Martial Inverse

Chapter 44 Immortal Cultivation Spirit Power

"See, this is the base camp of our monks, a paradise that ordinary people in the world will never have access to."

Inside the barrier, Cheng Cheng looked at Feng Hao, raised his head, put his hands on his waist, and pouted, looking very confident, like a proud little peacock.

Although the Cheng family's cave is not as high as the cloud-like rocky mountains and majestic aura of the Zhou family's, it is an ancient city of its own, but it is also extremely majestic.

"The pm2.5 in the outside world is off the charts, and the oxygen content in it may make ordinary people drunk with oxygen."

Feng Hao smiled lightly, the air inside was so fresh that every cell in his body was jumping for joy.

There are two worlds inside and outside the barrier, and the gap is very large. No wonder Cheng Cheng's aura is extraordinarily dusty. It must have something to do with the water and soil in the barrier.

One side of water and soil supports one side of people.

"That's for sure. The society needs to develop, the times are progressing, industrial waste water, waste gas, and pollution are too serious... But the cave heaven and paradise of our cultivation ancient clan has been isolated from the outside world for thousands of years. Occupying the branch of the dragon vein, the aura is also rich in oxygen. , how? Didn't expect that!"

Cheng Cheng was always happy, his eyes were crescent-shaped when he smiled, very touching, full of youth and vitality.

"Who is he?"

Cheng Cheng and Feng Hao were chatting and laughing, at the gate of the city, someone suddenly stopped drinking, and the two of them were stopped.

The person who stopped them was a young man in his twenties, who looked like a little fresh meat, with fair and tender skin, but his expression was very ugly.

As a monk, he spends most of his time in cultivation, and the people he comes into contact with are all members of his family. He speaks straightforwardly, and expresses his joy, anger, sorrow, and joy vividly on his face.

Cheng Cheng was stopped by the young man, with a sullen look on his beautiful face, he said coldly: "Cheng Han, who wants you to care about him? Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude."

She is very domineering, she is completely different from the innocent one who talked and laughed before, Feng Hao watched from the side and smiled wryly.

But he didn't intervene, and watched with interest, as if this little fresh meat had a little affection for Cheng Cheng.

"Why can't I control it? I am the family patrol, and I have the right to interrogate any outsiders who enter the ancient city of the family. Besides... I must stop the man you brought back."

Xiao Xianrou's face flushed,

He was extremely emotional, and when he looked at Feng Hao, he showed jealousy, and at the same time, there was a hint of murderous intent between his brows.


Feng Hao frowned slightly, his eyes darkened. Although he has lost all his cultivation, he is still very sensitive to murderous intentions. This is his keen intuition developed after going through thousands of battles in Tianwu Continent and Zhenwu Continent.

Xiao Xianrou was caught by Feng Hao's eyes, and he took two steps back. There was a look of surprise in his eyes, he actually felt fear just now.

"I'll take him to see the clan elder, Cheng Han, get out of the way!"

The little fresh meat Cheng Han refused to move away, Cheng Cheng almost ran away, spiritual power wrapped around his fingertips, as if he might make a move at any time.

"I won't let it go. Who is he and what does it have to do with you? I think there is no threat, so I will let go. Besides, the clan elder is in seclusion, and no one can see him."

Cheng Han was also angry, he never expected that his childhood sweetheart Cheng Cheng would yell at him for outsiders.

He couldn't bear it, and wanted to kill someone at this moment.


Cheng Han's footsteps staggered slightly, turned into an afterimage, passed Cheng Cheng directly, and appeared in front of Feng Hao, with his big hand directly pinching Feng Hao's neck.

"Hmph, you don't have any aura fluctuations in your body. You are just an ordinary person who dares to get involved with Cheng Cheng. If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't retreat in spite of difficulties, let alone know that there is a sky beyond the sky."

Cheng Han made a decisive move, like a thunderbolt, and the aura whistled at his fingertips. Ordinary people would be scared to death when they saw it.

However, his hand was still fifty centimeters away from Feng Hao, as if he had hit a wall, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw Feng Hao's plain right hand, and pinched his palm.


Cheng Han was shocked, his eyes were as big as walnuts, and his forehead was sweating profusely. He is a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, surpassing any martial arts master in China.

To him, those so-called tiger roar golden bell jars and dragon chant iron cloth shirts are all paper and vulnerable.

