Martial Inverse

Chapter 56 Savage Collision

No matter what, Feng Hao would never have imagined that he would meet another person who looked the same as his other wife, Huangfu Wushuang, on Earth Huaxia.

For Huangfu Wushuang, Feng Hao's heart is actually very complicated.

The two used to be deadly rivals, and even Huangfu Wushuang tried to kill Feng Hao in the grand competition on the day of the opening of the sky, but he failed.

Afterwards, the conflict between the two was almost irreconcilable, and even in a life-and-death duel, Feng Hao was forced to explode himself with the help of Jiuji Zhenyuan, thus entering the Zhenwu Continent.

It wasn't until a series of uncontrollable things happened that the two of them came together by accident and had a common child, Feng Xiaotian.

Seeing a woman who looks very similar to Huangfu Wushuang now, Feng Hao almost mistakenly thinks that she has also come to the earth, but judging from the aura of the other party, this is not her wife.

It's the same as Xiaolei, Liu Xiaofei, Xia Shilan, but with a face similar to his wife's.

"What Wushuang?"

The beauty frowned, she didn't understand what Feng Hao was talking about, but she just glanced at Feng Hao, and her expression became extremely dignified.

This section of the roadbed has already exploded, but Feng Hao's position is intact. It seems that he is also a strong alien.

Thinking of everything that happened in Huashan, the beauty also knew clearly that the exposure of the Cheng family, an ancient ethnic group in Huashan, would definitely attract many strangers.

She didn't expect to meet two of them so easily.

Moreover, it is still a very strong existence.

"It's nothing, girl, you can leave, this matter is over." Feng Hao shook his head and sighed softly in his heart.

"Let me go? Don't you think that's funny?"

The beauty snorted coldly.

Her demeanor was still high and cold, and from the beginning to the end, she seemed to have ignored Feng Hao and the bull demon.


How can a person who has the power to fight against the bull demon and is as proud as her put his defeated opponents in his eyes?

"It's true that you are very powerful, but there are some things you don't know, and I'm here for your own good.


Feng Hao frowned slightly, this woman's character was too similar to Huangfu Wushuang, she was so arrogant and indifferent.

"You mean I'm a frog in a well?"

A severe chill suddenly emanated from the woman's body, and with the passage of time, this chill had turned into a cold killing intent.

"Feng Hao, don't talk nonsense with her, this woman is too arrogant, the old cow will trample her to death."

The Bull Demon King couldn't hold back the killing intent in his heart. He didn't believe that he had changed out of his original body, and he couldn't deal with the monks on Earth.

It is also one of the demon kings of the heavens and the world.


The Bull Demon King roared, and the mountains shook, and the pupils of the beauty shrank suddenly after hearing the Bull Demon King's words.


Old cow? The big monster that came down, but was suppressed by Feng Hao in the Pacific Ocean?

At this moment, the beauty quickly reacted.

"You are Feng Hao? A madman who threatened to ask my Jin family to practice the true method? Where is my brother now?"

The beauty suddenly spoke.


Feng Hao's tone froze, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. He never thought that the beautiful woman in front of him was actually a member of the ancient cultivator.

Moreover, it was Jin Xin's sister who he captured in Tibet.

This is too coincidental.

"Old Niu, I'm going crazy, how dare you ignore me."

Seeing that the beauty of the Jin family ignored him, the Bull Demon King chose to question Feng Hao. At this moment, he was furious and wanted to destroy everything.


The bull demon king shattered a mountain top with his palm, lifted a huge boulder weighing several tons, and smashed it directly at the beauty of the Jin family.

When dealing with the enemy, he has no idea of ​​pity and pity.

At this moment, he just wanted to defeat this little girl who ignored him and restore his dignity as a demon king.

"It's a small skill, and if the big monster from outside the territory is only at this level, I will kill as many as Jin Jing has." The beauty of the Jin family said coldly.

She lifted her slender arms, and the spiritual energy visible to the naked eye gathered in her palms. With a flick of her hand, the tons of boulders that fell from the sky turned into powder with a piercing crackling sound.

Her hands seem to resonate with this world all the time, able to turn decay into magic.

