Martial Inverse

Chapter 46 Pharmacist Cheng

"I don't want to hurt people, let your elders come out!"

Feng Hao had no hostility towards the rest of the Cheng family, and asked the Cheng family from the ancient clan to report.

Looking down at Cheng Cheng in her arms, her beautiful eyes were tightly frowned, her hands were drooping weakly, she was already out of breath, but her vitality was forcibly kept in her body by Feng Hao.

He felt that the Cheng family was old, so there might be a way to save Cheng Cheng.

Reiki is the source of all things on earth, it can arouse people's vitality, just like his Wu Yuan in Tianwu Continent, he can also kill and save people.

"You want to deal with my clan elders?"

A Cheng family member's face was pale. If the clan elder died, the Cheng family would be completely destroyed, and the resources would be divided by other ancient Huashan clans.

"I won't let anyone tell you where the clan elder is, even if you slaughter the entire city, you won't find it."

Another member of the Cheng family has a lot of backbone and would rather die than submit. In the face of righteousness, what does one's life count?

"You think I'm going to kill your clan elders?"

Feng Hao can't laugh or cry, he is anxious to find the person with the highest cultivation level in the Cheng family, because the chances of saving Cheng Cheng will also increase.

But these members of the Cheng family thought that they were here to kill, and immediately got dizzy, and said seriously: "Cheng Han, a member of the Cheng family, killed Cheng Cheng with your hands, and I had no choice but to kill this person. Now I want to see you!" Your clan elders are here to save Cheng Cheng."

Feng Hao was very helpless, he didn't want to explain, but because of Huai Ren'er's life, he had no choice but to explain.

"Didn't you kill Cheng Cheng?"

Some people suspected that they were standing on the streets of the ancient city, each armed with weapons, and they were ready to die.

But Feng Hao's words made them hesitate.

But no one saw what happened just now, so they didn't know whether what Feng Hao said was true or not.

"I think he can be trusted. I watched the Battle of the Ancient Gods. He played the role of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan who defeated Chi You's army. A person who can play that kind of temperament will not be a villain."

"In the plane incident in SH city yesterday, he saved more than two hundred families by himself. This is a remarkable feat. If he was a murderer, he would not have rescued them."

Youcheng family members choose to believe in Feng Hao,

Putting down the weapon in your hand, anyway, putting it down is the same as not letting it go, can it still stop Feng Hao?

Right now, choosing to believe may make Feng Hao soft-hearted, and will not really hurt the clan elders.

"Since Cheng Cheng was killed, the elders of the clan did not come out. You must know that people cannot be resurrected after death, and if the promotion is cut off, it is useless for the medical sage Hua Tuo to be alive."

An old man from the Cheng family stepped forward. He was leaning on a cane, and his body was shaking slightly, which was a sign of his dying days.

"Cheng Yaoshi, why did you come out?"

A year ago, he supported him, and the other Cheng family members also showed concern. Obviously, the old man had a high prestige.

Feng Hao looked at him and said: "I have already kept Cheng Cheng's vitality in my body, but I can't revive her. Since you are a pharmacist, you can try."

Feng Hao hugged Cheng Cheng and walked towards Yaoshi Cheng.

He made a sudden move, which touched the nerves of the Cheng family members. Cheng Yaoshi is the most precious treasure of the Cheng family, second only to the elders in importance, and there must be no mistakes.

There were seventeen or eighteen people, lined up in three rows, standing in front of Cheng Yaoshi, with firm eyes.

"The vitality in Cheng Cheng's body cannot be preserved for too long. She is very simple. She brought me to your Cheng family, thinking that the Cheng family can befriend me. Since you can sit and watch her die, I have nothing to say."

Feng Hao was very disappointed and stopped in his tracks.

If it weren't for the little bit of intolerance in his heart, he might have left.

"What are you doing? This is how you treat distinguished guests when they come? Cheng Cheng is the granddaughter of a clan elder. Do you want to just sit back and watch?"

The old man behind the Cheng family members scolded them, knocking on the ground with their crutches to get these people out of the way.

He walked slowly, approaching Feng Hao, his old body seemed to fall down at any time, this scene made all the Cheng family's hearts jump into their throats,

"Little brother, can I have a look at Cheng Cheng?" Cheng Yaoshi said in a hoarse voice, breathing a bit short of breath.

"it is good!"

Feng Hao laid Cheng Cheng flat on the ground. He looked at Cheng Yaoshi and found that his thin and callused hands were emitting a soft green light, which also contained a strong vitality.

Yaoshi Cheng put his hands on Cheng Cheng's chest, his brows were sometimes surprised, sometimes furrowed, sometimes sighed, sometimes ecstatic, and sometimes shook his head.

The people who watched were also itchy.

Can Cheng Cheng be saved?

"The vitality in her body comes from the little brother?" Cheng Yaoshi stared at Feng Hao, his eyes were suddenly brighter than ever before.

"Yes, why?" Feng Hao looked at the old man suspiciously, feeling his scalp tingling.

This look...something is wrong, as if seeing a lover, thinking of this, Feng Hao felt his hair go up all over, and wanted to stay away from Cheng Yaoshi.

"Hey, little brother has the rare qualification of a pharmacist in a thousand years. I can't save her, and the clan elders can't save her, but little brother, if you inherit my mantle, you will definitely be able to save her."

Cheng Yaoshi looked at Feng Hao expectantly, he found countless clan members in the Cheng family, but none of them could inherit his mantle.

Until just now, through the vitality left in Cheng Cheng's body, he let him know Feng Hao's aptitude, he is simply the successor he dreamed of.

"You clan elders can't save her? But if I inherit your mantle, I'm afraid that Cheng Cheng's vitality will be gone by then."

Feng Hao's eyes dimmed, is it really impossible to save Cheng Cheng?

This is a simple girl, innocent and innocent, he doesn't want Cheng Cheng to die at the most beautiful age, she should have a happy future.

"Actually... my mantle is not a rare inheritance, but the simplest method. He relies on the vitality in the human body. Simply put, he uses his own vitality to let the wounded's vitality circulate in the body through techniques, so as to achieve to wake up."

Yaoshi Cheng smiled wryly and said: "Of course, I don't force it. After all, while saving people, I will also suffer irreparable trauma. My vitality is almost exhausted, and soon... I will die."

"Let me try it!"

Feng Hao has no reason to refuse, since it doesn't take much time to learn Cheng Yaoshi's technique, he can give it a try, and in terms of vitality, with his physique of five supernatural power attributes, vitality will never disappear.


Cheng Yaoshi's eyes were about to shine brightly, he seemed to be several decades younger, and his spirits suddenly revived. Then he motioned Feng Hao to sit down, and pointed his right index finger glowing green to the center of Feng Hao's eyebrows.

The green light was soft and full of anger. There was no murderous look on Cheng Yaoshi's brows, so Feng Hao didn't resist. If he guessed right, it might be a means of imparting martial arts.

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