Right now.

Outside the Air China plane, a fiery red beam of light suddenly flashed through the pitch-black clouds, illuminating the pitch-black cabin.

And the plane that lost its balance, the plane that fell, suddenly stabilized...

"what happened?"

"Is the plane under control?"

"What was that red light just now? It appeared from outside the plane..."

In the cabin, the passengers who were nearly two hundred meters away were still in shock. They were full of doubts about the sudden stabilization of the plane.

Even the captain and co-pilot in the cockpit were stupefied.

They have called the main station for help, and it is determined that the wings on both sides of the plane have been destroyed, and the power has been completely lost. Death is inevitable.

Even if the bottom is the deep sea, falling from such a high altitude will still result in a plane crash and death.

But now, the plane is actually stable.

"Could it be that red light just now? Could it be an alien?" The co-pilot's heart beat faster.

"What aliens, at this time, are you still joking?"

The captain frowned, and the warning lights in the cabin were still on. If it were not for external forces, the plane would not be able to stabilize in the air. .

But aliens say...

It's too funny, don't aliens have to be awesome?

"Then what's going on?" The co-pilot looked at the captain.

Anyway, he thinks it must be an alien attack, otherwise, how to explain this phenomenon?

Is it possible that there is still Superman?

Like Hollywood movies, Superman returns, and there is a plot of Superman carrying an airplane, but that is a movie, how can there be Superman in reality?

Just when all the passengers in the cabin and the captain were confused, a timid little girl unfastened the safety buckle and stood on the chair.

"It was Huangdi Xuanyuan, who saved us,

I saw with my own eyes a pair of wings grew out of his back, and then flew over..."

The little girl spoke earnestly, as if she was worried that others would not believe her, she clenched her fists and swore: "What I said is true, if there is even a little bit of falsehood, I, I, I am a puppy!"

"Sakura, don't talk nonsense, sit down, it's dangerous!"

The mother who woke up quickly hugged the little girl, worried that the plane would be in danger again.

No one wanted to experience the thrilling scene just now.

"It will be fine, Huangdi Xuanyuan will save us, I believe, because he smiled at Xiaoying." The little girl was very happy.

"Hey, everything can only be left to fate. As for Huangdi Xuanyuan, it's all a movie. The little girl may have been frightened and talked nonsense."

"Well, maybe the plane is out of danger and has sailed normally."

The other passengers nodded secretly.

As for the Huangdi Xuanyuan with wings, they are all children talking nonsense. How can there be such weird things in this world.


Many people were laughing, but the words were spoken by a little girl, and no one satirized them. They have lived for decades and held high positions. What things haven't they seen?

Could it be that it would be too ridiculous for them to believe the nonsense of a little girl!

But at this moment, the captain's slightly majestic voice came from the loudspeaker: "Passengers, I am the captain. The plane...is not yet sure whether it is safe, but now our plane is gradually descending. In this situation, everyone will return to land in peace."

"In addition, as the captain, I am obliged to tell you the current situation of the aircraft. The wings on both sides have been destroyed and all power has been lost. To be honest, the aircraft can be stable, which completely violates the theorem...Maybe...God is really here Take care of us."

"May good luck always take care of you! Beep~"

The sound stopped abruptly, but there was silence in the cabin, a needle could be heard, and everyone opened their mouths, able to stuff an egg.

It was so shocking, the wings of the plane were destroyed, and the power was lost, but unexpectedly, it would descend so smoothly and slowly.

Could it be that God really cares for them?

Or...is this just a dream?


A passenger pinched his thigh and grinned in pain, "This is not a dream... Oh my god, what happened?"

The other passengers are also confused.

A passenger looked at the little girl, his eyes became weird, and he thought to himself, could it be that what the little girl said is true? Do people really have wings?

Isn't that an angel?

Angels, aren't they God's lackeys?


is the Son of God.

But they are all Chinese, and they believe in Taoism. What does it have to do with Western gods?

When the passengers in the cabin were puzzled, Feng Hao tried his best to control the strength of the unicorn arm of his right hand at the bottom of the plane, so that he could not only resist the plane, but also prevent the plane from being destroyed.

Moreover, the speed of flight has to be controlled.

If this is the Tianwu Continent, when the cultivation base is still there, this is just a matter of thought.

But this is the earth, he only has the unique skills of the four major physical bodies, and it is really not an easy task to save two hundred lives with this plane.

Saving people is much, much harder than killing people.

"Oops, the city below..."