But now, he was caught by Feng Hao's hand, unable to move, and there was a sharp pain that pierced the bone marrow from his palm.

"too weak!"

Feng Hao put his left hand behind his back, and his right hand was just a normal lift. Before he could use any force, Cheng Han begged for mercy, and when he shook his head, he thought it was a pity.

The opponent is not a real master.


Feng Hao's right arm shook, and Cheng Han screamed 'ah', and his body was thrown out, a full two to three hundred meters.



Cheng Han was slammed on the ground heavily, coughing up blood, and under the protection of spiritual energy, the bluestone floor tiles of the ancient city were smashed to pieces, showing his strength.

"Feng, Fenghao... He, he is the grandson of the clan elder..."

Cheng Chengmei's eyes widened, and his voice trembled a little, because Cheng Han was not an ordinary clansman, and standing behind him was the elder of the Cheng family.

But she also saw this scene in her eyes, and she was extremely shocked. Cheng Han, a genius in the foundation building period, was thrown out by Feng Hao at will.

Seeing it with my own eyes is far more intense and realistic than the impact on TV news.

"The grandson of the clan elder? So what?"

Feng Hao is more domineering than his appearance, he doesn't pay attention to the elders that Cheng Cheng said, and is very disdainful.

This is the conflict between him and Cheng Han. Cheng Han showed murderous intent towards him, and he took the lead in attacking. Based on these two points, Feng Hao has ten thousand reasons to attack.

Just a clan elder, let him compromise?

Even if that clan elder has great face, he can still shake it off.

"Hey, you're too arrogant. This is the territory of the Cheng family. You can't live without it. If you hurt me, there will be no way for you to survive in the sky or on the earth."

Cheng Han looks like a maniac, he is the grandson of the elder of the Cheng family, the most talented of the younger generation of the Cheng family, born with a golden spoon in his mouth, born with pride.

He didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of a peer today, which made him a big blow, and he wished that Feng Hao would die immediately.

"Shut up!"

Cheng Cheng suddenly stopped drinking, she knew Feng Hao's identity and the purpose of his visit to Mount Hua this time, and she didn't want the Cheng family to stand against Feng Hao.

"Cheng Cheng, you actually speak for outsiders? He injured me and almost crippled me. If you don't help me, help him?"

Cheng Han's mood was very wrong, his eyes were red, and black lines appeared on his face, as if he was about to go crazy, and it was particularly permeating.

"Kung fu devours the master, Cheng Han is about to become a spiritual slave... Feng Hao, save him..."

Cheng Cheng cried out in surprise, his beautiful eyes showed a look of horror, it seemed that Cheng Han's mutation at this moment would be very scary and something bad would happen.

"Spirit slave?"

Feng Hao frowned, he didn't know what a spirit slave was, but it seemed that it was not a good thing, so he said softly, "How to save it?"

"Abolish his dantian and let the spiritual energy leak out, but my cultivation base is not enough to do it." Cheng Cheng said anxiously, Cheng Han's time is running out.

Wait a few more seconds, after becoming a spirit slave completely, it will be a walking corpse that can only kill, a puppet of spiritual power.

Spirit slaves are talking about those monks whose spiritual power is out of control, their minds are washed away by spiritual power, and they become monks who only know the killing instinct.

It looks like a slave controlled by aura.

Cheng Chengning Ning Yuanyuan became a useless person, and it was not far away that he became a spiritual slave. She blamed herself. A person who was originally a good person became a spiritual slave when he said that he became a spiritual slave. There was no sign at all.

call out!

Feng Hao didn't stop, his unicorn arm in his right hand turned into a palm, and hit Cheng Han's dantian covered with black lines all over his body.


A slight cracking sound could be heard vaguely, obviously Cheng Han's dantian was directly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the runaway spiritual power in Cheng Han's body frantically searched for an outlet and gathered in his dantian, and then seemed to sense something, frantically rushing towards Feng Hao's unicorn arm.

"This is……"

Feng Hao originally wanted to withdraw his arm, but Cheng Han's spiritual power actually entered his body, and awakened a trace of cultivation in his body.

"I can absorb the immortal spiritual power of the earth!"

Feng Hao came to this definite conclusion, his expression was overjoyed, and he let the spiritual power in Cheng Han's body rush into his body.

As long as there is enough time, after his cultivation is restored, he may embark on the Starry Sky Ancient Road and return to Zhenwu Continent or Tianwu Continent.

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