"Have you heard my name?"

Feng Hao's expression changed slightly, and he looked at the bull demon suspiciously.

This cow demon came from all the heavens and myriad worlds, not the Great Thousand World where he was. How could it know its own name?

"Pangu great god Feng Hao, who in the heavens and worlds doesn't know, although brother and I are not in the same world, but brother, your name is spread all over the heavens and worlds."

The bull demon's eyes sparkled with a look of eagerness.

Feng Hao thinks this is inconceivable. Could it be that the powerful people in the heavens and myriad worlds can also know the major events that happen in the great world?

With a trace of confusion, Feng Hao's eyes fell on the cow demon in suit and leather shoes, and said: "If you have time, you can slowly tell me about the heavens and worlds, the Lord of the worlds in your mouth, Yunhuang, why should I Never heard of him."

After all, this is too unbelievable. If the powerhouses of the heavens and worlds know of his existence, it stands to reason that, as the main god of the world, he should also know of the existence of Emperor Yun.

But in fact, he only heard of the existence of the heavens and the world, but he didn't know what kind of world it was.

"Okay, no problem. Anyway, I can't go back to Lao Niu. I am willing to follow Pangu Great God."

The bull demon's eyes are extremely sincere, not like a fake.

Afterwards, Feng Hao and Niu Yao left the Pacific Ocean, they did not choose to descend from the sky in a grand manner, but chose to land from the coast.

At this moment, the shocking scene about the bull demon descending from the sky has been continuously researched and speculated by Chinese officials and major organizations.

The Huaxia officials also registered the information of the bull demon in the mysterious department, and it was marked as the highest level just like Feng Hao.

However, with the disappearance of the screen relayed by the mg Pentagon, they also lost the traces of Feng Hao and Niu Yao, and became invisible.

No one knew where Feng Hao and the mountain-sized cow demon were.

Whether it is military satellites or special radars that monitor energy, all-round monitoring without dead ends, they have not found their traces in the Pacific Ocean.

It is impossible for such a big bull demon to disappear without any reason.

"Could it have gone to the bottom of the sea,

After all, only the deep sea can hide its tracks. "

Some official authorities have speculated.

At the same time, this conjecture is also recognized by most officials. So far, human beings have only just glimpsed the way to explore the ocean.

And this accepted guess has also reassured the officials of various countries. It is best not to have such an existence, otherwise it will be a catastrophe.

For the young man Feng Hao who subdued the bull demon, all countries now treat him with awe, and the agents who were sent out to investigate the ancient god war crew were also urgently withdrawn.

All the people related to Feng Hao are marked as "never interfere" by the Intelligence Bureau

No country dares to provoke such an existence.

And with the disappearance of the bull demon and Feng Hao, the vision on Mount Hua has long since disappeared, and the sky has once again become blue and brilliant.

If it wasn't for the fact that the barrier of the Cheng family of the ancient Cultivation Clan was broken, and an ancestral mountain and an ancient city appeared in the depths of Mount Hua, everything would have seemed as if it had never happened.

"Clan elder, what should we do? Feng Hao and that big monster have both disappeared, but our Cheng family has been exposed to the world."

The faces of the Cheng family members were full of worry.

"There is nothing to worry about. Anyway, the country has long known about our existence. Now it is just an extra ordinary person. If they want to seek immortality, they must first ask the country whether they will agree."

The old Cheng family was very open-minded, he left with a flick of his sleeves, and entered the copper mountain used for retreat, but deep in his eyes, he was looking forward to Feng Hao's return and protect their Cheng family.

After all, the Cheng family, which lost the protection of the enchantment, would become the target of other ancient tribes in Huashan to be annexed. Such a thing has not happened before.

The Cheng family members looked at each other, and finally sighed helplessly.

Cheng Cheng, who was still in a coma, was also brought back to recuperate by the Cheng family, and the huge stone gate of the ancient city was closed afterward.

Moreover, as the Cheng family had expected, after the disappearance of the vision of heaven and earth, there were already military personnel stationed within a radius of fifty miles between the Cheng family's ancient city and Zushan.

No one would even want to set foot in the Cheng family's ancient city, it has become a forbidden area.

At the same time, at the airport of the flight from XM City to Huashan, two young people appeared in the waiting hall.

One of the young men was wearing a white suit and sunglasses, and he looked very flirtatious, too similar to those Korean stars.

Another young man dressed casually, but looked very sunny, wearing a casual suit and black sunglasses, walking in front of the man in a suit, with an air of dust.

