Martial Inverse

Chapter 34 Immortal Cultivation Spirit Art

In the imperial capital combat command center, the middle-aged chief seemed to have collapsed, slumped on the chair, looking at the big screen that lost the signal, feeling unprecedentedly heavy.

"Pay close attention to the movement in the Tibetan area, and report to me if there is any situation!" The middle-aged chief said in a deep voice.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a lieutenant in the command room stood up and looked at the middle-aged chief: "Chief, there is a webcaster broadcasting live online."

"live streaming?"

The middle-aged chief suddenly stood up, as if he had been beaten, and said to the sergeant at the side: "Switch the live broadcast to the big screen."


A series of keyboard sounds came to mind, and the command was input, and the live broadcast immediately appeared on the central large screen.

The host of the live broadcast is a senior donkey friend. There are currently hundreds of thousands of fans watching in the live broadcast room, and the camera of the screen is aimed at the bottom of Mount Everest where the soldiers are stationed.

At this moment, all the people at the bottom of the peak were in a very strange situation, and they actually fell to the ground. Even the old men of the seven ancient cultivators and the talented young man were not spared.

The middle-aged man and Elder Liu of the Cultivation Alliance were the closest to Feng Hao, and the pressure they received seemed to be even greater, and their bodies were trembling.

And Feng Hao stood in front of the crowd, with Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu beside him.

On the live broadcast screen, they are plain and ordinary people, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu also look like harmless animals.

But... Under the influence of Feng Hao's powerful coercion, everyone at the bottom of the peak looked different in their eyes.

In their eyes, there is horror and fear.

"Cultivation ancient clan, people who are allied with cultivation, come here, do you want me to say it a second time?" Feng Hao's cold words sounded.

The elders of the ancient clan trembled all over, looked at each other, and walked towards Feng Hao bravely.

On the other hand, Jin Xin, the genius of the ancient clan, seemed to be struggling, but his arrogance in front of Feng Hao was extremely ridiculous, and soon, he was also forced to go to Feng Hao.

A group of people, like soldiers waiting for the chief inspector.

Everyone's expressions have become extremely weird. In the end of the Dharma Era, they are all symbols of China's power.

Cultivated to reach the sky.

But now, in front of a young man, he is submissive and dare not show his air.

"Yes, what's your order?"


Elder Liu plucked up his courage, bowed his waist and said flatteringly: "Emperor Feng, if you have any request, please do so. Our Cultivation Alliance is willing to be obliged to Emperor Feng."

Feng Hao claimed to be the emperor before, and they also knew that the protagonist in the movie "The Ancient Gods" was Feng Hao, so at this moment, Elder Liu, very knowledgeable about current affairs, called Feng Hao Fengdi.

Apparently, it worked out pretty well.

Feng Hao's face softened a lot, and the powerful coercion disappeared immediately, and everyone felt relieved immediately, drenched in sweat, as if they just crawled out of the water.

"I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for those troops to retreat." Feng Hao said in a deep voice.

After all, he came here just to relax, for the ray of purple air in the east, and he didn't want this matter to rise to the level of the country.

Although he is not afraid, there are as few troubles as possible.

It was as if Xiaolei's leader knew of his shadowy identity on the Internet, and the two reached an agreement.

"Yes Yes!"

The middle-aged man behind Elder Liu turned around and reported the situation to the commander of the army.

The latter has also received the secret order to retreat, but because of Feng Hao's nod, he dare not evacuate at all, fearing that hundreds of people's lives will be ruined by him.

He now has a deep understanding of the strength of monks, which is not comparable to ordinary people. Even the so-called special forces, soldier kings, and mercenaries are just ants.


With an order, the troops that were waiting in full battle launched their tanks and withdrew quickly.

The army troops also withdrew immediately, not daring to linger for a while, and the army commander was also relieved, took a deep look at Feng Hao, and vowed to make a good contribution to the box office when he went back.

"They're all gone, Emperor Feng, look...can we leave too?"

Elder Liu breathed a sigh of relief. There were no casualties in the army, and the avalanche on Mount Everest was over, and there were no civilian casualties.

This is a blessing in misfortune. Now, their safe evacuation has become the top priority.

What punishment?

What seal?

What is sent into space?

