Situ Bei was kicked down by Feng Hao. He was in mid-air with a dazed expression on his face. He didn't even realize what happened.

I just felt a sense of weightlessness, as well as the tingling sensation of the cold wind blowing across my face, and I also felt an unprecedented shame in my heart.

He... a majestic elder of the ancient clan, a strong man in the middle of the alchemy stage, was smashed by a young man with the palm of his spirit sword that had been cultivated for decades, and kicked off Mount Everest.

"Who the hell is he..." Situ Bei's body was trembling, and fear appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"Someone fell, Elder Situ is really amazing, but as soon as he met him, he surrendered that person, as expected of a member of the ancient clan."

At the bottom of the peak, the middle-aged man whispered secretly, Situ Bei controlled the fairy sword to climb to the top of the peak, and unexpectedly surrendered the wild cultivator who defeated Elder Liu.

This strength is really not comparable to the monks of their cultivation alliance.

When Elder Liu heard the middle-aged man's words, his expression was very ugly. He was slapped down by Feng Hao just now, but Situ Bei seemed to have defeated Feng Hao as soon as he went up the mountain.


A scream sounded without warning, startling the middle-aged man and Elder Liu, and found out that it was an old man from the ancient clan.

This person is an elder of the ancient clan who is good at cultivating spiritual power, and his spiritual sense is very powerful. According to the information recorded in the alliance, the extreme spiritual sense can perceive everything within a radius of ten miles.

Ten miles is five kilometers, converted into meters, that is five kilometers, and you can feel everything on the mountainside of Mount Everest.

The old man seemed to have sensed something, his eyes bulged out, staring like walnuts, with a look of horror on his face, he lost his voice: " was Situ who fell, and his spirit sword was shattered."

"What? Situ just went up. According to his speed and time, doesn't it mean that he will be defeated after a face-to-face encounter?"

"Impossible, how could such a strong man appear in the age of the end of the Dharma? If you want to defeat Situ with one move, you must at least have the cultivation base of the golden core stage. This strength is equivalent to the elders on the stage among our ancient clan. Once born, The whole world was shocked."

The other ancient elders who were traveling with him didn't believe it at all, because it was too shocking.

Originally, they were summoned here for the purpose of that black dragon, which was the first dragon to appear since the founding of China.


Only their ancient race is qualified to contact them.


There was a loud noise, and a figure directly smashed into the ground, and a shoe flew out of the pit without warning.

It flew directly to the face of the old man with amazing spiritual knowledge, and time froze at this moment.


These... are really Situ Bei's shoes. Everyone gasped, their throats squirmed, and their eyes were filled with horror.

Someone really knocked Situ Bei off the peak in an instant.

"Haha, let me just say, how could this Situ Bei be so powerful, even I was beaten down, and he went up, and that's the end."

Elder Liu's face was rosy, and he looked very happy, as if he had won the jackpot when he bought a lottery ticket, his face was full of red.

The previous humiliation was instantly dissipated like smoke.

That's right, even Situ Bei, who is well-known in the ancient clan, was no match for that kid. It was reasonable for him to lose, and there was nothing shameful about it.


Suddenly, there was a commotion among the troops stationed on the back cover, and everyone raised their heads with shocked expressions.

The seven ancient strongmen, including the young man Jin Xin who always had a proud expression on his lips, couldn't help frowning slightly, followed the soldiers' gazes, and looked up into the sky.


With just one glance, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly at this moment, looking blankly at Feng Hao who descended from the sky with fiery red wings stretched behind him, like a god descending from the mortal world.

Everyone felt breathing, and it was difficult to continue. They held their breath and stared blankly at this scene...

Angel descends?

But an angel's wings should be white, but this one is... fiery red.

Like the wings of the Suzaku in myths and legends.

"Dragon, it's that black dragon!"

At the same time, they also saw the huge black dragon following behind Feng Hao. Everyone seemed to be in a fantasy world, their brains short-circuited, and their machines crashed...

