Martial Inverse

Chapter 45 Angry Feng Hao

"You, destroy my dantian..."

The black lines on Cheng Han's face disappeared, and he regained his sanity, but he felt that his dantian had been destroyed and all his spiritual power had dissipated, and he immediately screamed in anger.

"I'm here to save you." Feng Hao frowned slightly.

"I am going to kill you."

Cheng Han's eyes were red, his more than 20 years of cultivation had been ruined, and he became a mortal, which no one could accept, but his body was weak and he couldn't even stand up.


He forced himself to stand up and punched Feng Hao with his fists, but just after taking two steps, his legs gave way and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Shame and anger filled his heart, and he clenched his fists.

"Cheng Han, you almost became a spirit slave just now. I asked Feng Hao to destroy your dantian, otherwise you would have already become a walking dead."

Cheng Cheng stared at Cheng Han with some unbearable eyes.

But when she thought that it was his own fault and insisted on finding trouble with Feng Hao, and no one else was to blame, the sympathy in her eyes was not strong.

"What did you say? Feng Hao?"

Cheng Han suddenly raised his head, stared at Feng Hao, and then suddenly woke up. Doesn't this guy look exactly like Feng Hao in the news broadcast room?

He was preconceived just now, so he didn't expect that this was Feng Hao. After all, the quality of the live broadcast was too bad, and the gap with the real person was still a bit big.

Now that Cheng Cheng pointed it out, he took a closer look, and it really looked alike.

Cheng Cheng nodded and said, "That's right, he is Feng Hao."

"Why did you bring him into the clan? You were held hostage?"

Cheng Han's body trembled, and he vaguely smelled the smell of death.

If Feng Hao went to the Cheng family, no one would be able to stop him. After all, Elder Situ Bei was severely defeated, and his strength had already surpassed the alchemy stage.

As for the Cheng family, they haven't been able to find a strong Golden Core person above the alchemy stage, which means that no one can stop his footsteps.

"I brought him back."

Cheng Cheng said,

He stepped forward to help Cheng Han, and comforted him: "You should be lucky, if it wasn't for Feng Hao, you would have lost your life, and it doesn't matter if you become an ordinary person. The family has a lot of property at the foot of Mount Hua, and as you, you can take over the responsibility."

"You mean, you took the initiative to bring him back to Cheng's house?" Cheng Han stared at Cheng Cheng with resentment in his eyes.

Cheng Cheng didn't notice it and nodded.

However, after Cheng Han confirmed it, he was almost furious. He didn't know where the strength came from, and he grabbed Cheng Cheng Xuebai's neck, and said fiercely: "You stinky b*tch, colluded with Feng Hao, and killed the ancient cultivator. The enemy brought him back to the clan, what is your intention, you deliberately let him destroy my dantian, you adulterers*, if you hadn't brought him in, I would have fallen into this situation?"

"Cheng Cheng!"

Feng Hao was taken aback, murderous intent flashed between his brows, but he did not act rashly, because with Cheng Han's current state of madness, if he made a slight movement, Cheng Cheng might be enraged.

"Cough! Cough, Cheng Han, you are talking nonsense. I brought Feng Hao in to make friends with him, not what you think."

Cheng Cheng's face turned red, and his breathing became extremely difficult. His cultivation was too low, and he couldn't mobilize his spiritual power in such a crisis.

"Friends? It's ridiculous. You are the lowest-ranking clansman. If your mother hadn't been adopted as a righteous daughter by the clan elders, you would have become a monk? Everything you have is given to you by the Cheng family. If you eat everything, I will kill you right now." you!"

Cheng Han has gone crazy, with a ferocious expression on his face, he said with a grin: "Go to hell!"

"you wanna die!"

Feng Hao realized that something was wrong, and in a rage, Qinglong used his talent to take a step forward, and a phantom of Qinglong appeared behind him.

But no matter how fast he is, it's impossible for him to be as fast as Cheng Han's five fingers.


When he punched Cheng Han's chest collapsed, flew upside down, and hugged Cheng Cheng who had closed his eyes, he found that Cheng Han's breath was gone.


With a strong murderous intent on Feng Hao's face, he hugged Cheng Cheng and pressed towards Cheng Han.

"Haha, you ruined my dantian, I killed your lover, we owe nothing to each other..." Cheng Han laughed and killed Cheng Cheng, he seemed to be relieved.

