The Internet and TV all over the world are rebroadcasting the live broadcast of Dou Niao platform at this moment, and even the Chinese officials have acquiesced.

There is no way, the influence is too great. Tens of millions of people already know about the black dragon and some existences above ordinary people.

If it is concealed any more, it will only make the country with a large number of people lose confidence.

"Feng Hao, Feng Hao didn't leave, he went to the Tibetan area..."

In front of the 60-inch tcl cloud TV, Zhang Yi in the villa, including Xiaolei, and Xia Shilan, looked at Feng Hao who was unfolding the meaning of Vermillion Bird in the picture with red eyes.

At this moment, the feeling of lost and found, filled their hearts.

Since Feng Hao left, they have been very unhappy, and Xia Shilan has washed her face with tears in the bathroom countless times.

They didn't resist the love they had for Feng Hao in their hearts, but their longing made their hearts ache.


Distraught, Xia Shilan walked to the front of the TV, stroking Feng Hao's cheek in the live broadcast with her slender palm, tears streaming down her face.

Women, if you love, you are in love, and it will never change for a lifetime.

"Beast, Beast God, Beast, your sister!"

Feng Hao felt his scalp go numb, this little ball was simply too hateful, it was so bold to spout words in front of humans.

He snatched the iPhone, pointed the screen at his exquisite and handsome facial features, and said with a warm smile: "Our crew is here to shoot a movie of the modern mythology series. Everything that happened just now is a special effect. As for talking The bald dog is because of the voice changer..."

"Okay, today's live broadcast is over, see you next time!"


Feng Hao exerted a little force with his fingers, and the mobile phone of the donkey friend anchor turned into dust.

"Feng Hao, this is an opportunity for this beast god to become famous, you..."

Xiao Qiuqiu was about to cry, and just said a word, the camera was taken away by Feng Hao, which was even more of a trick than a trick.

It feels that the Chinese humans know of their existence anyway. This is already an unchangeable fact,

It's better to take the opportunity to debut and become the best animal actor in history.


It's the Beast God Movie King.

That's right, that's what it's supposed to do on Earth.

"You also want to learn from Xiao Hei, causing all kinds of trouble?" Feng Hao glared at Xiao Qiuqiu.

Originally, everything would be safe and sound, but... Xiao Hei followed behind him for no reason and was exposed to the live broadcast camera.

"What trouble can there be? On this earth, is there anyone else who is the opponent of this beast god?" Xiao Qiuqiu was not convinced.


Feng Hao felt his head was huge. Said: "I guess, now you are really angry, we are all angry..."

"Haha, it's good to be popular, if this beast god can't become a movie star, then he can become an Internet celebrity..." Xiao Qiuqiu was very optimistic.

Anyway, as long as you can be famous, that's enough.

It likes to see people's surprised, shocked, shocked expressions, which makes it feel very happy.

Because in the Tianwu Continent, monsters are too common to cause waves in anyone's heart, but on this earth, it is different, people will be shocked by its existence.

The talking beast god also has great strength, so it shouldn't be too powerful.

"Submit it, I completely subdue you."

Feng Hao is impressed by Xiao Qiuqiu's values. Some information on this earth, after being learned by Xiao Qiuqiu, has really changed it a lot.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with that.

It's just... It will inevitably have a certain impact on this country and the world.

Feng Hao is sure that the whole world must be in chaos from now on, because the monks and strangers who were once unknown to ordinary people will all surface.

"Forget it, as long as Qingwu, Lexin, Qiong Linger and the others are fine, that's fine!"

Feng Hao thought of Zhang Yi Xiaolei, Xia Shilan and the others... Maybe they should have seen him too.

Having figured it out, Feng Hao no longer struggled, and his eyes fell on the four-eyed anchor with a sluggish face.

"Feng Hao, kill him? It's all the fault of this guy, he secretly broadcast live!" Xiao Qiuqiu had a murderous look on his face.

The aura it gave off scared the internet celebrity anchor, pouring urine and feces, begging for mercy on the ground again and again: "My gods, I don't mean to offend, don't kill me... and I am a Chinese citizen, protected by the state, and I have money , my old iron rewarded me with millions, and I will give it all to you... let me go."

The four-eyed anchor's body was trembling. He swore that if time went back, he would never live broadcast all this. He knew...

He has made a big mistake.

The thing that was concealed by the country, unexpectedly... was destroyed in the hands of his live broadcaster.

"Little ball, erase his memory."

Feng Hao's murderous intent was not as serious as Xiao Qiuqiu's, he was just an ordinary person, and he had no major vengeance, so there was no need to make more killings, so he turned around and jumped on Xiao Hei's body.

After all, Jin Xin of the Huashan Ancient Clan was imprisoned in other places by him, waiting to go to Huashan to see the earth's method of cultivating immortals.

Feng Hao knows that in the Great Thousand World, there are many ways of cultivation, maybe, the method of cultivating immortals in this world of the earth can make him have a breakthrough and enlightenment.

Xiao Qiuqiu took a deep look at the four-eyed anchor, and in the latter's terrified expression, opened his mouth and said: "Hey, Feng Hao wants to erase your memory, but this beast god suddenly doesn't want to do it... "

"No, you can't kill me, Feng Hao said, just erase the memory, I don't want to die, I'm not married yet, I'm still a virgin..."

