Martial Inverse

Chapter 55 Peerless?

The plane landed smoothly, and the passengers came to ask for their autographs, but Feng Hao had a premonition, and pulled the cow demon to find an empty corner, and left directly.

"This earth is really interesting. There are so many mortals. Unlike the heavens and myriad worlds, everyone can practice." Lao Niu said with emotion.

"Earth's aura is too scarce, it's not suitable for cultivation. If all the people practice, the earth's resources will be drained and it will become a dead star."

As the main god, Feng Hao saw the future of the earth after a little deduction.

After all, this is not the Great Thousand World, the abundant aura is enough for the people of the world to cultivate, and it can last for tens of millions of years.

"Lao Niu feels that this earth has existed longer than the heavens and worlds, and it may have had a glorious history in a certain era."

The cow demon said in a low voice, when he came across the starry sky, he sensed the simplicity and depth of the earth's breath, this is definitely not a new star.

It must have existed for countless billions of years, and there may have been powerful practitioners.

"Well, you feel right. The earth has walked out of the extreme east, across the void to the Great Thousand World. I came here because of their teleportation array. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to leave yet." Feng Hao said.

Later, Feng Hao took a Didi taxi on his mobile phone and called a ride to Huashan. The driver was a beautiful woman in her twenties.

Very temperamental, black hair like a waterfall, wearing sunglasses, always revealing the breath of a goddess.

She seldom speaks, but concentrates on chatting, and occasionally glances at the rearview mirror, wondering how Feng Hao and Lao Niu, who have completely different tastes, got together.

A suit and leather shoes, very flamboyant.

The other is dressed casually, like the leader of the family.

The two of them didn't salute. They said they came from FJ and went to Huashan to play. This made the beauty feel very funny. Two big men went to Huashan to play. What's the point?

Moreover, Huashan is now closed, and no tourists are allowed to climb the mountain.

But she is different, she has a very special status, and this time she rushed back because of the change in Huashan, otherwise she would never set foot in that place.

"Huashan has been closed. If you two go, you may not even find a place to live." The beauty said suddenly.

She was on a whim,

Opened Didi and took the whole order along the way, but now she felt that Feng Hao and Niu Yao were very abnormal and wanted them to go down.

"Closed? Can you stop me, the old bull?" The bull demon has not yet adapted to life on earth, and his mouth is domineering and arrogant.

Of course, he has the qualifications to be arrogant, if there is no Fenghao organization, he can really flatten there.

"Crazy." The beauty despises her in her heart, and has no affection for Lao Niu.

On the other hand, Feng Hao, who was silent all the way, with a preoccupied look, exuded a unique charm, which made her unable to look sideways.

"Maybe I won't go to Huashan anymore. How about this? You get off the car. After the order is settled, I will transfer the money to you."

The beauty slammed on the brakes and parked the car on the National Highway, where cars are coming and going, she is not afraid of Feng Hao messing around with the bull monster.

"Beauty, you are very disreputable. If you don't want to load at first, you don't have to accept the order."

Feng Hao frowned. Looking at the beauty, he felt that she might be worried about something, and said, "You don't have to worry about anything. My friend and I are not bad people. We will get off the car when we get near Huashan."

The old cow heard the beautiful driver's words, and probably meant to tell them to go away. Immediately, he was furious, with smoke coming out of the air hole, and scolded: "Hey, you female fairy, the old cow is in your car, it was built by you in eight lifetimes. How dare you let us get out of the car?"

"You call me a goblin?"

The beautiful driver responded forcefully, her voice was cold, and the temperature in the car seemed to drop a bit.

The bull demon was vigilant, this beautiful driver is not ordinary.

"you shut up!"

Feng Hao told the cow demon to shut up, this guy's mouth was twitching, and his stomach was full of bad water.

"You two get out of here, otherwise, don't blame me for doing it." The beautiful driver is still strong, even if Feng Hao steps forward, it won't work.

With a strong personality, she parked the car and turned off the engine, unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car, opened the rear door, and actually planned to force her to do it.


The bull demon was furious, he had endured to the limit, since he came to the earth till now, he hit a wall everywhere, and now even a mortal wants to attack him.

When he roared, the mountains beside the national highway shook, and all the vehicles on the road burst tires, and the car of the beautiful driver was not spared either. The glass was broken and the car body was dented, as if it had been attacked by a gun.

