's neck, and then burst instantly. Xu Wenxuan's aorta and trachea burst simultaneously.

With convulsions, Xu Wenxuan slowly fell to the ground, motionless, his eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace!

After seeing Xu Wenxuan fell to the ground, Feng Hao looked at the camouflage uniform and said calmly: "Execute yourself, and leave you a whole body."

The camouflage uniform trembled slightly, but finally a bitter smile appeared on his face, then he raised the dagger and stabbed it into the chest, passing through the chest from the heart.

A trace of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, the camouflage uniform fell limply on the ground, his eyes gradually blurred.

A gust of wind blew by, and Feng Hao's figure had disappeared from the room.


When Feng Hao appeared, he had already returned to Zhang Yi's villa.

But as soon as he entered the room, Feng Hao suddenly froze.

Originally, the three figures in the living room were supposed to be upside down, but now only Zhang Yi and Xiao Lei were lying drunk on the sofa, but Xia Shilan was nowhere to be seen.

Feng Hao frowned, but there was the faint sound of running water coming from the direction of the bathroom.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and a beautiful figure appeared at the bathroom door.

Her hair was wet and hanging on her shoulders, her eyes were slightly hazy, and her face was still slightly drunk after drinking. A pure white bath towel was wrapped around her chest, her tall body half hidden.

A trace of water slowly dripped from the tip of the hair, hitting the soft flesh of the chest, causing a slight ripple.

For a moment, Feng Hao couldn't help but stare blankly.

When Feng Hao saw Xia Shilan, Xia Shilan also saw Feng Hao at the door.

Seeing Feng Hao, Xia Shilan's drunken face showed a trace of charm, with peach blossoms in her eyes, looking at Feng Hao with watery eyes, that touch of amorous feelings was intoxicating.

Xia Shilan raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, then raised her legs and walked towards Feng Hao.

But as soon as she took a step, Xia Shilan suddenly stepped on a corner of the bath towel.

It seemed that because of her drunkenness, the towel on Xia Shilan's body was tied crookedly, causing a corner to hang down on the ground.

Xia Shilan stepped on it, her figure suddenly became unstable, she threw herself forward, and at the same time, the bath towels on her body scattered like thousands of girls scattered flowers.

Xia Shilan exclaimed, and was about to fall to the ground. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her. Xia Shilan almost instinctively grabbed the life-saving grass, and tightly hugged the figure in front of her with both hands.

Feng Hao, who suddenly appeared in front of Xia Shilan, was embraced instantly.

After embracing the figure and standing firmly, Xia Shilan relaxed her whole body, raised her head, and looked at Feng Hao who was being hugged by herself, Xia Shilan blinked, only to see Feng Hao staring at her blankly.

Xia Shilan looked down at Feng Hao's gaze a little strangely, only to see that the bath towel that was wrapped around her body had long since disappeared. At this time, the roundness of her chest was firmly pressed against Feng Hao's chest, causing waves to surge.

Xia Shilan's face flushed suddenly, her originally slightly drunk face was now like a blushing apple, delicate and lovely.

Xia Shilan paused for a while, but she didn't block Feng Hao's admiring gaze. Instead, she raised her head bravely, looked at Feng Hao with watery eyes, and spit out moist words to Feng Hao with her red lips that smelled of alcohol.

"am I pretty?"

Feng Hao's eyes moved away from the pair of turbulent waves, and looked at Xia Shilan's big watery eyes, and there was a hint of pink in the slightly parted red lips.

Feng Hao's breathing began to be rapid, and it seemed that he didn't need to speak any more.

Feng Hao suddenly picked up Xia Shilan's naked body by the waist, and then strode towards his room.

Opening the door, Feng Hao threw Xia Shilan onto the bed, and then, like a hungry wolf, he pounced on it fiercely.

Feng Hao pressed on Xia Shilan's soft body, and his dry lips were directly printed on Xia Shilan's delicate red lips. His tongue directly pressed against the lightly biting silver teeth, and went straight to the center, entangled with that touch of pink.

Feng Hao's hands were also moving around Xia Shilan's body, and the up and down stimulation made Xia Shilan's eyes water.

Feng Hao's breathing became more rapid, and after swimming all over Xia Shilan's body with both hands, he finally began to attack the upper and lower two important parts, but just when Feng Hao was about to attack, Xia Shilan suddenly grabbed Feng Hao's swimming hand with both hands.

Xia Shilan tried hard to squeeze Feng Hao's lips away, looked at Feng Hao with red eyes panting, and panted softly: "Wait, wait!"

Xia Shilan panted for a while, then looked at Feng Hao's face: "Let me give you a good hug first."

Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, how could he stop at such a critical moment.

However, he lowered his head and glanced at Xia Shilan on his body. Feng Hao nodded at that delicate face, slowly retracted his hands that were about to attack Forte, and slowly embraced Xia Shilan in his arms.

At the same time, Xia Shilan hugged Feng Hao tightly with both hands, and leaned her head tightly against Feng Hao's arms.

It's so warm, this embrace, and so safe, it seems that as long as you are in this embrace, you are the safest place in the world, that's great!

Xia Shilan had a happy smile on her face.

If you can hug like this for a lifetime, it's not bad.

Xia Shilan couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly, bringing the distance between them closer.

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