Martial Inverse

Chapter 31 Film King Fenghao

Seeing a black dragon turned into a jumping fifty-cent dog, the five native cultivators of the earth almost collapsed, and their chrysanthemums tensed up.

This is really shocking.

What is the background of this young man in front of him? Isn't it a wild cultivator? When did China's wild cultivators become so powerful.

"You, are you Fenghao?"

At this time, one of the female monks was the first to react, and tremblingly said: "I remembered, no wonder your aura changed just now. It turned out that it was the aura of Huangdi Xuanyuan in the movie. You are the film emperor Fenghao!"

"Ah?" Is it Xuanyuan? My male god, he is really handsome, sign me an autograph... Oops, I didn't bring my pen and paper..."

The other female monk was also very excited, the shock just now disappeared, replaced by the madness of a groupie.

They completely forgot Feng Hao in front of them, but he was someone who dared to kick a black dragon.

Unexpectedly, not afraid of Feng Hao?

But also, a leader who fought for the tribe in the ancient god war is the representative of Wei Guangzheng, strong and affectionate, almost a killer at the level of a girl and a young woman, no one can resist Feng Hao's casual leak of a bit of the main god's temperament.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiuqiu became excited in the depths of his eyes: "The actor, this is the actor, this beast god has decided, I want to be the actor."

"It just so happens that I have a book on the art of transformation deep in my memory. If I find a chance, I will refine it and become a movie star in minutes, travel around the world, and read the beauty of the earth."

Xiao Qiuqiu grinned and said, how wretched it is.

Suddenly, it thought of the feeling of lying on Zhang Yixiaolei's chest in sh city...

Bah bah bah!

Xiao Qiuqiu trembled, looked at Feng Hao timidly, and was relieved to find that Feng Hao hadn't noticed it.

After all, the figure that appeared in its mind just now was Feng Hao's wife. often does this in Tianwu Continent.

Xiao Hei looked suspiciously at Xiao Qiuqiu, who was dodging his eyes. Wisdom appeared in his pitch-black eyes, but soon... this wisdom, under Xiao Qiuqiu's stare, instantly drifted away like smoke and cracked. Open your mouth to please.

After all... Xiao Qiuqiu is the Beast God,

No matter how strong the black dragon is, it dare not disobey the beast god.

That innate coercion is no longer something it can resist, it is the suppression from the depths of the soul.

"Hey, I'm the actor Feng Hao. I have a pen and paper with me. If it's convenient, I can sign for you, ha ha."

Since "War of the Ancient Gods" won the Chinese box office championship, catching up with the three most classic Hollywood movies with billions of dollars, Feng Hao has already realized the consciousness of becoming a celebrity.

In terms of paper and pen, in order to meet the requirements of fans, he will always carry it.


Little stars appeared in the eyes of the two female monks, obviously a little excited.

Although they are cultivators with powers above ordinary people, Feng Hao is the leading actor in the movie Ancient Gods War, and today's movie star, with fans all over China, is not an ordinary movie star at all.

He is an extremely important actor who is almost a household name.

Even, many foreign friends have chased stars to China, and want to worship Huangdi Xuanyuan as their teacher.

In particular, the two of them know that Feng Hao is not an ordinary person, but a wild cultivator. If Feng Hao is brought into the family, then their family will definitely be the number one among the Chinese cultivators.

Because, the puppy beside Feng Hao who can turn into a dragon, and that furry animal have different backgrounds.

"Here, I've signed it and here it is for you."

While the two female monks were still looking forward to it, Feng Hao put away the pen with a smile on his face, and handed the signed paper to the two female monks.

The two female monks blushed instantly, and under Feng Hao's unintentional aura of the main god, they had no resistance at all and fell completely.

Both of them are beautiful in appearance, more temperamental than some school beauties.

Of course, there are no ugly female monks in the cultivation world,

"Li Hao, how is the situation above? Has the subject been subdued?"

At this moment, the leading male monk was awakened by the sound of the walkie-talkie in his hand. Originally, the distance was so far, and it was the polar region, so the walkie-talkie would be useless.

But their intercoms are not ordinary products. They are made by geniuses in the cultivator family, and they have the ability to transmit sound for thousands of miles.

"Elder, things have changed... I'm not sure if the other party is hostile, but... But it should be fine, but the black dragon is gone..."

Li Hao spoke intermittently, not knowing how to explain to the elders at the bottom of the peak.

After all, Feng Hao's background is too great. Judging from the current situation, the war of the ancient gods is not a special effects movie, but... a real film.