For a while, the entire national highway was filled with sirens and collisions. Fortunately, there were no casualties. This is the speed limit area, and the speed is not fast, so we can survive the tire blowout.

"Are you a stranger?"

The roar just now was indeed very powerful. It seemed to be some kind of sonic attack. This was the method of Huaxia Yiren. The beautiful driver frowned. She stood in front of the car door like a mountain, her expression was even colder and more ruthless.

Feng Hao originally planned to stop it, but he gave up when he saw the beauty's calm expression. He also wanted to see what kind of magical power the bull demon left on the earth.

In addition, this beautiful driver is very mysterious, obviously not an ordinary person, let alone an ordinary monk.

He was able to withstand Lao Niu's sonic attack, and his strength was far superior to that of a monk at the alchemy stage like Zhou Boyun, and he might be a Jindan monk at the level of a martial spirit.

"It's interesting to be such a young monk..." The corners of Feng Hao's mouth curled up. He got out of the car and stood on the foundation of the national road.

Now, he no longer restrains Lao Niu and lets him play freely.

"You're a hammer, a stranger. The old cow is a peerless demon king. You little bastard, I must kill you."

Seeing that Feng Hao didn't stop him, the bull demon was in a good mood. He took off his shirt, his muscles were knotted, and he felt a sense of strength.

He punched the beautiful driver with lightning speed, and the air was heated by friction.

"Physical strength is also very strong."

The beautiful driver's expression was cold and indifferent. She raised her right hand lightly, as if she was lifting a mountain, and a whirlwind condensed in her palm.


Her palm was in front of her, and the old cow's fist hit her palm, and then the whole person felt as if struck by lightning, and retreated four or five steps, barely standing still.

"You and I……"

The bull demon looked horrified, he found that his power was less than one-hundred-thousandth of that of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and he was supposed to crush the opponent, but she asked him to dissolve it.

Moreover, this beautiful woman is very unusual, she has an invincible self-confidence all over her body.

Feng Hao observed from the side, and felt that the strength of this beautiful woman was very terrifying. When she raised her hand, Feng Hao vaguely saw the surrounding mountains, and gave her an aura to bless her.

This seems to be a kind of potential, which can use the power of heaven and earth.


Thinking of this, Feng Hao's expression is slightly moved, the earth is really just showing the tip of the iceberg.

"You are a stranger, and abilities are your strong point, but your sonic attack is useless to me."

The beauty said coldly: "You exposed your strength in front of ordinary people and caused uncontrollable consequences. I have no choice but to seal you up and suppress you."

The surrounding world suddenly changed, and the beautiful woman hugged her hands in circles, as if she was drawing Tai Chi Pisces, and a cyclone could be vaguely formed slowly.

It really is a Tai Chi cyclone.


The old cow was furious. He is one of the demon kings of all realms. He was so underestimated by mortals, and his body size skyrocketed immediately, transforming into a bull-headed human body.

It is as high as a mountain hundreds of meters high.

He raised his leg and stepped towards the beautiful driver, who finally showed a look of shock, raised his hands high, a cyclone erupted, and resisted the kick forcefully.

bang bang bang!

But the powerful force spread, and the entire national roadbed exploded. Those car owners who witnessed this scene were frightened and ran away frantically.

The whole pavement was cracked, but the place where Feng Hao was standing was intact. Looking at all this, he became more and more curious about the identity of the beauty.

Lao Niu was too suppressed by the laws of the earth, otherwise, as a demon king, one punch would be enough to destroy the planet, but now he is suppressed by human monks.



The beautiful driver repelled the bull demon and retreated in stature. She took off her sunglasses to reveal her true face. She is a stunning beauty.

She has a slender body, bright eyes and white teeth, and black hair like a waterfall. At this moment, her temperament is revealed, and she is exceptionally outstanding, like an iceberg snow lotus.

Her skin is white, especially the beautiful partial curvature of the body, which is full of amazing elasticity, which is very amazing.

However, when Feng Hao saw the beauty's true face, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and he said in amazement: "Wu Shuang?"

His eyes lit up, and he thought it was incredible.

Because of this, the real appearance of the beautiful driver is almost exactly the same as Huangfu Wushuang, even the temperament is very similar, cold and arrogant, and has a peerless appearance.

Feng Hao was stunned.

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