Martial Inverse

Chapter 29 Operation Skynet

"Yes, report chief, it's really the black dragon in the ancient battle of gods... with Huangdi Xuanyuan, my God, this is incredible."

"It's so shocking. The black dragon in the movie came out. Isn't that a special effect?"

"Let me just say that the level of special effects in China is far from being comparable to that of Hollywood. The realism of the movie is beyond criticism. It turns out that the Black Dragon really exists, but what about Chi You? Where is he?"

There was an uproar in the command room, and all the officers could hardly restrain the shock in their hearts. According to the description in the novel, their minds went blank.

As the person in charge of the combat command center, Lieutenant General Tang Shuanglong couldn't calm down either. He fixed his eyes on Feng Hao in the center of the screen, and ordered: "Check it out for me, and find out the information about the person who played Huangdi Xuanyuan."


The officer with the title of lieutenant saluted immediately, and then ordered to go down and investigate the files about Feng Hao.

"Name: Fenghao"

"Age: 22"

"Sex: Male."

"Native place: Huaxia."

"Party: None"

Other than that, there is no other information, not even where he was born, where he came from, or even his ID number.

He seemed to appear out of nowhere.

However, the lieutenant still found information about people related to Feng Hao through Skynet. The information of Zhang Yi, Xiaolei, Liu Xiaofei, Xia Shilan... and others all appeared in Skynet.

And all kinds of intersecting lines clearly outline Fenghao's relationship network.

"This kid...why are there women around him?"

Lieutenant General Tang Shuanglong's mouth twitched slightly, and then he ordered: "Contact these people in Fenghao's network immediately..."

"and many more……"

Suddenly, with the outline of Fenghao's relationship network, Xiaolei's information was displayed in Skynet.

She is actually the granddaughter of a certain chief executive in the country. She works for a special organization and is tasked with finding the hacker codename Sombra.

"The task status is complete, Sombra is confirmed to be Feng Hao, personal data confidentiality level sss level... hiss!"

Tang Shuanglong was shocked. It seemed that the Chairman and Prime Minister knew exactly what Fenghao was up to with the information that even Skynet couldn't collect.

At the sss level, only generals and the Central Military Commission are entitled to know top-secret information, not even Lieutenant General Tang Shuanglong.

"This Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan has a really big background. He is not just a new movie king, but he is also on the top of Mount Everest with the black dragon. From what he looks like, this probably from the cultivation family."

Tang Shuanglong's eyes flashed all of a sudden, and he cursed in his heart: "Could it be... are these guys going to come back? Are they going to challenge the country's bottom line?"

A ray of murderous intent suddenly appeared in the depths of the lieutenant general's eyes.

In China and other countries around the world, power is not what ordinary people understand. In fact, there are many things that ordinary people cannot touch.

Even if it happens occasionally, it will be concealed by the authorities.

This is an agreement between them and the country.

They... are cultivators who have existed since ancient times, a group of powerful human beings above ordinary people, and their strength is almost equivalent to the superman in the movies of country M, Captain America. Superheroes like the Hulk.

Of course, these people were all included in the US SHIELD, which was originally an unknown secret.

But I didn't expect that the people of country M would actually dare to make S.H.I.E.L.D. into a Hollywood special effects movie, which shocked many high-level officials in the country.

But knowing that the real powerhouses of S.H.I.E.L.D. did not participate in the show, they were also relieved. After all, no one would take it seriously in a movie.

Just like "War of the Ancient Gods" became the Chinese global box office champion, no one would believe that Black Dragon, Emperor Xuanyuan, and Chi You really existed.

But now... Tang Shuanglong clearly knows that the black dragon is real, Feng Hao really has the strength of a practitioner, and he is not afraid of the cold and low oxygen on the top of the earth.

Even...the furry ball beside Feng Hao is fine.


"They are definitely members of the cultivator family. It seems that the Huaxia Dragon Team should know about this..."

Tang Shuanglong smiled wryly. Now this matter is beyond his responsibility, and it is beyond the scope of his ability.

Of course... If the country needs him to take action against these practitioners who have violated the agreement, he will give the order to fire with great difficulty.

Thinking of this, Tang Shuanglong also had a sense of murderous intent and fierceness.

At the same time, the high-level members of the mysterious Chinese organization will also see everything that happened on Mount Everest.