Then it can be inferred that Feng Hao is... very powerful, and I am afraid that even if they join forces, they will not be opponents.

In addition... two unsatisfactory female monks are completely nympho, and their combat effectiveness is negligible.

"Missing? Where did you go? Li Hao, let me tell you, the task above is to investigate this matter clearly. Who is that guy at the top of the peak? Don't worry, he is the one who caused the disaster. According to the Cultivator's Family According to the agreement with the country, this person must be tried by the Alliance of Cultivators."

The intercom was filled with the old man's scolding.

Feng Hao frowned and felt very noisy, but before he had time to crush the walkie-talkie, Xiao Qiuqiu suddenly stepped forward, snatched the walkie-talkie from Li Hao's hand, and cursed: "Old man, are you fucking Stupid, judge, judge, I'll judge your mother."

rude, vulgar, vulgar...

This was the beast god's first reaction to the five monks.

More importantly, it can speak out.


At this moment, several people felt dizzy even more. Cultivators are not scary, and they have seen a lot of wild ones. They have even seen wild demon cultivators, but most of them are existences with not deep knowledge.

For example, fox yellow, white willow ash and the like are existences that are relatively easy to become spirits, and their legends are widely circulated in the secular world.

But this is the first time I have seen a demon cultivator who can speak since the founding of the Huaxia Kingdom, and it is shocking to the extreme.


Xiao Qiuqiu stomped the intercom to pieces and started fighting the old man.

At this moment, in the temporary combat command center at the bottom of Mount Everest, the white-haired old man standing in front of several tracked tanks was extremely annoyed: "Damn, damn, this bastard dares to scold me, I will kill him."


The old man's face was flushed red, and he didn't care about shocking the world at this moment. In front of all the officers and soldiers, he flew straight into the air and headed straight for the peak of Mount Everest.

"Elder Liu has such a violent temper... Hey, it seems that the memories of these people have to be erased again."

The middle-aged man standing next to Elder Liu sighed, looked back at the officers and soldiers who were in a sluggish state, opened the suitcase in his hand, adjusted some instruments, and then carefully picked up a fluorescent A small stone is placed in the round hole of the instrument.

His white fingers placed on the button with the skull sticker, but he didn't press it immediately, as if he was waiting for something.

"You are so bold, even this elder dared to humiliate you. Today, on behalf of the Cultivator Alliance, this old man will impose sanctions on you."

The voice of Elder Liu arrived before anyone arrived, and the voice of Elder Liu resounded on the top of the mountains.

If Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu hadn't blocked the ice and snow in the mountains, Elder Liu probably made a big mistake, and no one in the sky or on earth could protect him.

"I'll go, you're not too noisy, I'm still too noisy, punish me? Slap me first and then talk!"

Feng Hao is also slightly angry, the walkie-talkie is enough, but now he has to rush up and yell.

Immediately, Qinglong's speed exploded, and he disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared in front of Elder Liu like a ghost.

"Eh? You..."

Elder Liu was still in mid-air, he only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Feng Hao appeared in front of him.

Afterwards, he saw the palm like a fan, which gradually enlarged in his eyes.

"Fuck! Ah..."

Elder Liu was frightened, and before he could use his spiritual power to resist, he felt as if his whole body was hit by a big truck.

While qi and blood were churning, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his figure flew upside down, and was slapped down from the peak by Feng Hao...

"Elder Liu...he is a cultivator in the alchemy stage, representing the highest achievement of the current Huaxia cultivator, unexpectedly, he was slapped by the film, by Huangdi, by Feng Hao..."

The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts shocked to the extreme.

A voice suddenly came out from the bottom of their hearts, "Feng Hao, Black Dragon, and the furry little guy, where did they come from? How could they be so powerful?"

At the same time, the middle-aged man who was tinkering in front of the suitcase at the bottom of the peak felt the aura of a cultivator descending from the sky, so he smiled wryly and shook his head and said, "Hey, another wild cultivator has been sanctioned... Elder Liu represents One of the strongest forces in China, this's a pity..."



Just as the middle-aged man was about to start the instrument, he found a shoe flying in front of him. He flicked the shoe and knocked it into the air.

But after a glimpse, he found that the shoes were so familiar.

Suddenly, a bad premonition suddenly surfaced in my heart.

He turned his head slowly, and an unbelievable scene happened before his eyes...

All the officers and soldiers were also dumbfounded, with astonishment on their faces...

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