Martial Inverse

Chapter 41 The Old Monster

"Cheng Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Kun approached the front desk. He felt that Cheng Cheng's reaction was a bit abnormal, as if he knew something.

"No, nothing..."

Cheng Cheng shook her head again and again, her intuition prevented her from telling Zhou Kun about Feng Hao's stay in the hotel.

Zhou Kun is a very scheming person, if he knows, maybe in order to claim credit, the old monster of the Zhou family was born.

At that time, Feng Hao might be in danger.

In Cheng Cheng's heart, he didn't want anything to happen to Feng Hao. After all, he had saved two hundred lives, and he wasn't an evil cultivator who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Although we know Feng Hao has great strength from the video and the news, the old monster of the Zhou family is not bad.

"Is it really nothing? Cheng Cheng, just say what you have to say, and it won't be uncomfortable if you hold it in your heart?"

Zhou Kun deliberately induced, and even used some monk's methods in his words to make people speak the truth. This is a small supernatural power related to the spirit.

"Zhou Kun, you, you bastard..."

Cheng Cheng was in a trance, Feng Hao's shadow appeared in his mind, and he immediately knew what Zhou Kun was doing, to make himself tell the truth.

Soon, her spirit was induced, her eyes blurred and she said, "Wind..."

"Is this so-called the way of a gentleman?"

Before Cheng Cheng finished speaking, the sound of drinking from the hotel stairs woke her up.

Zhou Kun failed to seduce him successfully, and he was hit by a heavy bed, and his figure burst back two steps, his eyes were full of light, and he stared at Feng Hao firmly.

"Feng Hao, you really came to Mount Hua."

Zhou Kun turned his head to look at Cheng Cheng, and said sharply: "Cheng Cheng, you are amazing, you dare to hide such things, you just wait for the punishment of the ancient cultivators of Huashan, you Cheng family, wait to be sanctioned !"

Zhou Kun took out a piece of talisman paper from his sleeve, and slapped it on his thigh suddenly. With a flash of light, he turned into an afterimage and fled the hotel in a hurry.

"What is that? Talisman seal? Unexpectedly, it has such a magical effect, comparable to the speed of my Azure Dragon."

Such speed,

It made Feng Hao startled, but he didn't go after him. This is not called letting the tiger go back to the mountain, nor is it called scaring the snake.

Because Zhou Kun is not considered a tiger at all in Feng Hao's eyes, so why let the tiger go back to the mountain?

The only thing he is interested in is the cultivation methods of these ancient cultivators, but Huashan is so big, where can I find the base camp of the ancient cultivators?

Obviously, Zhou Kun was a good choice, so Feng Hao left a mark on him, and Feng Hao knew it all when he got there.


Cheng Cheng looked at Feng Hao, with a hint of silence in his beautiful eyes, he was too young, even younger than the ones on the video news.

It's hard to imagine that such a young person will grow to the point where the elders of the ancient clan are helpless. Is it possible to have a fairy root that is rare in a thousand years?


Feng Hao was just about to go upstairs, but when he heard Cheng Cheng's voice, he stopped and looked at her.

"You are the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan in the ancient God of War movie? SH plane incident, is it also you?"

Cheng Cheng was very excited, she had never thought of being able to get in close contact with Feng Hao.

She is not a nympho, but Feng Hao does have an irresistible charm, just like... Everyone has a Prince Charming in their hearts.

"You've watched the news, do you still need to doubt? Stay in your hotel tonight, and tomorrow, I will leave!"

Feng Hao doesn't want to have too much contact with Cheng Cheng, because he knows the look in the depths of Cheng Cheng's beautiful eyes, he knows it too well, he has seen it in the eyes of Xia Shilan, Zhang Yi, and Xiao Lei.

Cheng Cheng nodded: "Okay, I won't sleep tonight, I'll keep an eye out for you, that bastard Zhou Kun must have gone back to report the news, you have to be careful of their ancestors of the Zhou family, they are very powerful."

"Very powerful?" Feng Hao became a little temperamental.

"Well. When I was very young, I heard about the deeds of the ancestors of the Zhou family. There was a war, which was comparable to a nuclear bomb and caused a catastrophic flood. The entire south was flooded..."

Cheng Cheng had lingering fears. Many ordinary people were killed and homeless that year, and the country lost a lot.

Although the Zhou family made compensation afterwards, the state also threatened with cutting-edge weapons that the ancestors of the Zhou family must go into seclusion and cannot leave the mountain for a hundred years.

"This week's patriarch is really ruthless!"

When Feng Hao heard the consequences of the Zhou family's ancestor's battle, there was a smug look on his brows.

Before he was on Mount Everest, the top of the earth, Xiao Hei almost caused a catastrophe, but luckily he stopped the catastrophe in time.

He knew very well that if an avalanche happened and the ice and snow in the entire mountains melted, the consequences would probably be no less than that of the ancestors of the Zhou family. The snow flooded all the places at low altitudes.

"Well, it's very ruthless, so in Huashan, the Zhou family is the overlord, and other ancient cultivators must be centered on the Zhou family. Just now, Zhou Kun is the great-great-great-great-grandson of that ruthless man. It is said that he has lived for almost a thousand years. Old monster."

Cheng Cheng called the ancestors of the Zhou family an old monster, which was very courageous.

"Thousands of years? Very good..." Feng Hao was also taken aback. A monk lived for a thousand years, which is also an extremely powerful existence in Tianwu Continent.

In this regard, Feng Hao put away his contempt, guessing that he might just uncover the tip of the iceberg in the Chinese practice world.

Of course, this also deepened his interest in the cultivation methods of the ancient Cultivation Clan.

Feng Hao then left and returned to the hotel room.

Cheng Cheng was a little disappointed, but she had a strong self-regulation ability. She moved a chair with a smile, and sat outside the hotel gate, watching the stars change, and at the same time... taking care of Feng Hao.

"This silly girl..."

Feng Hao watched clearly in the room, smiled wryly and shook his head.

The hotel has a radius of ten miles, and it is within the scope of his spiritual consciousness. Cheng Cheng's so-called watchdog is useless at all.

Feng Hao drew the curtains and lay back on the bed.

It was late at night, everything was silent, and it was almost dawn at this time. Suddenly, Feng Hao, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes. In his spiritual consciousness, there was an aura different from other monks, approaching the hotel.


A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, and he murmured in a low voice: "I'll start with you..."


Feng Haoshi spread out at the speed of a green dragon, rolled up the afterimage, and left the hotel.

And Cheng Cheng was also awakened by the strong wind blowing away by Feng Hao, went upstairs and saw that the door of Feng Hao's room was open, he was shocked immediately, and hurriedly chased him out.

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