The tanks lined up, ready to fight, but the commander in charge didn't have the courage to order to fire at all, and his inner breath was terrified to the extreme.

"What a young man..."

"The black dragon will follow behind him, who is he?"

"Could it be that the gods really came down to earth?"

All the officers and soldiers were dumbfounded. They were ordinary people who had served the country, piloted tanks and fighter planes, and soared across the sky, but what happened before them had overturned their cognition.

The worldview was shattered.

The elders of the ancient clan, including Jin Xin, whose talent was close to that of a demon, also watched this scene solemnly.

Feng Hao didn't release a powerful aura, just like the brother next door, but no one dared to underestimate him.

"Cultivation Alliance, people from the ancient clan, come here."

Feng Hao descended from the sky, his figure landed on the ground, the wings of the Vermilion Bird retracted behind his back, and he waved at the old men of the ancient clan.

Of course, both the middle-aged man and Elder Liu, with their heads shrunk, could not escape Feng Hao's eyes, both of them had fawning looks on their faces.


Elder Liu nodded and bowed, he was photographed by Feng Hao's slap, and he had seen Feng Hao's true face in a blink of an eye.

"It's him... the ruthless person who took pictures of Elder Liu and Situ Bei? That wild cultivator?" The middle-aged man was shocked beyond measure.

Such a young monk is actually so powerful, Huaxia, when did such a person appear.

Just like the protagonist Emperor Xuanyuan in the hotly released movie "The Ancient Gods", he is young and powerful, beheading Chiyou.

and many more……

The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly bulged, and his body trembled uncontrollably, filled with horror.

He recognized Feng Hao...

Isn't that... Film King Feng Hao?

At the press conference, the young man with a warm smile was named the youngest box office champion in China.

"He is the film emperor Feng Hao, the emperor Xuanyuan in the ancient battle of gods, and that black dragon is his mount..." The middle-aged man cried out in surprise, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Not special effects, movies really aren't special effects.

The leading actor, Feng Hao, is really a monk, acting in his pure true colors.

Oh my god, he is so courageous to show the strength of a monk in front of ordinary people. Isn't he afraid of sanctions?

The production crew of the ancient Shenzhan must be investigated, and their memories must also be erased, otherwise, the order of this world will be disrupted.

"What? Fenghao?"

Among the ancient clan, the genius monster named Jin Xin, with torch-like eyes, stared directly at Feng Hao with a calm face, bursting out with a fighting spirit.

However, Feng Hao turned a blind eye, with a very displeased expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "My patience is very limited, please take it easy, you keep provoking me, do you really think this emperor is kind?"

As soon as the words fell, a powerful aura erupted from Feng Hao's body...

At that moment, the people of the Gu Clan and the Cultivation Alliance, and even the soldiers stationed in the army, saw Mount Everest no longer in their eyes.

Instead, in the fiery red purgatory, Feng Hao, who looked like a god emperor, stood in the void, the sound of dragon chant sounded behind him, and the black dragon walked away,

And Feng Hao raised his hand and stamped his feet, his eyes were indifferent, and an emperor's pressure filled the entire purgatory.


Everyone couldn't bear this coercion, and their bodies fell to the ground. This scene seemed to be the end of the world, their mouths were dry, and they were extremely frightened.

At the same time, on the big screen of the Imperial Capital Combat Command Center, the originally clear picture of the bottom of Mount Everest was distorted and greatly disturbed.

"Report, the satellite was damaged for no reason."

"Report, the fighter plane lost its route, entered autopilot mode, and has returned."

"Report, the chief ordered to evacuate the troops, and this matter will be handed over to the Cultivation Alliance and the people of the ancient clan..."

A series of reports made the chief in the command room feel extremely heavy.

That Fenghao is too powerful, he undoubtedly has the ability to turn clouds and rain when he raises his hand, even the mythical dragon obeys him.

He... just like the real emperor in the movie, looking down on the world.

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