These high-level people are all old men with white hair and childlike faces, and their temperament is more like a monk with a fairy-like demeanor.

There are a few young people standing in the room with evil smiles on their lips, playing with flames in their hands, and some are playing with water polo.

Some are even suspended in the room, and everyone has a look of aloofness and aloofness on their faces.

They... are just a part of the mysterious organization of Huaxia Kingdom, a group of strangers who are not contacted by ordinary people, and these old men are the leaders of the core organization of Huaxia Kingdom, and they are practitioners who have reached an agreement with the Huaxia Kingdom officials.

They are all from super families in various provinces and cities in China, and their power should not be underestimated.

"What do you think?"

An old man with eyebrows hanging down to his mouth whispered, his eyes swept over everyone's faces.

"This black dragon, we have seen it in the movie, presumably the crew of Ancient Gods knows everything, and sent people to contact the crew members to investigate everything."

"The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan's actor Feng Hao, according to the official information, seems to be a black shadow hacker, but the information is top secret and is protected by the head of the central government. It seems that he has reached an agreement with him..."

"However, as an alien who surpasses ordinary people, he appeared on Mount Everest and even caused an unprecedented avalanche. This has violated the bottom line. When he is captured and imprisoned in an alien prison, he will be released into space,"

Various voices appeared in the room.

In the end, they unanimously decided to immediately send people to Mount Everest to capture Feng Hao and issue an alert with the highest level of danger, called: Operation Skynet.

This alarm was also conveyed to the combat command center through the head of the central government, who had already cooperated with the mysterious organization Dragon Group in the XZ military region.

Hoo hoo!

At the same time, there are direct flights to Tibetan areas successively from major places such as the first-level imperial capital of China's sh city and gd province.

There are not many people who take these flights, but none of them are ordinary people. These people are urban elites during the day, and after receiving organizational tasks, they become dragon group aliens with very strong strength.

In order to arrest Feng Hao, the culprit who caused the huge avalanche in the Tibetan area, these people used a very powerful force.

Of course, there was also an order from the chief, try not to create too much momentum, and focus on persuasion, if Feng Hao insists on going his own way, then forcibly suppress it.

However, on the top of the earth in the Tibetan area, Feng Hao was stupefied. He didn't expect to walk around the top of the earth and absorb the ray of purple air at the angle closest to the sun, which caused such a situation.

It exceeded his expectations.

"You idiot, if you don't solve this matter for me, don't follow me in the future and cause trouble for me. Now it's better." Beast God Xiao Qiuqiu was very angry.

"Forget it, it didn't do it on purpose. Right now, it can only resist with its body. When the avalanche momentum dissipates, you are exhaling cold air, and it will be frozen for thousands of miles."

Feng Hao shook his head, there was no other way right now.

At this moment, Xiao Hei's incarnation of the black dragon coiled itself on the Mount Everest mountain range, blocking the avalanche, and Xiao Qiuqiu was also preparing to use his beast god supernatural powers to seal the collapsed snow-capped mountains.

However, at this moment, several fighter jets passed by the mountains and passed them. At the same time, emergency response forces were stationed at the foot of Mount Everest.

Various gun head loading, there is a tendency to go to war.

"My mother, you idiot, this is the end..." Xiao Qiuqiu almost vomited blood, causing such a big commotion, how could he become the best actor in the future?

Feng Hao also frowned slightly, is this the rhythm of the earth's officials to suppress them?

Could it be that he and others are too high-profile?

But... hehe, if you want to deal with yourself, as long as it is not a destructive nuclear warhead, the Xuanwu body can stop everything, and the Suzaku wings are used, what is the speed of a fighter jet?

Besides, as long as I and others want to leave, can mere human troops stop them?

"I'd like to see, what are you guys going to do?" Feng Hao wasn't afraid at all, instead his mouth curved into an arc.

But... soon, he focused his eyes and felt the breath of several practitioners spreading from the mountainside.

"The breath of practitioners, the earth, there are indeed practitioners. Perhaps, from their mouths, we can know some secrets, which may be related to my coming to earth, and the way to leave may also be found..."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the top of the mountain and waiting for the arrival of these strong men.

A group of native chickens and dogs, the main god was angry, and the world turned pale...

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