Martial Inverse

Chapter 43 The Cheng Family

Deep in the mountains of Huashan, everything is silent.

Several youths in casual clothes carried a middle-aged man with broken muscles and bones, and ran quickly.

At the end of the road was a cliff, but these people didn't intend to stay, instead, they accelerated their speed. As they approached the cliff, everyone took a step forward.

The next moment, the void above the cliff twisted, producing ripples, and the figures of these people merged into it.

At the same time, in a place full of greenery and vitality, a towering cloud stone mountain stands, the buildings on it are densely covered with stars, bridges are built in the air, and white cranes flutter their wings.

A school of fairy atmosphere.

There is a smooth jade cliff on the stone mountain, engraved with a huge ancient character: Zhou!

The ancient characters are full of traces of history and have obviously existed for a long time, but they contain a simple sword intent, which is still sharp and sharp.

And on the halfway up the stone mountain, the huge ancient temple built next to the mountain, the bell rang, and countless figures gathered and left, their expressions full of doubts.

"What's going on? Did Feng Hao call in?"

"Impossible, Elder Zhou Boyun has already gone down the mountain to intercept this person, he will definitely die."

"The strength of Feng Hao in the live broadcast is not simple, and the real strength has not been exposed. Judging from the performance in the movie, only the ancestors can do it..."

On the stone mountain stairs, many people were whispering, the incident between Feng Hao and the black dragon caused a sensation in the entire ancient clan, making them panic.

Now the Zhou family bell rings again after decades, which has an extraordinary significance.

"I can not be reconciled……"

In the ancient palace, Zhou Boyun was soaked in blood, lying on the ground unable to move, only his eyes were full of unwillingness and a trace of bewilderment.

He was called a genius by the ancestors of the Zhou family, and he was expected to aspire to the Jindan realm, and he was an invincible existence among the same age in China's cultivation world.

Before getting Feng Hao's news from Zhou Kun, he went down the mountain without hesitation, intending to intercept Feng Hao under Huashan Mountain.

A young man who broke the rules, made a movie, earned enough fame and wealth, and became so arrogant that he showed the strength of a cultivator in front of ordinary people.

He even threatened to visit the ancient Huaxia Cultivation Clan,

Asking to practice exercises is simply delusional to the extreme.

Originally, when he came down the mountain, he would return with Feng Hao's head, to demonstrate the Zhou family's strength and heritage in the cultivation world, deter other ancient clans, and obtain more dragon vein resources.

However, he was wrong!

Feng Hao's strength was beyond his imagination. He easily broke the spirit sword that had accumulated aura for several years, and with one punch, his bones and tendons were broken, and his cultivation was completely lost.

There were two tear marks on Zhou Boyun's face, and there were mixed feelings in his heart.

The Zhou family's children who rushed over were shocked when they saw this scene. Everyone knew Zhou Boyun's strength, but they didn't expect to be so seriously injured.

If it were an ordinary person, he would already be dead. Thanks to him being a monk, he was able to live until now.

"Elder Zhou, who is so rampant to provoke my Zhou family? Are you not afraid of my Zhou family's three hundred monks in the late foundation establishment stage and the top ten alchemy stage monks? If you say it, I will immediately destroy his entire family!"

A middle-aged man walked in quickly, his brows filled with evil spirit.

His name is Zhou Wangnan, he is the current head of the Zhou family, appearing in the hall at this moment, he has an undoubted arrogance.

If you open your mouth, you will destroy the whole family.

Zhou Boyun turned pale, and fell silent. Unless the ancestor left the customs, the Zhou family would come out in full force, probably not enough for Feng Hao to see.

"you say!"

Zhou Wangnan pointed to a Zhou family boy who was carried back to Zhou Boyun.

"Yes, it's Feng Hao, he broke Elder Zhou's spirit sword, and with one punch, severely wounded Elder Zhou, and..." the Zhou family child trembled, his eyes terrified.

"What else?" Zhou Wangnan frowned.


The face of the Zhou family child turned pale, he swallowed, and said in a trembling voice: "He said, let us tell Kun Shao and the old ancestor that he, Feng Hao, will come to visit soon, and let us prepare the upper-grade spirit sword and the old ancestor. Immortal cultivation method, otherwise... the whole family of Zhou will be destroyed!"



