Martial Inverse

Chapter 39 Loved

Chapter Thirty-Nine Loved

"Feng, Fenghao..."

Xia Shilan exhaled like blue, hugging Feng Hao tightly, afraid of losing him again.

In the past two days, she washed her face with tears, recalling every little bit of Feng Hao's presence, the more difficult it is to let him go from her heart.

Zhang Yi, Xiaolei, and Liu Xiaofei, who came here because they saw the live broadcast on the whole network, all stayed where they were, with an inexplicable pain in their hearts.

Their affection for Feng Hao is no less than that of Xia Shilan.

But Xia Shilan has an independent personality, takes care of her goddaughter, and her father Xia Jianghe who is seriously ill, so she is a little more mature than her peers.

When dealing with feelings, it is also the kind of person who is not willing to let go after grasping them.

Therefore, after breaking that layer of paper, I was quite proactive.

Although Fenghao also occupies an extremely important position in their hearts, if they want to compete with Xia Shilan for Fenghao in an upright manner, it will be difficult for them to break the shackles of the world.

"Feng Hao, you are so majestic. Just after you left the villa, the whole country knew about the trouble, and now it is even more troublesome in the city of SH."

The beautiful director Zhang Yi punched Feng Hao's arm with a powder fist, which resolved the embarrassment of all the beauties in the living room.

"sit down!"

Liu Xiaofei and Xiaolei sat on the sofa, motioning for Feng Hao and Xia Shilan to also sit down.

Xia Shilan is not a fool either, she is very aware of the love these beauties in the villa have for Feng Hao, she has no idea of ​​monopolizing Feng Hao.

At this moment, he even pushed Feng Hao onto the sand and fell among the beauties, humming: "Dare to leave us beauties without saying goodbye, sit down and be trained honestly."

Facing this sudden scene, Liu Xiaofei and Xiaolei were stunned at first, then blushed in embarrassment.

Feeling Feng Hao's body clinging to their own skin, their breathing became a little heavy.

Feng Hao also looked confused, looking at Xiaolei and the others in astonishment, feeling like entering a wolf's den.

Of course, he felt very warm in his heart.

only where they are,

On Earth, he still feels very at ease, although it is because they look exactly like his wife, but that is not all.

After all, Xiaolei is not an ordinary person, so she quickly realized that she approached Feng Hao with a pretty face, only a fist away, and hummed softly: "Hmph, what Xiaolan said is right, she dared to run away without permission. , Have you paid the rent? Have you paid the beauty fee?"

Liu Xiaofei plucked up all her courage, pinched Feng Hao's chin, and said proudly: "Being the film king is not enough, you're going all over the world to show off your ability, right? The Queen of Shadow hasn't agreed yet, so you dare to act privately?"

In the villa, several beauties turned their dissatisfaction and longing for Feng Hao into questioning all at once, which made Feng Hao very dizzy.

Feng Hao didn't know what they were thinking, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand and pulled Xia Shilan and Zhang Yi to his side, activated the flirting mode, and said with a smile: "You have so many questions, how can I answer them? Come one by one."

"Ah, what are you doing, let me go!" Zhang Yi was taken aback, his face was as red as a ripe peach.

Smelling the body fragrance, feeling Zhang Yi's attitude of refusal and welcome, and the unique youthfulness of a girl, Feng Hao couldn't stand it.

It seems that after traveling to the earth, not only the cultivation base is gone, but even the resistance to temptation has been reduced.


Feng Hao didn't know which tendon was wrong, and couldn't control it, so he patted Zhang Yi's round buttocks, and in an instant, Feng Hao felt a soft, elastic, and excellent touch.


Zhang Yi's tender body trembled, followed by Xiaolei and the others, all of them also looked astonished.

Feng Hao's reaction was unexpected.

And Zhang Yi felt the numbness coming from his buttocks, which made him even more ashamed and indignant, but deep down in his heart, there was a little pride and happiness.

It seems... Feng Hao was the first to spank her little ass.

"Oh, what am I thinking? I'm so ashamed,"

Zhang Yi, a workaholic, blushed even more, with that shameful and angry look, Feng Hao patted her buttocks again, and said: "Aren't you going to question me again? Hmph, it's been a while since I saw you, so I'm going to suppress you." Me?"

"I didn't... ah!"

Just as Zhang Yi wanted to refute, Feng Hao slapped his ass again, now he was ashamed and annoyed, he just wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

It's over, I'm ashamed to see people!

"Feng Hao, you pervert..." Xiao Lei stood up from Feng Hao's lap, with her hands on her hips, as if cursing.


However, she was even worse, Feng Hao's hand seemed to have magic power, but as soon as it touched her body, it collapsed numbly on Feng Hao's legs.

At this moment, she was lying on Feng Hao's lap.