"I owe it to you!"

Unprecedented anger, Feng Hao stepped on Cheng Han's chest, and pushed him into the ground, leaving him breathless.


Feng Hao dripped water darkly and gloomyly. This was the first time he was madly angry when he came to the earth. Even the previous killer camouflage uniform did not make him so angry.

"Where is the old Cheng family?"


Feng Hao stopped shouting, and stepped on the ground with his right foot, suddenly cracks burst out, criss-crossing and spreading out.

The entire ancient city of the Cheng family trembled slightly under the power of this kick.

Countless members of the Cheng family were alarmed. They walked out of their respective houses and saw Feng Hao at the gate of the ancient city.

"who is it?"

"Which cultivator of the ancient clan actually felt that the Cheng family's ancient city was causing trouble, and that his life was too crooked?"

"court death!"

There are members of the Cheng family who are in charge of maintaining the comfort of the ancient city, holding weapons to meet Feng Hao, there are eight people in total, they look like immortals, and their temperament is aloof.

At this moment, the weapons in their hands were pointing at Feng Hao, their expressions extremely arrogant.

One of the middle-aged man's eyes was very sharp. When he saw the corpse of the young man behind Feng Hao, he was shocked and screamed: "No, this man killed Cheng Han, the grandson of the clan elder, with extremely cruel methods."

"What? Cheng Han is dead?"

Countless Cheng family members heard the scream of the middle-aged man, and their expressions were terrified.

Then, they were furious and vowed to kill Feng Hao.

"Don't force me to do it, I don't want to kill people, tell your clan elders to come out to see me, otherwise... die!"

Feng Hao didn't attack ordinary people who had no grievances or enmities with him, but Cheng Han killed Cheng Cheng with his hands, and he was filled with anger at the moment.

Anyone who stands in his way will have to pay a heavy price.

Feng Hao temporarily sealed Cheng Cheng's vitality with the original power of the five talents, but there was no way to revive her.

But he learned from some materials on the earth. After understanding some things, ordinary people's perception of cultivators is that these immortals can bring people back to life.

Feng Hao felt that the elders of the Cheng family might have a way to save Cheng Cheng.

It's a pity that his cultivation base is not there now, otherwise even if he stepped into the gate of the underworld, he would be able to save him.

"Such an arrogant tone, report your name, I, Cheng Donglai, will not kill unknown people."

The leader is a middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and eagle eyes, and his momentum is like a rainbow. At this moment, the long sword in his hand is humming, eager to drink blood.

"Feng Hao!"

"I didn't hear..."

The middle-aged man sneered, there was no one surnamed Feng among the ancient cultivators of Mount Huashan, but then he seemed to think of something, his eyes widened, he rubbed his eyes, his throat squirmed, and he said in a trembling voice: "Feng, Fenghao? That Feng Hao?"

"What? He is Fenghao?"

"Hurry up and tell the clan elders that Feng Hao is going to the Cheng family's ancient city. God damn it, isn't he going to the Jin family? Why did he come to my Cheng family?"

"He doesn't mean anything. We have no grievances with him. Why do you bully my Cheng family? Even the old man Situ Bei is no match. Can the clan elder be his match? It's over, my Cheng family is going to end!"

In the ancient city, countless people felt terrified, terrified, and frightened to the extreme.

Feng Hao's name is a nightmare to them.

Regardless of whether the movie "War of the Ancient Gods" is true or not, the plane incidents in Tibetan areas and the city of Sh have shocked the country, and this strength is already invincible.

Among the ancient Huashan clan, perhaps only the ancestors of the Zhou family can compete with them, and their Cheng family is old, so it is difficult to hold a candle to them.

"Ha, Feng Hao, this is the Cheng family, not the Jin family, are you sure you've come to the right place?" Cheng Donglai said with a dry smile, feeling terrified in his heart.

This guy is a lunatic. He was still shredding just a moment ago, but now he came to Huashan, and even opened the gate of the Cheng family.

What a crime, what the hell did the Cheng family do? Actually recruited this great god?

The arms of the other Cheng family monks holding weapons were also shaking, and they were almost unable to hold their weapons steadily. Seeing Feng Hao's gloomy expression, they felt a urge to urinate, fearing that their lives might be in danger.

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