Martial Inverse

Chapter 42 Shocking

"It's really arrogant, to actually deliver it to the door by yourself."

In the dark night, a figure rushed from the forest to the foot of Huashan Mountain.

His legs didn't touch the ground, and he flew in the air, showing an extremely powerful method. If ordinary people saw it, they would be shocked to heaven.

I thought it was a martial arts master who appeared.

Under the faint moonlight, the face of this figure was revealed. It was the face of a middle-aged man, with a sword behind his back, and his eyes were arrogant.

"An ignorant junior who has shown the strength of a monk in front of ordinary people. He will be hunted down by practitioners in the sky and on the earth. Now he dares to climb Mount Hua? Ask for the method of cultivating immortals? It is so arrogant! Why do we need our ancestors to come out? Zhou Boyun is enough to kill him a thousand times."

The middle-aged man's expression was ice-cold, lingering in the air, and while whispering to himself, a murderous intent gathered between his brows, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

Obviously, he is a monk from the Zhou family, and his cultivation is not low.

At the same time, Feng Hao had already come out of the hotel and stopped on the ancient hiking trail close to the mountain forest, intending to intercept the other party at this place.

"Zhou family patriarch? Doesn't make sense, the strength is so weak?"

Feng Hao was very confused, and looked at the end of the ancient road, there was a figure flying over there, murderous intent gathered between his brows, and the singing of birds, beasts and insects around him fell silent.

"Huh? Is there an ordinary person? He was still on the Huashan Ancient Road so late. He saw me. It seemed that he had to kill me and throw me into the cliff. It will be reported on the news tomorrow that someone slipped and fell off the cliff..."

Zhou Boyun saw Feng Hao, but didn't notice any spiritual power fluctuations belonging to monks.

"Little brother, it's so late, why don't you go back? Watch the sunrise?"

Zhou Boyun didn't kill immediately, but gradually approached Feng Hao, his eyes were cold, his hand was holding the sword formula, and he could pull out the sheath to kill at any time.

Feng Hao smiled innocently, staring at the spirit sword behind Zhou Boyun, and said: "Didn't the uncle go back? I heard that there are immortals on Huashan Mountain, and this has been reported in the news, so I plan to come here to find the fairy fate. "

"Look at the sword behind the uncle is full of simplicity. Is the uncle a cultivator? That's great. Uncle, do you think I have the roots of wisdom to cultivate immortals with you?"

Feng Hao has a strong learning ability, and his adaptability is beyond doubt. Some time ago, he learned a lot of role-playing skills on the Internet.

Now he,

He looked like an ordinary person, because he read the news, and now he came to Huashan to pursue the opportunity of immortality.

"Did you see it?" Zhou Boyun stared at Feng Hao.

"What did you see?"

Feng Hao was puzzled, and then stepped forward, stretched out his hand, but saw no fluctuations in spiritual power, and grabbed the spirit sword behind Zhou Boyun.

"Hmph, ordinary people dare to get their hands on the Immortal Spiritual Sword. This is courting death."

Zhou Boyun snorted coldly in his heart. The sword behind him has been passed down for more than three hundred years. It was a spiritual sword bestowed on the ancestors of the Zhou family by Emperor Kangxi during his reign. Only practitioners can touch it.

Ordinary people will die if they touch it.

That's good, he doesn't have to do it himself.

Feng Hao didn't encounter any obstacles, so he pulled out the spirit sword from Zhou Boyun's back, waved it casually twice, and two magnificent sword flowers floated in the void.

"This..." Zhou Boyun turned pale with shock. This is the spiritual sword of an immortal cultivator, which contains a majestic aura. Ordinary people, or just beginners, will be killed by the sharpness when they encounter it.

What is the background of this kid? To be able to survive with the spirit sword, and to pull out two sword flowers?


Feng Hao held the hilt of the sword with one hand and the tip of the sword with the other, exerted a little force, and with a loud bang, the spirit sword snapped in two.

A surge of pure spiritual power swept across in an instant, causing the trees in the forest to fall and peel, and the branches to break, as if they had experienced a hurricane.

Zhou Boyun was wounded by the impact of this spiritual power, and he took three or four steps back, spitting blood.

"Uncle, are you okay? But your sword is really bad. It looks gorgeous, but it breaks when you pinch it. It should be an imitation worth tens of dollars, right?"

Feng Hao looked at Zhou Boyun seriously, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"You are Feng Hao!" Zhou Boyun yelled suddenly as if he had thought of something. The sound was like thunder, shaking the mountains and forests, and spreading among the mountains of Huashan.

The group of children who rushed up behind Zhou Boyun were all shocked when they heard Zhou Boyun's descendant, Feng... Feng Hao came up?


Zhou Boyun roared furiously, his whole body was filled with aura, ready to fight Feng Hao desperately, he felt insulted, Feng Hao was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Even if he broke his spirit sword, he would definitely not let him go now.

boom! boom!

He attacked crazily, his hands were entwined with spiritual power, each punch was as heavy as a thousand catties, and he was full of power. Without the spirit sword, he could only kill the enemy in close quarters.

Fortunately, the Zhou family has a lot of formulas, which can be used for both long-distance combat and short-range attack.

But it's a pity that his cultivation base is thousands of miles away from Feng Hao's. Feng Hao dodged a few moves at will, shook his head, and punched him, knocking him into the air, hitting a boulder beside the ancient road, The muscles and bones all over his body were broken, and blood flowed from the seven orifices.

"How could this be...impossible, you are so young, there is no reason to be so powerful, Jin Xin is a spiritual root that has been one for hundreds of years, and it is not as powerful as you."

Zhou Boyun coughed up blood, his face was extremely pale.

His body was embedded in the boulder, and after the bone was broken, he had no way to break free and could only wait for death.

In the distance, the disciples of the Zhou family who rushed over saw this scene, their hair stood on end, seeing with their own eyes that Zhou Boyun couldn't bear Feng Hao's punch and was thrown into the crevice of the rock, he was so frightened that he almost collapsed there.

"Is he Jindan or Nascent Soul monster? This handsome guy is scared to death." A disciple of the Zhou family was trembling with hairs all over his body.

"Gudong, so powerful, one punch, one punch killed Elder Zhou." Another Zhou family child frantically wiped the sweat from his forehead.

No one dared to move forward, and everyone was scared to pee.

They received Zhou Kun's secret security, followed Elder Zhou Boyun down the mountain, and wanted to personally capture Feng Hao who broke the secular and spiritual agreement, and send him into space.

Unexpectedly, before reaching Cheng's hotel, he was intercepted by Feng Hao on the way, Elder Zhou was half dead, and was thrown into a stone.

"There are a lot of people here!" Feng Hao said to himself, he had already seen the Zhou Family cultivator in the darkness, whose body was trembling, causing rustling sounds from the bushes.

But these people were frightened and did not dare to approach, and Feng Hao didn't bother to deal with them one by one. Put down the cruel words: "You take this uncle back and tell Zhou Kun and your ancestors of the Zhou family, I, Feng Hao, will come to visit soon, and prepare the high-grade spirit sword and the method of cultivating immortals, otherwise... the Zhou family and others Let's kill the door!"

"Damn it, this is so arrogant!"

There are children in the Zhou family who are furious inside, but they dare not speak out, Feng Hao is too powerful, they dare not touch his edge, fearing that they will become the next Zhou Boyun.

"Before trying to kill me, you have to be prepared to be wiped out."

Feng Hao glanced at Zhou Boyun, and after leaving this sentence, he turned and left the ancient road, humming a little song, completely ignoring what happened just now.

Domineering, extremely arrogant!

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