Martial Inverse

Chapter 54 Old Niu's Ideal

Feng Hao and Bull Demon King took out their air tickets, exchanged them for boarding passes at the service desk, and waited for the security check to pass.

Feng Hao's ID card has already been fixed, and Niu Yao's ID card was also fixed by Feng Hao. With his hacking methods, it is easy to obtain a person's information.

The identity information provided coincidentally, that person is very similar to the bull demon in human form, like a person.

The only difference is that the bull demon is too coquettish, with evil eyes.

The two boarded the plane smoothly, and the passenger plane took off for Huashan.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? There is no fluctuation of spiritual power... It's scary." The bull demon was startled, such an iron box could actually fly.

Putting it in the heavens and the world, it is also an incredible treasure.

Unexpectedly, on earth, ordinary people can enjoy it.

Then, when he saw a woman in blue with a graceful waist and a uniform coming, his eyes straightened.

"Feng Hao, this girl is walking towards me, she is smiling at me!" The cow demon was very excited, and put on a pose that he thought was handsome.

When he first came to Earth, he was very proud of being able to make beautiful women bow down under his trousers.

"Hello, sir, please fasten your seat belt, the plane is about to pass through the strong airflow layer, and there will be turbulence." The stewardess smiled professionally.

"What seat belt? Why do you have to wear it, old cow, I have never seen such a big storm? Just come here and let me listen to you. What is your identity?"

The old cow was indignant. The girl didn't like him, but made him obedient.

His voice was loud enough to attract the passengers of the entire cabin.

Feng Hao and Niu Yao did not sit side by side. When he heard the sound, he frowned slightly, unbuckled his seat belt, and prepared to deal with it.

"Hi sir, please don't leave your seat." Another flight attendant stopped Feng Hao.

"I'm fine, that person is my friend, I'll deal with it!"

Feng Hao ignored it, left his seat directly, and walked to the place where the cow demon was. He was worried that the old cow would lose control and put everyone on the plane in danger.



without warning,

The plane dropped 20 to 30 meters suddenly, and the strong inertia threw the standing stewardess flying.

"Be careful!"

Feng Hao's pupils are wretched, and seeing the trajectory of the flight attendant's flying, his head may suffer a violent impact.

He didn't hesitate, it's not his style to see death and not save him. He took a step, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the faint sound of dragon chant resounded in the cabin.

The next moment, everyone was surprised, their eyes widened, full of disbelief.

They saw Feng Hao disappear in place, and the speed surpassed the speed of the stewardess flying backwards, and they hugged him in their arms.

The audience was silent, and a needle could be heard.

The bull demon took off his sunglasses, was dumbfounded, and muttered: "As expected of the master of the world, he creates a magic weapon to shake, and then the hero saves the beauty. Who can resist, but the old cow is clumsy..."

He glanced at the beautiful stewardess holding the handle, and regretted that there was no hero to save the beauty just now.


The stewardess was still in shock, her pretty face was very pale, but Feng Hao's arms were very strong, and her unique masculinity made her heart beat.

Although Feng Hao is wearing sunglasses, but the contours of his face are very perfect, as delicate as a knife, which is exciting.

The stewardess reacted later, blushing and said: "Sir, you can let me down now."

"Um, good, good!"

Feng Hao was worried that the plane would continue to turbulence, and out of safety considerations, he did not let the other party down.

But what the stewardess said made him blush too. After putting the stewardess down, he walked to the place where the bull monster was. The stewardess looked at Feng Hao's back in a daze, as if he had seen it somewhere before.


"Did you see it just now? His speed cannot be achieved by humans. Recently, various visions have occurred on TV, and there are people who can fly. I suspect that he is also a different person."

"Yes, I heard that there is a group of people who hide in the metropolis on weekdays. When the critical moment comes, they will turn into supermen who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground."

"Is that a special function?"

Many passengers witnessed the scene just now, and the eyes they looked at Feng Hao changed, with envy, admiration, jealousy, and longing.

Someone tried to strike up a conversation and ask, but Feng Hao ignored them.

After all, if everyone came to ask him a few words, he probably wouldn't be able to do anything, and it wasn't worth wasting time on people who had nothing to do with him.

Even if the life of the Lord God is infinite.

"Feng Hao, that move was good just now, teach the old cow me." The bull demon said directly, with expectant eyes.

He really has no resistance to beautiful women.

All the demon worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds looked like dogs, which disgusted him, but the human women looked perfect.

