Martial Inverse

Chapter 28 Top of the Earth

Feeling the rapid breathing sound from the person in his arms, and the orchid-like fragrance, Feng Hao's eyes also turned slightly red.


A possessive desire occupied his body and mind without warning, making him unable to extricate himself.

It's been a long time since he came to Earth, and he was once confused about this Xia Shilan who was exactly the same as the Qingwu in Tianwu Continent.

He didn't know if Xia Shilan was his wife Qingwu...

But if it comes, it will be safe, and fate makes them meet, which shows that there is an unbreakable love between them.

"Feng Hao, I... love you."

The flush on Xia Shilan's face became more and more intense, like a ripe red apple, she hugged Feng Hao tightly, twisting her legs, as if she wanted to integrate her whole body into Feng Hao's body.

Hearing Xia Shilan's words, Feng Hao's whole body trembled, and the desire in his eyes receded like a tide.

Yes, Xia Shilan is not Qingwu after all. Although they have exactly the same appearance, their hearts are completely different.

Although Xia Shilan was sincere to him and was as kind as Qingwu, he once thought that Xia Shilan was Qingwu.

But when Xia Shilan revealed her true feelings just now, Feng Hao came to his senses.

After all, Xia Shilan is not Qingwu, if it is Qingwu, he will not stop asking for it, and have a good tenderness with her, to relieve the pain of similarity for so long,

But she just has the same face, body, and soul as Qingwu, not Qingwu.

Feng Hao saw a video on the Internet, loving a person, maybe what he loves is her soul, and he has always treated her as Qingwu.

This is very unfair to Xia Shilan.

"Feng Hao?"

Xia Shilan's slender hands rubbed back and forth on Feng Hao's back, and the tangy masculine breath made her even more intoxicated, who was already a little drunk.

But then Feng Hao let go of his hand.

"Hao, I..."

Xia Shilan's delicate body trembled,

She tried her best to raise her head, and looked at Feng Hao whose eyes were as deep as the vast sea, without the slightest trace of lust in her eyes.

He does not love me?

Without warning, Xia Shilan felt an icy chill, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"I'm sorry, Shilan, I think... I have to leave..."

Feng Hao picked up the bath towel and put it on Xia Shilan's body, the latter's face turned pale.

Without any hesitation, even before Xia Shilan hugged him, Feng Hao's figure had already disappeared into the room.

"Feng Hao, woo woo!"

Xia Shilan's mind went blank, she didn't react at all, she just said "I love you" and revealed her heart to him.

However, shouldn't the result be that they share the same bed and become an unknown couple?

He saved his father, and also saved the Quanxia Group. He had already decided that she would be his woman for the rest of his life.

And everything he showed was obviously an inseparable love for himself.

But just now, he said sorry to her.

Xia Shilan felt lost, she collapsed outside the bathroom, choked up softly,

the next morning.

Xiaolei and Zhang Yi in Zhang Yi's villa woke up in a daze, and found that they were covered with blankets, thinking of seeing Feng Hao's return when they were drunk last night...

A blush appeared on the faces of the two women one after another.

They felt that it must have been built by a bad guy like Feng Hao.


Just then, a sound came from the stairs.

Both women turned their heads with joyful expressions, subconsciously said: "Feng..."

But as soon as the words came to his lips, he saw Xia Shilan with a haggard face and dizzy eyes but still couldn't hide the dark circles under his eyes.

Not Feng Hao at all.

"What's wrong with you, Shilan?"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly, Xia Shilan's mental state was obviously not good, and she worried: "Is Uncle Xia's illness relapsed?"

Xia Shilan shook her head, said with a forced smile: "It's nothing, I just had a nightmare last night and didn't sleep well."


Zhang Yi and Xiaolei looked at Xia Shilan suspiciously. As women, how could they not know Xia Shilan's state, obviously they were troubled by their minds.

Not a nightmare at all.

"Did Feng Hao bully you?"

Xiaolei got angry, put her hands on her hips, and shouted towards the upstairs of the villa: "Feng Hao, get out of here with me."

"Miss Xiaolei..."

Xia Shilan's delicate body trembled slightly, a trace of grief flashed in her eyes, she said softly: "Feng Hao left last night, maybe... he will never see me again."