Xia Shilan and Liu Xiaofei, including Zhang Yi, were also slightly taken aback. Then, Feng Hao raised his hand and slapped Xiaolei's buttocks with slender legs, thin waist and white skin.

"You actually said that I am a pervert. If I have no power to restrain the chicken, I won't be eaten by you? Crack!"

"Too much! Crack!"

"Next time you say I'm a pervert, it's not as simple as a spanking! Crack!"

When Feng Hao said a word, he slapped Xiaolei's little butt, and the latter burst into tears: "Woo, no one has ever spanked my butt, Feng Hao, I hate you..."

"Crack, hate me? Looks like you haven't hit enough!" Feng Hao patted again.

"Ah! I don't hate anymore, Feng Hao, let me go, okay..." Xiao Lei begged for mercy, he was really afraid that Feng Hao would continue to shoot.

She wanted to break free, but her body couldn't use any strength.

Even, in my heart, I am flattered...

Xia Shilan's face was full of jealousy, but the strange thing was that she found Xiaolei, Zhang Yi and Liu Xiaofei close to Fenghao, but she was not jealous, but felt very happy.

That's right, how could she be the only one who likes such an excellent man, or in other words, it's impossible for a man like Feng Hao to be the only woman around him.

Perhaps, as long as Feng Hao has her in his heart, that's enough!

In the end, Feng Hao originally wanted to slap Liu Xiaofei's butt, but seeing Liu Xiaofei's cute and pitiful appearance, he couldn't do it for a while.

"I..." Liu Xiaofei hesitated to speak, feeling a little lost in her heart.

She pursed her lips lightly, thinking of the role of Feng Hao in the movie of the ancient gods, while blushing slightly, she thought in her heart: "It would be great if it was all true..."


Feng Hao, after all, he still made a move, he had no choice, he couldn't bear Lexin the most, no, he couldn't bear Liu Xiaofei's pitiful appearance the most, so he slapped Xiaofei's ass.

Liu Xiaofei didn't expect it, she didn't dodge it, and while she was greatly satisfied, she was even more shy: "I didn't question you, Feng Hao, you are too much, be careful that Xiaolan will make you look good later."

"I didn't see anything, whoever asked you to question Feng Hao deserves to be beaten! Hehehe~" Xia Shilan covered her mouth and laughed.

"Okay, you Xia Shilan, you actually help this pervert..."


"Ah, Feng Hao, I want to kill you big pervert, it hurts so much!"

"Crack! Who are you going to kill? You're looking for a fight, right?"

"Wuuuu, I don't dare..."

Immediately, in the villa, Feng Hao angrily taught these few beauties who questioned him and blamed him for causing such a big influence in China, and taught him a lesson.

Finally, he stood up contentedly, and said with a smile: "For the sake of your first offense, this handsome guy will punish you a little, and there will be another time, hehe!"

Feng Hao is fierce on purpose, but his handsome face, as long as it is not the breath of fierce flames, it does not look fierce at all, but it has a certain charm.

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

However, the beauties did feel aggrieved. Feng Hao left without saying goodbye before, but this time when he came back, his personality seemed to have changed.

Becoming... more like a normal man, shitty, naughty...

Thinking about it, the pretty faces of the girls turned even redder.

However, soon, Zhang Yi and the others felt that there was a warm current in the body from the position of the buttocks, swimming in the body.

An unprecedented sense of relaxation and comfort spread throughout his body. At this moment, he just wanted to have a good sleep, and the smile on Feng Hao's face also followed Zhang Yi, Xia Shilan, Xiao Lei, Liu Xiaofei and others' sleepiness. Sleep, and gradually disappear.

"Huaxia, it's different from before. There may be dangers everywhere. You guys are the closest to me. I'm worried that someone with a heart will follow you."

"Although I offended you just now, you already have a trace of my original power in your body, which can make you invulnerable to all poisons, and even resist a fatal injury."

"During this time, I will travel all over the famous mountains and penetrate the earth's cultivation methods. You guys, take care of yourselves..."

"wait me back……"

Feng Hao took a deep look, Xiaolei, Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei and the others would inevitably think of the wife of Tianwu Continent in their minds.

A trace of reluctance emerged in the depths of his eyes.

However, Feng Hao turned around and left after all, his body turned into a fiery red streamer and disappeared under the night sky of Shi City.

When he came back this time, he was in SH city again, worried that some interested people would find Zhang Yi and the others through the film crew.

Therefore, he must come back to solve his worries.

Just now, he seemed to be taking advantage of Xiaolei and the others, but in fact he was consuming the meager source of power to help them open the door of practice and have the power to protect themselves in front of ordinary people.

At the same time... when they are in danger, I can also perceive them immediately.

This is his feelings for Xiaolei and the others.

Loved it!

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