Martial Inverse

Chapter 35 Shocking the Nation

"This is a post-production special effect, it is definitely not real."

"666, the anchor is really 6, and you captured all of this."

"It should be true, the picture quality is very clear!"

"You say it's true, is it true?"

"I'm majoring in film and television art. Moreover, the current domestic live broadcast methods are not strong enough to match the special effects of the live broadcast screen, because this is a lot of engineering and needs to be calculated..."

In the live broadcast room, many people were arguing, especially the high-achieving student who claimed to be a film and television art major. When various professional terms were thrown around, many viewers were instantly confused.

A series of 66666... ​​occupy the entire screen.

The audience member who was holding a pen to paint Fuchen was silent for a moment, and then typed out a few words: Let the host explain!

His words also aroused the enthusiasm of the audience, which made the anchor come out and speak.

And the high-achieving student with the name of "Just fight hard" also chose to remain silent, but he still insisted on his opinion that this is real and not a special effect.

"As a research monk of Yanjing Film and Television Academy, I am sure that this is not a special effect. In this world, there may really be some 'supermen' that we don't know about."

As soon as he spoke, "If you dare to fight, you can do it", some melon-eating people sent 66666. No matter what, he is a genius in Yanjing.

But the one who was painting the floating dust couldn't bear it:

"I am an atheist, and I also believe that many veterans in the live broadcast room are like that. Let the anchor speak out who is right and who is wrong."

At this moment, the outdoor anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans finally recovered from the shock...

It wasn't that there was no signal, and it wasn't that he was watching the live broadcast room where the two camps were fighting each other and blushing, but that he... didn't pay attention to the live broadcast room at all.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Old irons, you must not know, what did I see? I am sad today because... I missed a great opportunity."

In the screen, the anchor appears, still the same little prince who never gets tired of watching, but his expression is very depressed.

seems to be missing something,

driven to distraction.

"Anchor, don't tell me, I paid 2,000 yuan salary this month, and I have already kept 500 yuan. I will give you a 1,500 yuan gift later."

There is a loyal fan who is heartbroken by the little prince, a donkey friend, and hastily threw out a series of rewards, which are worth 1,500 soft sister coins.


The fans are also booing.

The host donkey friend Little Prince smiled, very happy, and thanked: "Old iron, thank you for brushing the rocket, there is nothing wrong with it, 6666..."

At the same time, in the dark and damp rental house in the basement, a thin, malnourished teenager was eating instant noodles, opening his mouth and laughing: "Haha, did you see, the prince called me old iron, said I Nothing wrong, you even praised me 666, so I look forward to the arrival of next month..."

"Friends in the audience, as long as you have bought a hundred sports cars, I will tell you the truth immediately, old irons, there is nothing wrong..."

The donkey friend Little Prince glanced at the chat records in the live broadcast room, and knew that now was a good opportunity to earn a sports car.

"what are you doing?"

However, just as the host, donkey friend Little Prince, was waiting to become popular in the live broadcast circle and make a lot of money, a cold word suddenly sounded behind him.

In the entire live broadcast room, the audience soared to more than one million fans, all staring blankly at the screen on the computer or mobile phone.

The big screen in the command room of the imperial capital was also broadcasting this scene live.

The phone camera of donkey friend Little Prince is facing Feng Hao.

In an instant...

The live broadcast room exploded again!

"Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass... Who is that? I'm blind?"

"Fuck, shit, it's the film king Feng Hao, the protagonist of the ancient war of gods Huangdi Xuanyuan, he is actually in Tibet, is he planning to make a new movie? Oh my god, he's ranked among the top three in the global box office, and he hasn't earned enough..."

"Feng Hao, Feng Hao, say a few words."

The audience in the live broadcast room trembled with excitement.

Some veterans suspected that it was the little prince, a donkey friend, and invited Feng Hao to be a special guest, and the sports car immediately started to play. After all, there were quite a lot of people watching this live broadcast, and the number of users was increasing by hundreds of thousands per minute.

As for the live broadcast platform, they also discovered the abnormality of the donkey friend Little Prince's live broadcast room. All resources and publicity methods were used in the live broadcast room of the traveling little prince.

After all, Feng Hao, the best actor at the box office, appeared in the live broadcast room as a guest.

Immediately, the entire network and channels of Huaxia were filled with live broadcasts of donkey friend Little Prince, and he made a lot of money...

However, at this moment, the four-eyed donkey friend, the little prince, couldn't be happy at all, because he was in a special position with a cliff behind him.

But Feng Hao, just standing behind him, didn't touch the ground, he was floating in the air.

The donkey friend Little Prince's teeth chattered uncontrollably.

"Feng, Feng Hao, I'm your fan." The little prince tremblingly said.

"Are you live streaming?"

Feng Hao looked at the mobile phone of his donkey friend Little Prince.

Originally, he had just taken Jin Xin, a genius of the ancient race, to Mount Hua, but Xiao Qiuqiu secretly told him that a blind guy took pictures of all this.

Then, he came over to see what happened.

As it turned out, the donkey friend, the little prince, broadcast everything under the peak. He knew that even if he destroyed the phone right now, it would be useless.

"Hey, I've become a movie star too, now let's be an Internet celebrity again!"

Feng Hao sighed lightly, snatched the selfie stick from the donkey friend Little Prince, adjusted the angle he thought was the most handsome, showed a charming smile, and greeted the fans in the live broadcast room: "Hi, everyone, I It's Feng Hao, your Yellow Emperor is back."


"6666 Yellow Emperor, Yellow Emperor!"


The eyes of the fans in the live broadcast room were red, looking at the keyboard frantically, everyone was going crazy.

Because Feng Hao greeted them...

But then, the originally noisy and lively live broadcast room suddenly became silent, no one sent a single word, not a single expression, and there were no flowers.

It's completely different from the previous scene.

"The studio exploded?"

Feng Hao frowned and said, but soon, he noticed something strange. It turned out that the little black had turned into a black dragon, and it was behind him at this moment, with long eyes like copper bells, staring at the camera of the phone.

And this scene, all the people on Huaxia's network, saw this scene.

It's the black dragon, the black dragon in the movie Ancient Gods War, he appeared together with Feng Hao...

"Haha, the chance for this Beast God to become the film king has come!"

At this time, Xiao Qiuqiu was also very excited, standing on the head of the little black dragon, with a wave of his little paw, he snatched the phone from Feng Hao, and greeted the fans in the live broadcast room with his paw.

"Hi, I'm Chi You's actor, old irons, you can call me Beast God!" Xiao Qiuqiu opened his mouth, and he was so cute.

The studio was still silent.

"I'm alone here?"

Suddenly, a line of words appeared on the screen.

Then, as if in response to him, millions, tens of millions of messages were pushed out, and it was obvious that the live broadcast room was stuck.

"What's going on? Got stuck?"

The little ball keeps tapping on the iPhone, and just so happens, the camera is facing Feng Hao with a wry smile on his face...

But at this moment, the audience in front of the screen saw Suzaku Wing behind Feng Hao, and their world view suddenly collapsed...

It turns's true!

At this moment, whether it is on the Internet or on the TV station, this scene is being rebroadcasted. It is even more exciting than the scene where the Black Dragon and Xiao Qiuqiu arrived on Earth and Feng Hao went to greet them.

Today, they know... It turns out that the so-called tidbits were purely to cover up the truth...

The actor Feng Hao, the black dragon, and Xiao Qiuqiu all exist in real life.

This world is no longer the world they know...

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