As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar, gasping for air.

"Arrogance, this bastard dares to threaten my Zhou family like this, does he really think that my name as the number one ancient family in Huashan is a waste of money? Kill this son and worship the ancestors!"

"Yes, it's too arrogant to kill him. Immediately ask the ancestor to come out of the mountain, no matter what kind of bullshit agreement he has, he will stand on my Zhou family's head, and he will definitely die."

The main hall was full of voices of crusade. They were extremely angry and felt that Feng Hao was too arrogant and conceited, but they didn't know that this was seeking their own death.

Even the number one ancient tribe in Huashan dared to threaten them.

"This son must die, but... don't disturb the old ancestor, I'll go meet him for a while." Zhou Wangnan's eyes froze, and the light flashed.

His cultivation has reached the sky in the Dharma-ending Era, second only to the ancestor of the Zhou family, and he has the confidence to take off Feng Hao's head to worship his ancestors.

"The Patriarch is mighty!"


The Zhou family's children felt their blood surge, and felt that Feng Hao must die now.

But... the few disciples who witnessed Feng Hao's attack were terrified, and wanted to propose to ask the ancestor to come out of the mountain, but seeing Zhou Wangnan's face full of anger, they swallowed it back.

Good luck to you!

Feng Hao didn't know what happened in the depths of Mount Hua. He saw Cheng Cheng, who was panting on the ancient road, with a smile on his face.

I have to say that Cheng Cheng is indeed beautiful, her jet-black hair is very smooth and supple, and her skin is like snow. When she gets closer, under the morning light, she is radiant and very charming.

This is the benefit of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to cultivate, and it has more charm and temperament than ordinary people.

"Are you OK?"

Cheng Cheng adjusted his breathing, also smiled, and looked at Feng Hao seriously, with sparkles in his beautiful eyes.

For Feng Hao, she has an indescribable feeling. She always feels that Feng Hao has a hazy feeling, which makes people unable to figure it out, but makes people unable to help to explore.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "It's okay, come out for a morning run, you didn't have a good rest last night, it's better to sleep."

"You and I are both monks. There is a way to fall into a deep sleep. A few tens of minutes can be equivalent to seven or eight hours of sleep for ordinary people."

Cheng Cheng's pretty face blushed. Feng Hao's smile was so evil that she felt like a deer bumping her heart, so she had to change the subject.

"By the way, Zhou Kun went back to report that it is very dangerous here, why don't you follow me to Cheng's house?"

Cheng Cheng glanced at the ancient road behind Feng Hao. This is the only way for the Zhou family to go down the mountain. If the Zhou family came, Feng Hao would be very dangerous.

Maybe the old ancestor came out of the mountain, and Huashan would definitely shake.

"Take me to meet the parents?" Feng Hao teased, he looked calm and breezy.


Cheng Cheng's face became even redder, he stomped his feet anxiously, and snorted softly: "What nonsense are you talking about, I won't fall in love with you. Seriously, come with me to Cheng's house, and you will be safe there."

Qin Yu took a deep look at Cheng Cheng, and said: "Is there an ambush? You know it from the live news. My goal is to cultivate the ancient clan. I want to know their cultivation methods. Take me to you Family, are you not afraid of accidents?"

"Don't be afraid, our Cheng family's practice method is not advanced, and you definitely don't like it from your perspective, but... if you become a member of the Cheng family, you can learn any kind of cultivation method..."

As Cheng Cheng was talking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing by mistake, his face blushed for a while, dripping water, his little hands were clenched tightly, and he stared at Feng Hao nervously.

Fortunately, Feng Hao didn't seem to understand the deep meaning in her words, and he was relieved, but deep down, he felt a little lost.

Feng Hao thought for a while, then nodded.

Now that Xiao Hei and Jin Xin could not be found, it would be too shocking to go up the mountain rashly, and if the ancestors of the Zhou family went down the mountain to fight with him, their lives would definitely be ruined.

It's better to go to Cheng's house for a while, maybe they know the location of Jin's house.

"I'll make a call first."

