Martial Inverse

Chapter 40 Huashan

"Don't go, Fenghao~"

"Feng Hao, don't go, don't leave our side, okay..."

Xia Shilan and the others' vision began to blur, no matter how they tried to catch the figure in front of them, Feng Hao didn't stop.

"I'll be back soon!"

Feng Hao couldn't bear it, but considering other factors, he had to leave now.

After leaving the villa, Feng Hao took advantage of the night to run among the tall buildings. When he appeared on the top of the Jinmao Tower, the third tallest building in SH City, he jumped into the void.

The moment his body fell, a pair of fiery red Suzaku wings condensed behind him.

call out!

Feng Hao was like a bolt of lightning in the dark night, across the night sky of SH City, heading straight for Huashan.

For such a long time on the earth, Feng Hao has a very deep understanding of China's famous mountains and great rivers from the Internet, and probably knows the specific location.

He once wondered whether these famous mountains and rivers that have been passed down for hundreds of years and thousands of years have ever seen powerful monks.

Now, the result is obvious, they do have monks, known as the ancient clan of comprehension.

Now, Feng Hao is going to these ancient tribes to discuss the way of cultivation in China, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Basically, any planet of practice has its own unique method of cultivation, and all of them have erupted brilliant civilizations.

"I don't know about Xiaoqiuqiu, did you go to Mount Hua..."

Feng Hao shuttled among the clouds, but he thought of the beast god Xiao Qiuqiu in his mind.

Feng Hao didn't pay much attention to the network anchor who accidentally separated their princess from the public. But Xiao Qiuqiu made him a little worried. The longer he stayed on the earth, the more and more Xiaoqiuqiu became less and less resistant to new things.

If it is used by someone with a heart, it will be a catastrophe.

He has no doubt that Xiao Qiuqiu has the ability to destroy the world.

"I was thinking too much, this guy is smarter than anyone else."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, with a wry smile on his face. Like Xiao Qiuqiu, it seems that he really doesn't need to worry.

Huashan Mountain, Xiyue, SX Province, is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round and has a long history. It is known as the birthplace of Chinese civilization.

And it has the title of the root of China.

Feng Hao checked the information on Huashan on the Internet, and knew that this is the holy place of Huaxia Quanzhen Sect, and even the people respected Huashan as a god, that is, Huashan Monarch God.

When Feng Hao arrived at the foot of Mount Hua, it was already midnight.

He found a random hotel, checked in with the ID card Xiaolei obtained through a special channel, and checked in smoothly.

The girl who received the hotel was a very good-looking beauty with fair skin and high eyesight.

But, ever since she saw Feng Hao, her face was reddish all the time, her eyes flickered, and she looked out of control.

"He...Why is he so attractive to me? I have seen people who are more handsome than him, but no one has ever made me care so much."

The little girl was full of doubts.

In fact, she is not an ordinary person, he is an ordinary disciple among the many cultivation families in the Huashan area, and was arranged to run the family's hotel in the Huashan tourist area.

So, strictly speaking, she is a monk. Although she is still in the foundation building stage, she can basically sweep away anyone in the secular world.

However, because of the harsh clan laws in the clan, she is not allowed to show the strength of a cultivator in front of ordinary people, but as a monk, there are almost no mortals who can fall into her eyes.

Until the appearance of Feng Hao today, she found that she could no longer get rid of the shadow of the other party in her mind.

"Feng Hao, Feng Hao, the name is so familiar..."

The woman murmured in a low voice, she seemed to have seen this name somewhere, but she couldn't remember it at all.


"After leaving the city and arriving at these famous mountains, I realized that this is the place where monks gather. The front desk of a hotel is actually full of monks."

In the room, Feng Hao was also very surprised.

From the moment he entered the hotel and looked at the woman at the front desk, he could tell that the woman was a monk from the earth.

Although the cultivation base is not high, but on the earth where there are generally ordinary people, this strength is already very terrifying.


Just when Feng Hao came out of the shower, put on a bath towel, and planned to read the news at this time, there was the sound of a car braking rapidly outside the hotel.

With a hint of doubt, Feng Hao saw a handsome young man stepping off a black Mercedes-Benz S350 through the curtain.

He looked a little nervous, and went straight to the hotel lobby.


Feng Hao whispered secretly, he did not expect to see two monks in just over half an hour in this small hotel at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

"Cheng Cheng, the elder informed me that after the training is over, everyone must return to the family immediately. During this period, all the property will be handed over to the secular mortals."

The young man who got out of the Mercedes-Benz luxury car was about to walk out, pulling the woman at the front desk.

"Zhou Kun, let me go, do I know you very well?"

The girl called Cheng Cheng shook off the hand of the handsome young man, with an angry look on her face: "It was your family that made you leave, but my family didn't let us go back."

Seeing Zhou Kun, Cheng Cheng couldn't hide his disgust deep in his eyes.

It's ridiculous that a person who has ruined so many young girls in the secular world still wants to be her Taoist companion.

"This time, the impact was too great. Didn't you watch the news?" A ruthless look appeared in the depths of Zhou Kun's eyes, but it was fleeting.

"What news?" Cheng Cheng was taken aback.

She didn't pay attention to the news at all recently, but became obsessed with reading novels, especially the novel "Wu Ni", which was serialized in 17K, which made her want to stop.

The cultivation process of the protagonist Feng Hao can be said to be extremely difficult, but he is still not afraid of hardships and tribulations. Finally, with his own efforts, he created his extraordinary achievements in Tianwu Continent.

"A guy named Feng Hao exposed his status as a monk in the news media and under the live broadcast camera. Now, the outside world has changed, and everyone has threatened to go to the famous mountains and rivers to find monks and step into the fairy gate."

Zhou Kun suppressed the anger in his heart and told Cheng Cheng the matter.

Um? Fenghao?

It wasn't until this time that Cheng Cheng realized it. No wonder she felt Feng Hao's name was familiar just now. It turned out that he had the same name as the protagonist in the novel "Wu Ni".

Looking at the gleam of emotion in the depths of Cheng Cheng's eyes, Zhou Kun felt an unknown fire in his heart.

He is the genius of the Zhou family's comprehension, who has mastered billions of dollars in the secular industry. Many celebrities and women wish to be favored by him.

Even in Cheng Cheng's family, many women have been slept by him, but this Cheng Cheng, she can't surrender no matter what.

But if it wasn't for Cheng Cheng's special status, he would have already overpowered the king.

"I'm watching the news~"

Cheng Cheng went directly to the front desk and skillfully opened the webpage. Sure enough, the whole website was reporting news about monks.

All kinds of official videos and short videos made with people are filled in various sections.

However, when Cheng Cheng saw Feng Hao appearing in front of the camera, he covered his mouth in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

"He, he's at the hotel. He came to Mount Hua. He really did it for the practice method of the Jin family of the ancient family? But I didn't see Jin Xin."

Cheng Cheng felt that his brain was suddenly not enough.

It never occurred to her that the actor who became popular all over the world with his movies and popular in China with his live broadcast, Internet celebrity Feng Hao, was actually in her family's hotel.

No wonder, I can't get rid of his shadow in my mind.

It turned out that he was a strong man who was much stronger than himself, an existence that made the seven elders of the ancient cultivation clan helpless.

One, a hero who saved an air crash and saved more than two hundred family tragedies.

The point is, he actually has the same name as the male lead in the novel he read, both named... Feng Hao.

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