Zhang Yi's eyes widened, he ran upstairs and opened Feng Hao's room, and found that everything in it was neatly arranged, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu were gone.

As if they had never been here.

A sense of loss also occupied Zhang Yi's heart without warning.

Xiaolei also couldn't believe it, how could Feng Hao, who was relying on this place not to leave, leave as soon as he said he would, without even saying goodbye to her.

"What happened last night?" Xiao Lei stared at Xia Shilan.

Xia Shilan bit her lips lightly, tears streaming down her cheeks, and said with a sob: "I, I confessed to him, why, why did I leave, I hope he doesn't leave, I can...don't love him, I really don't love him. Woooo .”

Xiaolei looked at Xia Shilan in surprise, stepped forward and hugged Xia Shilan in her arms, and said softly: "Stop crying, Shilan, Feng Hao...he is a bastard, I will definitely help you find him, when the time comes I will Hit him for you."

Xiaolei comforted her, she believed that as long as Feng Hao didn't leave the earth, he would be able to find him through the power of the country, even if he dug three feet to find him.

Afterwards, he looked at Xia Shilan, pursed his lips lightly, and whispered in his heart: I really envy you, I have the courage to confess to her, I also want to... But I know, we are all mortals, how can we be worthy of him...

"Xiao Qiuqiu, when you and Xiao Hei came, was the teleportation array closed?"

Huaxia xz is the top of the earth, Mount Everest is covered with ice and snow, the cliff is steep, the wind is strong, and the thin air makes this place lifeless.

However, on the top of the earth where ordinary people can't conquer and can't stay for a long time, a young man in short-sleeved, casual attire and two cat-like and dog-like animals have already stayed for one night.

They are Feng Hao, Beast God Xiao Qiuqiu, and Black Dragon Xiao Hei who left sh city.


The little black exhaled two breaths of white air from its nostrils, and just as it was about to stretch and yawn, Feng Hao frowned, raised his foot and kicked over: "Idiot, I didn't see the steepness of the mountain, you yawned, what happened?" You fight against the avalanche? You actually caused trouble for me!"

"Have you heard, don't cause trouble for this beast god."

Xiao Qiuqiu didn't forget to stare at Xiao Hei, who lowered his head aggrievedly, how pitiful he was, he was so different from the black dragon in the movie "Battle of Ancient Gods".


Xiao Hei covered his mouth with two paws, and looked at Feng Hao timidly, but it was Beast God, who rolled his eyes.

Xiaoqiuqiu walked up to Fenghao's legs, flattering him: "The teleportation array should be closed, otherwise, let's not go back, it's so nice to be on this earth, there are so many delicious foods, and... ...You can lie down on your soft breasts, and take a movie by the way, which is much more fun than Tianwu."

After staying in Huaxia for so long, the Beast God fell in love with this place thoroughly, so he would not leave.

In its view, Qin Yu must have found a way to leave when he suddenly asked about the teleportation array.

God damn it, it's best not to be found by this guy, otherwise where to find beautiful days, it's too boring to fight and kill.

Although you can have whatever you want in the Lord God's Dimension, it's all conjured up, so there's nothing fun about it.

On the contrary, it is the earth, so happy!

"You have fallen, Beast God!" Feng Hao couldn't help but support his forehead.

"Hey, how can I, if it weren't for the fact that I can't use my supernatural powers here, I would like to become a beautiful man, just like you, and be a movie king."

Xiao Qiuqiu said with a smile: "You can't say that being an actor is a degeneration!"

Its meaning is obvious, if Feng Hao said it was depraved, wouldn't Feng Hao, who is now the sure box office best actor, become even more depraved?

"I haven't thought about leaving for the time being, why are you nervous?"

Feng Hao looked towards the east, dazed, in that ancient Chinese country, Qingwu, Qiong Ling'er, and people with the same happy heart appeared, in his opinion, it was definitely not a simple coincidence.

Now that the teleportation array has been closed, and there is no clue about the way back, let's treat it as a vacation on Earth.

Mount Qomolangma pointing, ice and snow whistling, Feng Hao never had any snowflakes falling a few meters around his body, he sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the wisp of purple air that was born after the rising sun.