That's all bullshit, one look from the other party can scare them out of their guts, and even talk about punishing them, if they can survive, it will be regarded as smoke from the ancestral grave.

By now, they have deeply realized that there are still one or two super perverts in this world.

Just like this Feng Hao, he was so perverted that he openly showed the strength of a monk in front of the common people, and made the movie "Ancient God".

But the box office was so good that it exploded.

Oh my God……

This man is a lunatic, a lunatic who ignores the rules.

No matter if they are members of the Ancient Cultivation Clan or the Cultivation Alliance, it is difficult to calm down. They just want to avoid Feng Hao's edge and go back to the clan for retreat.

"Leave your practice methods, and you can go."

Feng Hao had some expectations in his heart.

The monks on the earth, through what means of cultivation, can actually reach the realm of a great martial artist, but they don't have any aura of a martial artist.

On the contrary, there are fluctuations in the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Obviously, these monks in China are all practicing special skills.

"Perhaps, with their cultivation techniques combined with the martial arts of the Tianwu Continent, maybe I can recover my cultivation..."

Thinking of this, Feng Hao felt a little excited in his heart.


However, the elders of the ancient clan looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to deal with it for a while, and fell into entanglement and struggle.

"These are the methods of cultivating immortals that my family does not pass on to others, and it is impossible to pass them on to you."

The ancient genius Jin Xin said in a deep voice, his eyes burst out with light, as if he wanted to ask Feng Hao for advice.

As an unborn genius among the ancient clan, he just happened to be seeking the Tao with Elder Situ this time. In his world view, how could Feng Hao be so strong at such a young age?

Elder Situ failed, it must be the black dragon who made the move.

Feng Hao, a monk who makes movies, with special effects, does he really think he is invincible? Calling himself the emperor is simply arrogant to the extreme.


Feng Hao gasped slightly, he didn't expect that among the monks in Huaxia, there would be such an arrogant young monk.

At a glance, Feng Hao knew Jin Xin's strength, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What if I insist?" Feng Hao said.

Jin Xin's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Then step over my corpse!"

The arrogance he had cultivated over the past twenty years made it impossible for him to compromise like this, especially the family's method of cultivating immortality.


Feng Hao snorted coldly, clenched his fist with his right hand, unleashed the unicorn arm, and slammed his fist to the ground.


The ground trembled, and then a bottomless crack spread, extending for several hundred meters. The biggest crack could hold a cow.

However, Feng Hao still had some reservations, otherwise the entire Tibetan area would be hit by a major earthquake.


Jin Xin put on a defensive posture and stared at this scene dumbfounded. He thought that Feng Hao was clenching his fist to attack him, but he didn't expect... to frighten him.

In fact, he was indeed shocked. At this moment, a urge to urinate came over him, and his back was drenched with sweat.

"Fengdi, I am willing to contribute my cultivation method..."

"Yes, yes, I am willing too, ha ha!"

"Fengdi can go to Kunlun Mountain with me, and the family's upper-level spiritual formula can be chosen at will...

And the other elders of the ancient clan, after seeing Feng Hao's methods, no longer dared to take chances. The palpitating power had already shattered the defense line in their hearts.

They are scared.

Afraid that Feng Hao would be angry, not only against them, but also against the family behind them.

The country has directly given up on targeting Feng Hao, but the ancients still persist, what's the use? Fairness, the rule of law? In the eyes of their monks, fists are the last word.

"I... I have no right, you have the ability, follow me to Huashan." Jin Xin hesitated to speak, then thought of the surviving member of the clan, and lured the enemy.


However, before Jin Xin could react, Feng Hao directly grabbed his shoulders, stretched the Vermilion Bird wings behind him, and flew straight into the air, soaring upwards.

In an instant, it disappeared from everyone's sight.


But just when they breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Hao's voice sounded in their ears without warning: "Everyone go back and get ready, soon... I will come to the door to ask for the immortal cultivation formula..."

"Damn it, why are we here? This is the end..."

A gloom also appeared in the hearts of all the old people, their faces were ashen...

But at this moment, the donkey host who broadcast all this live, the iPhone in his hand was shaking non-stop, and his eyes were extremely panicked.

Actually...can fly...

In particular, that extremely impactful punch completely overturned their cognition.

At this moment, the live broadcast room exploded...

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