"You are too arrogant. If the old cow doesn't kill you, I swear not to be a demon."

The Bull Demon King was furious like never before. As he roared, the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy and a strong wind blew up.

Sand and rocks flew on the national highway, and countless cars were blown away by the strong wind.

At this moment, the muscles on the Bull Demon King's body squirmed, he squatted down, and directly manifested his main body, which was a buffalo with black hair all over his body.

The huge ox horns were bent, exuding a chilling aura, and the ox horns reached the sky, as if the sky was about to be pierced.

A palpitating breath also erupted from the body of the Bull Demon King.

At this moment, he seems to have regained the strength of the demon king for a short time.


Jin Jing's pretty face was finally moved, and she even found it incredible that she seemed to have figured out the strength of the bull demon in the short fight just now.

No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to defy the sky.

But now, she has completely miscalculated. After the cow demon transformed into a buffalo, the aura made her unable to resist.

The strength of the bull demon has increased by more than ten times and hundreds of times, and it seems to have surpassed the category of big monsters.

"Impossible, the power and laws of the earth's heaven and earth, even if the big monsters outside the territory are invincible, they will be reduced to ordinary monsters when they arrive on the earth."

Jin Jing is a monk with terrifying strength, she can get in touch with many secrets, and she also clearly knows some things outside the domain.

For example, when great monsters or creatures from outside the domain descend to the earth, they will inevitably be restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, and their cultivation will be suppressed to the limit.

This is also the capital where she dared to fight against each other after learning the identities of Feng Hao and Niu Yao.

"Brutal collision!"

The bull demon king was furious, and the divine bull he transformed into directly charged towards the shocked Jin Jing.

The places trampled by all four hooves are comparable to small craters, and there are even red lava rolling in the craters.

It was scorching high temperature, which ignited the earth.

"No, it's impossible, the earth will not allow this kind of power to appear." Jin Jing was already on the verge of collapse.

Her invincible belief was shattered by the impact of the old cow's breath at this moment.

"Am I going to die? I have been invincible and the Huashan Ancient Clan, inherited from the legendary Extreme East Clan, should have crossed the void many years later, and followed them to the Great Thousand World."

"Could it be that all of this will be turned into ashes?"

Jin Jing's beautiful eyes were full of grayness. When her belief in invincibility collapsed, the shock she suffered in her heart was earth-shattering.

Even when the bull demon king charged, he turned a blind eye to it.

Of course, even if she regained her senses and tried to stop it, it would be of no avail. With this level of strength, accompanied by a doomsday scene, even if a real fairy came... I'm afraid she couldn't stop it!

"Old cow!"

Feng Hao glanced at Jin Jing, who had lost his fighting spirit, and knew that if the bull monster collided, the opponent would be turned into ashes.

Similarly, he was extremely shocked that the old cow could erupt with power beyond the limits of the earth. This power does not belong to innate supernatural powers.

It's the strength of the bull demon in the heavens and the world.

Feng Hao thinks that if he can use the cultivation of the main god, returning to the Tianwu Continent is just a thought away.

But right now, it's not the time to be confused. If he doesn't stop her, Jin Jing, who looks the same as his wife Huangfu Wushuang, and has the same arrogant and glamorous personality, will be completely removed from the world.

Feng Hao couldn't stand by and watch.

Because he couldn't accept his wife and died in front of him.



Feng Hao yelled loudly, like a bolt from the blue, and then he raised his hand suddenly, clenched his right fist, and the phantom of the unicorn appeared on his arm, and the whole arm was covered with red texture.

Vaguely, there seemed to be lava flowing in the texture, and an aura of destruction suddenly appeared.



When Feng Hao punched and galloped forward, he unleashed a savage bull monster, and when they collided together, the earth was cracked, the void was shattered, and there was an earth-shattering explosion, like a nine-day thunderstorm exploding in the world.

Open up the world.

But then, the sound between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared at this moment, and the hundreds of miles around where Feng Hao was located were all razed to the ground and the mountains disappeared.

Here, it seems that it has encountered a nuclear bomb attack, and everything is destroyed.

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