This purple qi has a magical effect, and it actually restored such a trace of energy in his body.

"Xiao Qiuqiu, Xiao Hei, this world may not be as simple as we think. This purple air is of great benefit to you and me. I don't believe that there will be no practitioners on this huge earth."

Feng Hao suddenly thought of this question, so he looked at Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei.

"Well, it's really possible..."

Little Qiuqiu thought about it carefully, and it was very approving, but soon a wicked smile appeared on the corner of its mouth: "Even if there is, so what, if you offend the god, you will slap him to death."


In the eyes of the little black dragon, a ray of murderous intent also emerged, and he roared subconsciously.

Suddenly, Everest began to tremble without warning, as if an earthquake had occurred, and countless snow and ice cracked and slid down from the mountains.


Huge avalanche!

The biggest avalanche ever recorded is about to happen.


Vaguely, the earth trembled because of this, making a deafening sound.

"Xiao Hei, what are you doing?"

Feng Hao trembled subconsciously, he could not prevent the avalanche from happening now, he was bound by a certain law of the earth, he could not use divine power at all, he could only use Qilin Arm, Qinglong Speed, Xuanwu Body, Suzaku Wing.

But these are of no use in the face of an avalanche.

"You f*cking idiot, you are so angry!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiuqiu almost fainted from fright, although as a beast god, he has killed more than a few creatures.

But this is the earth, and with their ability, it is best not to fight against the country's weapon at the moment. Those nuclear warheads are already equivalent to the means of the strong in Tianwu.

If you really have to deal with them, although you won't die, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

Feng Hao couldn't help kicking Xiao Hei, and he said: "Why are you still in a daze, quickly transform and block the avalanche for me..."

Xiao Hei was a little frightened by Feng Hao's stare, and immediately jumped off Mount Everest, and then the black light flickered, and a big black dragon with a size of one hundred feet directly lay across the middle of the mountain where the avalanche fell.

At the same time, in the command room of the capital of China, a series of shrill sirens sounded, and the big screen suddenly switched to the satellite monitoring xz Mount Everest.

The picture of a young man in short sleeves and a dog standing on Mount Everest suddenly appeared on the big screen of the combat command center.

"Chief! This..."

A major stood up abruptly, looking in shock at the chief standing in the middle of the hall, shouldering the general.

This is so shocking, a person and a dog actually stood on the top of Mount Everest without any climbing equipment.

Ordinary people can't survive on it like this, let alone a dog.

"Reporting to the chief, within the range of 5,321 meters above sea level of Mount Everest, a... dragon appeared. It must be our Chinese totem: the dragon!"


The head of the shoulder resistance star trembled, staring at the magnified picture in the center of the big screen, and it turned out to be a five-clawed black dragon.

It is hundreds of feet long, and it just sticks to the Mount Everest, as if it is blocking something.

"Report, it's an avalanche~ a huge avalanche, an urgent call from xz, looking for support..."


A series of urgent reports sounded one after another, and the head of the commanding operations department frowned, not taking his eyes off the big screen.

"It is the totem of our China, and it is preventing all this from will be fine."

The chief's heart is particularly heavy. The country has a special satellite to monitor the movement of Mount Everest all the time, and the monitoring is monitoring to prevent the occurrence of catastrophic natural disasters.

Unexpectedly, it happened today without warning.

"The chief... the chairman's phone call."

At this moment, a captain in military uniform trotted over with a phone in hand. The chief answered the phone and nodded frequently: "Yes!"

"Initiate a first-level emergency response, let the military region stationed in xz act immediately and quickly, and protect the lives and property of the people as much as possible."

The head of the shoulder-to-shoulder general star was sweating profusely on his forehead.

Just now, he received an order to seal off the area around Mount Everest, and to prohibit any private satellites from photographing everything there.

At the same time, the safety of people's lives and property is guaranteed.

"It seems that the chief also noticed the dragon... wait..."

Suddenly, the head of the shoulder resistance star trembled, staring at the big black dragon and the young man in casual clothes on the big screen, and said in a voiceless voice: "Is that the black dragon in the battle of the ancient gods, and... ...the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan."


In an instant, the officers in the entire combat command room were staring at the big screen, and time seemed to be frozen at this moment...

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