Cheng Cheng was very excited. Being brought back to the family by him, the film emperor Feng Hao would definitely surprise the people of the family. This is a strong man who defeated Elder Situ Bei in the Tibetan area.

It also seems to be the owner of the black dragon, but his identity is still a mystery, and the tribe must be very interested.

Cheng Cheng dialed a number, and when connected: "Hey, Xiao Ling, I'm taking a day off today, so you can help me with my job, and I'll treat you to Haidilao when I get back to work."

"Ah, it's better for me and my boyfriend to go shopping." A reluctant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiaoling~ I have something urgent, how about I open a room for you, and you let your boyfriend go to the hotel to rest and watch the news, haven't you read the news in the past two days?"

Cheng Cheng continued to induce.

There is no way, the hotel is the property of the clan, there are ordinary people and family members, but the clan stipulates that everyone must follow the rules.

Even if it is a vacation, you have to find someone to take over the post.

"Open a room? I... that's fine!" Xiaoling on the other side of the phone was breathing a little shortly, and then agreed to take the post.


Cheng Cheng made a victory gesture, innocent and innocent, Feng Hao couldn't help staring blankly.

"Let's go, Xiao Ling will help you watch at the hotel, I can go back with peace of mind."

Cheng Cheng's face was a little smug, because Feng Hao was slightly absent-minded when he saw her, which showed that his charm was still there. Thinking of this, the girl felt as if she had eaten honey, very happy and satisfied.

Cheng Cheng kept looking for topics along the way, and Feng Hao had a big head, thinking that Cheng Cheng's personality was too fiery, like two people when he was in the hotel at first.

"By the way, where are these ancient cultivators in Huashan? There are so many satellites in the country and the people, so they are not afraid of being exposed? Google Earth can be seen from any corner."

Feng Hao asked casually, he more or less guessed something, maybe some kind of array was arranged to form an enchantment, which cannot be detected by human eyes or scientific instruments.

There are also many places like this in Tianwu Continent.

"That's natural. We ancient cultivators have been passed down for thousands of years. We have experienced many dynasties and witnessed the change of dynasties. However, most of us monks will only come out of the mountains in troubled times and practice in times of peace. Unlike those monks, so we The foundations are all in the famous mountains and great rivers, and the formations have been laid to isolate the outside world, so naturally no one can see it, and no one can find it."

Cheng Cheng had a confident look on her face, she was proud of being a member of the ancient clan.

She doesn't lie to ordinary people. Her background has a lot to do with her growth environment.

So when she met a strong man like Feng Hao, her heart immediately became hot. It was driven by her heart to worship the strong.

Entering another ancient road in Huashan, many tourists climbed or descended the mountain. Cheng Cheng held Feng Hao's hand, like a couple, and entered the ancient road without road signs, which said climbing ladders that tourists are prohibited from.

The scenery of Huashan Mountain is beautiful, and the air in the morning is very fresh and refreshing.

"The road ends with a gazebo and a spring."

Cheng Cheng is very excited, because she will take Feng Hao to the family, this is a kindness, she firmly believes that Feng Hao will not do anything to the Cheng family, and it is not like leading a wolf into the house.

Sure enough, at the end of the ancient road is a gazebo and a water spring.

"Sure enough, there is a universe inside."

Feng Hao glanced at the layout of the pavilion and the location of the water spring, and knew where the entrance of Cheng's house was.

The two were in the gazebo, and Cheng Cheng touched a pillar of the gazebo with five fingers, and spiritual energy surged at his white fingertips. Soon the water spring created a vortex, which rose suddenly, forming a portal in midair.

"It can only last for five seconds, Feng Hao, let's go!"

Cheng Cheng's face was a little pale. Opening the portal alone consumes a lot of spiritual power. She pulled Feng Hao and jumped directly into the whirlpool.

The scenery changed, the stars moved, Feng Hao looked calm, and let Cheng Cheng pull him.

After a short while, the scenery in front of me completely changed. There was no dense forest, only a vast grassland. There was an ancient city on the grassland, majestic, with monks stepping on flying swords, and cranes flying high.

"Tianwu Continent?"

Feng Hao had an illusion, as if he had returned to the Tianwu Continent, and his heart was moved.

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