Feng Hao lowered his head and glanced under him, suddenly thinking that something was wrong.

Forced landing in the city, this is not what he wants to see, this is too shocking for ordinary people...

What's more, if you make an emergency landing in a city, if there is any accident, it will be a catastrophe and a lot of casualties.


At the same time, an air defense alert was issued over Shanghai, and the airport radar detected the forced landing of an Air China plane.

And switched the channel and got in touch with the plane.

When I learned that there were 200 Chinese passengers and a few foreign friends in the plane, especially the wing of the plane was destroyed and lost power.

This incident caused an uproar in the Civil Aviation Administration, and a series of orders were issued, and they tried to guide the plane to make an emergency landing.

But the plane lost control, how to guide it?

"The radar shows that the plane landed smoothly, and the speed was always maintained at a certain limit, which is very strange..."

The civil aviation personnel looked at the green dot on the radar, and the picture of the plane was successfully captured, and it was clearly displayed on the big screen at this moment.


But when everyone saw the scene clearly, the entire Civil Aviation Administration and the airport main station fell into dead silence.

My god... what is that thing?

He was actually holding the plane with one hand, with a pair of fiery red wings fluttering behind him, but it happened to be a human man.

The picture was enlarged, and Feng Hao's appearance appeared on the big screen.

"Hold the grass, isn't that, isn't that the young man who appeared during the TV station's all-channel live broadcast on the Internet? Feng Hao, the hero of the ancient war of gods..."

"Yes, it's really him. He's not in the Tibetan area, why did he come to SH City? My God."

"Myth, it's really a myth. Feng Hao said in the live broadcast before that it was a special effect of their crew. It was filmed in a Tibetan area and a j.b was taken. It is true. This guy is really a god!"

The Civil Aviation Administration and the airport main station were buzzing, everyone wanted to take stimulants, talking nonsense, and their heads were in a daze.

It's unbelievable that such a superman really exists.

No, in China, Feng Hao should be called a man of God.

"Contact the city government. The landing site has been determined. It is at the Shi City Sports Center. Evacuate the crowd, block the road, and activate the first-level emergency response."

The Civil Aviation Administration sent someone to contact the city government and issued an early warning.

At the same time, check all the conditions of the aircraft.

Of course, everyone's eyes fell on Feng Hao, and they couldn't move away at all.

"Look, there is a plane falling from the sky, what the hell~"

"Just kidding...laughing...I'll rub it, really, run..."

A match was being held at the Sh City Sports Center. At this moment, everyone was terrified. The plane in the sky was obviously an A380 known as a giant.

If it falls, everyone will die.


The spectators in the sports center and the athletes in the competition were stunned, screaming wildly and running around.

"I'm really speechless. I don't have any good things to do, and all troubles come to me..."

Feng Hao almost vomited blood depressedly.

It seems that ever since he came to Earth, he was in Zhang Yi's villa, together with Xia Shilan, Xiao Lei, Liu Xiaofei, and they were always in trouble.

Although he didn't pay attention to those troubles, and they were not troublesome, but it took time to solve them.

But now, it is no small matter, because his identity and strength have obviously been shown in the eyes of ordinary people.

This is different, the Butterfly Effect is here, it is difficult for him to be a film king quietly...

At this moment, the plane is very close to the ground, and Feng Hao can also feel that the gravity of the earth has increased.


In order to adjust the strength on the arm, Feng Hao was negligent for a moment, and the strength was a little stronger, who knows... The bottom of the plane broke open like paper.

And the weight of the plane directly pressed down, and Feng Hao pushed his whole body into the cabin.


In an instant, there was a huge wind blowing back, but everyone in the cabin was messed up by the wind, staring dumbfounded at Feng Hao who crashed into the cabin.

"Be quiet and do your best, don't worry about anything, forget everything that happened." Feng Hao said seriously.

At this moment, he didn't have time to care how shocked these people were, he just tried to control the force as much as possible to prevent the plane from being in crisis again.

However, the little girl in the cabin blushed with excitement and said excitedly: "Brother Xuanyuan, you are here!"

"Well, sit down, brother will chat with you later."

A smile appeared on Feng Hao's face, he was very familiar with the little girl's voice, it was her cry for help that made him act without any hesitation.

Listening to Feng Hao's conversation with the little girl, everyone's eyes stared like walnuts.

They trembled all over and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

What the little girl said was actually true, it was really the actor Feng Hao who saved them, not some god or some shit angel.

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