The anchor snotted and cried, telling his pain, erasing his memory is not terrible, what is terrible is that he will die.

"Are you a virgin? The Beast God took a look at you and knew that you peeked at the widow Wang in the next village taking a bath when you were eight years old. You lured a little girl to watch a small movie when you were twelve. You spent a hundred yuan when you were sixteen. The old bustard lost her virginity... and told this beast god that she was a virgin."

Xiao Qiuqiu glanced at the four anchors with contempt.

"If you don't leave, just stay here. The seal of the Gu Clan boy will destroy his foundation after a long time." Feng Hao frowned, staring at the little ball.

He admired Jin Xin, the genius of the ancient clan, so he didn't want such a genius to be ruined in his own hands.

Xiao Qiuqiu rolled his eyes, nodded and said: "Okay, you and Xiao Hei go first, and I will follow after you. Don't worry, no matter where you are, this beast god can find you anywhere in the world by moving its nose."

Feng Hao didn't think much, nodded and said: "Okay, Xiao Hei and I will go to Huashan first, remember, don't make trouble for me, otherwise, find a way to go back, and throw you back first."

"It's an old partner, don't you believe me?" Xiao Qiuqiu said aggrievedly.

Feng Hao rolled his eyes at it, and patted Xiao Hei's dragon horns lightly. The latter gave a dragon cry, and Baizhang's body sank directly into the clouds.

In the depths of the clouds not far away, Jin Xin, who was imprisoned by a golden light, was calling for help to the passenger plane that was about to pass by him with a pale face.

"Mom, look, there is a big brother in the cloud waving at our plane..."

On the passenger plane, a little girl saw Jin Xin and said innocently.

The mother next to the little girl looked out of the window, just as the clouds blocked Jin Xin, and said with a chuckle, "Idiot, where is there anyone, the child must tell the truth."

"Mom, really!"

The little girl pouted, very angry that her mother didn't believe her. When she looked at Jin Xin's position again, her beautiful little eyes were full of surprises: "Mom, I saw the black dragon in the movie of Ancient Gods. There is that Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, they went to Yunli to find the little brother."

"Black Dragon? Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan? My God, the current movie is really misleading. With such a high box office, I don't know how many teenagers will be affected..."

The young woman murmured as she subconsciously looked out the window, and then...she saw a side that overturned her entire world.

He saw the black dragon, Feng Hao, and the little brother in the girl's eyes.


The young woman felt dizzy, couldn't turn the corner, screamed, and fainted from fright...

Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the cabin of the plane, and then the plane vibrated violently, and the weather outside suddenly turned dark, accompanied by thunder and heavy rain.

"Dear passengers, the plane is encountering high-altitude turbulence and lightning weather. The captain is driving the plane with all his strength and driving away from the clouds. Please don't panic. Put on respirators. Soon, we will be out of danger..."

The voice of the stewardess came from the radio, but... her words were also full of panic, obviously the matter was not simple.

Immediately afterwards, the oxygen mask automatically bounced off the passenger seat, and all the passengers turned pale with fright. Fortunately, a flight attendant had the courage to teach the passengers a lesson.

But suddenly, the whole plane seemed to cut off the power suddenly, and fell to one side, and the feeling of weightlessness filled everyone's heart.

"Mom, wake up, woo woo, Xuanyuan, little black dragon, come and save us..." The little girl was also frightened, she patted the window of the plane and shouted loudly.

It's could her voice come out.

On the contrary, her crying made everyone feel terrified, knowing that the plane was about to crash, and they... might die soon.

"Feng Hao, something is wrong with the plane, one wing is on fire, it seems to be struck by lightning."

Xiao Hei's voice rang directly in Feng Hao's mind.

Feng Hao was stunned, turned around, and suddenly saw the Air China plane that was out of control and crashing down. He faintly moved his ears, and heard someone in the plane calling Xuanyuan, and Xiao Heilong.

"You take Jin Xin to Mount Hua, and I will save people, waiting for me at Mount Hua."

Feng Hao said anxiously, without even thinking about it, the Suzaku wings stretched out suddenly, and rushed towards the falling plane, his eyes were full of eagerness.

His heart is to love this Chinese man with the same skin color as him...

Jin Xin, who was imprisoned by Xiao Hei, looked deeply at Feng Hao's leaving back, and there was a hint of surprise in the depths of his eyes...

ps: Ladies and gentlemen, today is a big chapter of 3,000 words. These days, after Xiami finished writing Master of Alchemy and Master of Tuntian, he still insisted on writing Wu Ni Fanwai, in order to thank everyone for their support all the time.

But Lao Tiemen also knows that he does not have any income for the original articles on the WeChat official account, but it will consume Xiami two or three hours a day.

To interact with you, to read your messages, and to write a detailed outline... It's hard to describe Xiami's daily work status in a single word.

However, Xiami will push a novel tomorrow, and it will be paid for pushing, and it will be paid for clicks.

So... After Xiami pushes the novel tomorrow, I hope all old friends, book lovers, and fans can help Xiami click to read and forward it like crazy...

The more people read, Xiami will have a considerable income, and the extra episode will be updated with more, faster, and more exciting content to repay everyone's support and love...

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