"Hehe, there are a few ants coming up, all of them are very arrogant..."

The Beast God felt it for a while, and a sneer inevitably appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When those people came up, each of them released their aura without reservation, the momentum was like a rainbow, they were extremely pretentious, and it was very intended to frighten them.

"Xiao Hei blocked the avalanche, you can freeze it first."

Feng Hao glanced at the mountain where the vibration was gradually weakening, and then gave instructions. With the cooperation of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, the avalanche crisis will undoubtedly be disintegrated.


Xiao Qiuqiu glanced at the direction of the breath, straightened his body, and went straight into the air, without revealing his body, he opened his mouth and let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the temperature lower than that on the top of Mount Everest appeared, and quickly froze the cracked ice crack.

Feng Hao's prediction was not wrong, the avalanche disaster, which was enough to cause a catastrophe, would be easily resolved with the joint efforts of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu.

But... what does it mean that these mobile troops came with the practitioners from the earth?

Want to find fault?

A chill also appeared in Feng Hao's eyes. Even the temperature in this space has dropped a bit.

At this time, five people came up Mount Everest, all handsome men and beauties in their thirties, with sneering smiles on the corners of their mouths.

"Heh, it's really strange that there are still wild cultivators now."

"Yes, now the country has reached an agreement with our cultivation family, as long as we don't do anything out of line, we can give us special privileges."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the country's rapid development, we cultivators might have the right to speak. Unfortunately... this country is too powerful, so powerful that we can't match it."

These five people didn't pay attention to Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu at all.

However, when their eyes fell on the mountains behind Feng Hao, everyone's eyes were shocked, and their eyes bulged like walnuts.

"Then, is that a dragon?"

"My God, isn't that the black dragon in the movie "War of the Ancient Gods"?"

The two female monks stared at the boss,

Rubbing her eyes, she couldn't believe what happened in front of her eyes. They were all monks, so they naturally knew things that ordinary people didn't.

But... They have never been in contact with real dragons, and they also regard the black dragon in the movie as a special effect.

"That movie is not a fucking special effect, it's real..."

As soon as the War of the Ancient Gods was released, coupled with the video clips circulated on the Internet before, the box office once soared. People who watched the movie also received five-star praise on Douban, double-click 666,.

In the comments, they all praised my Huaxia's special effects, which actually reached a level of realism that surpassed Hollywood.

Before, after seeing it, they were also surprised. It is impossible for these things to grow to such a degree all at once, and the special effects directly crushed country m.

Many people were proud, singing the national anthem in the movie theater and cheering for the crew of The Ancient Gods.

But at this moment, this black dragon was in front of their eyes. It was hundreds of feet long, and its beard fluttered like a huge tentacles. The pair of dragon eyes were also staring at them.

The shock it brought was too strong. At the same time, they also understand that this is not a movie at all, it is real, and the black dragon really exists.

"The ancient legends recorded by the Zongmen are true. There used to be dragons in China. We are all descendants of dragons."

Several practitioners were immersed in the excitement, completely ignoring the purpose of their trip.

Even Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu looked at these five people in a dazed manner at the moment, and their faces were not looking good...

That little black...isn't he a dragon? There is no need to be so surprised, he is the main god, and... Xiao Qiuqiu is even more of a beast god. You should be shocked by them...not that guy who only causes trouble.

Feng Hao said very unhappy: "Your target is that dragon?"


The five nodded without blinking.

"Don't look at who I am?" Feng Hao asked again, exuding the temperament of Huangdi Xuanyuan in the movie.

The whole person, at this moment, is like an emperor patrolling the world.

"Hehe, it's just a little monk. At first I thought our target was you, but now it seems that the organization has used such a large amount of energy, obviously for this black dragon, my God...he is our China's totem."

It seemed to be the leading young monk, his eyes blurred.

They received the order suddenly without a detailed battle plan, because they are all practitioners and are more resistant to cold than aliens, so they came here as an advance force.

Seeing the black dragon at this moment, I naturally thought that the thing that could make the officials use such a large amount of energy must be because of the Chinese totem... the dragon appeared.

"Xiao Qiuqiu, did you see that the actor is useless, these people don't know me at all, so don't even think about becoming an actor."

Feng Hao felt very uncomfortable. After staying on the earth for a long time, he also paid more attention to his reputation. After all, the feeling of being watched by everyone is also very good.

But... the guys in front of them don't know him, the new actor.

"Call Xiao Hei over, this Beast God will beat him to death." Xiao Qiuqiu was very dissatisfied.

"Master Black Dragon, we are the descendants of the dragon, please take a look at us..."

The leading young monk said respectfully, his tone was so respectful that he almost knelt down and called the black dragon ancestor.

"Xiao Hei, do you still want to pretend? Get over here..."

However, at this moment, Feng Hao stopped drinking, which made the Baizhang black dragon tremble suddenly, suddenly rose into the air and circled, and finally turned into a black unicorn.

Because it is so small, it looks like a dog. And...it licked Feng Hao's toes flatteringly.


This scene made the five monks who were almost kneeling down to worship the black dragon dumbfounded, their jaws fell to the ground, and then everyone seemed to have been tortured, crying and laughing like crazy.

This scene is really scary.

China's totem, a black dragon. He is hundreds of feet long and has extraordinary divine power, which is the supreme existence in their hearts.

But...he turned into a dog, licking the toes of the little monk in their eyes.

Especially, when they saw that fluffy and cute animal, they raised their paws and kicked the black dragon, cursing...

"This, this, this... ah, ah, I *\u0026r%$#$"

They started talking incoherently, the picture was too impactful, each of them showed a look of hell, almost fainted from shock, and their breathing became short of breath, as if they were about to have a heart attack.

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