The skin can be broken by blowing bombs, protruding forward and backward, looking very supple, and the body is also white and flawless.

Unlike his wives in the demon world, the female demons are all big and thick, with waists like buckets, rough palms, and extremely big heads. The key point is that they are covered with hair, without any sense of beauty.

What's more, that voice was bold, like a man's, and when he became irritable, his seven holes were emitting smoke.

Lao Niu has long been tired of this kind of life, otherwise the ancestors of the Zhou family on Earth established contact with it, and if he hadn't tempted him with things from Earth, he would never have agreed to come through the air.

"Leaving those yellow-faced ladies, Lao Niu is at ease. It would be better not to go back. Lao Niu wants to spend all kinds of beauties in Huadu."

Niu Yao really has a strong learning ability. He fiddled with his mobile phone before and saw the words Zonghenghuadu, but he didn't expect to be able to use it now.

"Get out, trouble me again, believe it or not, I will kick you off the plane?" Feng Hao rolled his eyes at Lao Niu, thinking that this guy's eyes were too dazzling.

Very malicious.

"Don't, brother, old cow..."

The cow demon was taken aback, he believed that Feng Hao could do what he said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"You, are you Fenghao?"

The timid voice came from the stewardess who told the bull monster to fasten her seat belt before, her beautiful eyes shone brightly, and her breathing became short of breath.

In the past few days, Feng Hao is simply the male god of the whole people. Many women tore off the celebrity posters at home and replaced them with Feng Hao. They have to look at them for hours every day.

Almost even Feng Hao can count how many hairs he has.

All women are crazy.

The other passengers also heard the words of the cow demon, and at this moment the plane was stable, they all stood up, their eyes flickering.

The beautiful space that was hugged by Feng Hao before was trembling with excitement, and his eyes were shining brightly. He stroked the place wrapped by Feng Hao, his eyes were blurred, and water was about to drip out of shyness.

"My name is Feng Hao, but I'm not the Feng Hao you think, I'm mistaken."

Feng Hao pushed the sunglasses. He thought that the sunglasses could block his appearance, and it was impossible for anyone to see it.

He glared at the bull monster, intending to tell him that in the future outsiders should not call him by his name directly, and treat it as a taboo.

"Yes, yes, my brother is Feng Hao. Do you know him?"

Niu Yao doesn't know Feng Hao's past history on Earth, seeing the passengers in the plane, he seems to know Feng Hao, and Lao Niu's interest greatly increases.

He felt that there must be some story in it.

Lao Niu loves listening to stories the most. Moreover, in his cowhide bag, there is also fine wine he brought from the demon world. A sip of it can make people feel ecstatic. It is a priceless treasure.

It is intended to be used for listening to stories and drinking, which is very suitable for the occasion.

"He once rescued an Airbus, confronted the military area in the Tibetan area, and then appeared in Huashan, leading to an ancient tribe and a tall ancestor mountain."

"Moreover, a bull demon king descended from the sky, clamoring to destroy the world, but when Feng Hao appeared, he beat the bull demon king like a bereaved dog and saved the world."

"The news said that the bull demon king was beaten into the Pacific Ocean by Feng Hao, and he dared not show his face for the rest of his life. I also heard that there is a hurricane that is going to ravage the western countries recently. It may be caused by Feng Hao beating the bull demon king in the Pacific Ocean. This is a butterfly effect."

The passengers told what they had seen and heard, almost turning Feng Hao into a god, and their eyes showed piety, like believers.

"Damn it, old cow, when did I clamor for the destruction of the world?"

Lao Niu's face was extremely ugly, and he felt very shameless. If it weren't for Feng Hao, he might attack this group of people who slandered him.

Unexpectedly, what he said was useless, but Feng Hao was deified.

He felt aggrieved, and planned to save a plane if he had the chance, and to slaughter the big monster who dared to go down to the world.

Later, a passenger said that Feng Hao had made a movie called "The War of the Ancient Gods", which had a box office of several billion dollars and became famous all over the world.

Lao Niu's eyes were red, and he yelled in his heart: "It doesn't matter what his movie is, Lao Niu is going to make a movie, and he will earn billions of dollars at the box office."

Being scolded by mortals like this made him feel very uncomfortable. He decided to surpass Feng Hao and become the world-renowned Bull Demon King.

ps: Xiami is looking forward to the follow-up plot more and more, and I feel excited even thinking about it. what about you? Tell Xiami with appreciation!

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