These two young people who attracted most people's attention were exactly the young people transformed by Feng Hao and Niu Yao who landed from the coast of FJ.

In order to avoid shocking the world and hide the identity of the bull demon, they chose to take a flight to Huashan to meet Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu.

Because of the appearance of the bull demon from all the heavens and worlds, his plan to practice the Earth Cultivation Technique has to be temporarily shelved.

Leaving the earth is obviously not something that can be achieved through cultivation.

The appearance of Feng Hao and the bull demon, coupled with the temperament that cannot be born in ordinary people, made many star fans take out their mobile phones, claiming to meet Korean star Oppa at the airport, and they were very excited

But which Korean star it is, no one knows.

"Remember, don't call me Pangu Great God in the future, unless you don't want to be regarded as a lunatic by others. There are many things on the earth, you need to study hard, and don't expose your strength easily."

Taking advantage of no one around, Feng Hao told the bull demon, and at the same time threw a domestic mobile phone to the bull demon, saying: "This is a mobile phone. As you are the demon king, it must be easy to play through it. Find more information and learn about history. .”

"it is good."

Niu Yao was very concerned about the mobile phone Feng Hao gave him, and had a great time playing with it. Then he accidentally clicked on the photo album, and saw the photos of Liu Xiaofei, Xiao Lei, Xia Shilan and the others, his eyes suddenly bulged , breathing quickly, and stammered: "This... magic weapon... yes, interesting, who are these beauties? They are smiling at the old cow, old, the old cow's saliva is about to come out..."

Feng Hao squinted, glanced at the mobile phone in the hands of the bull demon, and his hair suddenly rose, only to realize that he was given the wrong mobile phone.

And those photos were saved in the album by Liu Xiaofei and the others, and the old cow peeked at them.

He snatched the mobile phone and put it in his pocket, handed the other mobile phone to Lao Niu, and said seriously: "Who is the beauty, this is not your concern."

"Hehe, not bad, my god, put the beauties under house arrest in this magic weapon, get them out when you want to play, take them away when you don't want to play, tsk tsk, I'll get a few of them in for fun too, old cow."

The cow demon looked at Feng Hao meaningfully, and his eyes were very hot. He didn't expect Feng Hao, who is the main god, to be so good.

But now, he also wants to learn from Feng Hao.

Thinking of the beautiful woman carrying it with her in the future and playing with it whenever she wants, her body trembles uncontrollably, and there is a faint horn on the top of her head that is about to break through the shackles of the scalp and rush out.

"I, I'm playing with your sister!"

Feng Hao was staggered by the bull demon's words and almost fell down. He raised his leg and lightly kicked the bull demon's ass, feigning anger and said: "You demon king, what is in your head? This is a photo. In addition, this It is a must-have mobile phone, not a magic weapon."

"Hey, that's it, the old cow understands! I understand!"

The bull demon rubbed his butt, with a mean smile on his face.

However, he had other thoughts in his heart, he believed in Feng Hao's words, he would be a ghost, this is definitely a treasure that can take in beautiful women, yet he still doesn't admit it.

Anyway, he has already made up his mind that he will take in a few more beauties of this beauty in the future to sleep with him.

ps: It is very tiring to insist on extra updates every day, but seeing the support of book friends, Xiami will feel better and will not be so hard.

Zhongsuo Zhouzi, Xiami doesn’t get any income from writing this fanfare on the official account, it all depends on the appreciation of book friends, and I also hope that book friends can support Xiami’s new books "Swallowing the Sky" and "Dan Wang" while reading the fanfare. Daoist Master".

Because these two books are more or less related to Wu Ni, but there are too few book friends who support the new book. Xiami’s new book has devoted a lot of effort, and I don’t want to be the same as the previous "Supreme God", because the supporters Less, thus in vain.

Therefore, here, Xiami hopes that all veterans, book friends, and brothers who have read Fanwai will support Xiami's new book.

Wu Ni is not over, and the episode is just a condiment for everyone to relax, and the rigor is definitely not as high as the main text and the new book.

Xiami is in the palm reading app "Swallowing Heaven Master", waiting for you to come over, this will determine whether Xiami will continue to write extra episodes.

I hope that book friends can support Xiami a lot. Writing a book is not easy, but the joy lies in sharing it with you. Xiami not only wants to share with you Wu Ni and Fanwai, but also like to share "The Master of Swallowing Heaven" and "The Grandmaster of Alchemy" with you.

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