Martial Inverse

Chapter 58: Hunting the Dragon

Feng Hao flew in the sky with Jin Jing, already at a height invisible to the naked eye, while the Bull Demon King spread his legs and walked through the mountains and forests.

His speed is also not slow.

Two hours later, Feng Hao landed with Jin Jing not long after, the Bull Demon King had already arrived panting heavily.

He propped up his legs with both hands, rubbing the hammer lightly, sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

After his cultivation base was suppressed by the earth, it was very rare for him to be able to run wild for two hours without a break, and it was still because of his strong physical body.

But if he continues to run wild, he may not be able to persist, this is already the limit.

"Where is this place?"

The Bull Demon King is temporarily blank about the earth, his eyes are looking around, showing curiosity.

"Let her tell you!"

Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, he wasn't quite sure if this was the ancient Jin family, but he just felt Xiao Hei's aura, so he landed.

Jin Jing was still in shock, flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters was the first experience for her as a strong Jindan.

She glanced at the surrounding scenery, but she was also not sure: "It should be... where my Jin family's Dongtian Paradise is located."

"It's so funny, I can't even find the location of my own family." The Bull Demon King taunted

Feng Hao was speechless.


Jin Jing was speechless, the Bull Demon King was right, he didn't know the exact location of the ancient Jin family, because she was sent out of the family since she was a child.

Cultivation to the present state is all due to chance, and has nothing to do with the Jin family.

"I'll try to see if I can find the entrance."

Jin Jing wiped the sapphire ring on the ring finger of her left hand with her right hand, and with a flash of light, a small diamond-shaped jade pendant appeared in her palm.

With a light grip, a golden light shot out from the jade pendant, like infrared rays, guiding the route.

Miraculously, this golden light was able to turn around, avoiding big trees and mountains that could not be crossed.

"This is indeed the ancient floor of the Jin family, and the entrance is in front."

Jin Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and walked along the golden optical fiber of the road, occasionally turning her head to look at Feng Hao, her heart skipped a beat.

Feng Hao is indeed perfect, his strength is invincible, his appearance is also very outstanding, his spirit is like jade, and his temperament is particularly attractive.

It seems like a natural charm.

Feng Hao, Jin Jing, and the Bull Demon King were walking along the light, and within a few hundred meters, they encountered a little trouble.

Today's Jin family is very vigilant, there are troops stationed here, military trucks come in, three or four tanks.

The tent not far away was heavily guarded, and there was the sound of electronic equipment running inside. It was obviously a temporary command center.

Jin Jing seemed to see Feng Hao's doubts, and said: "The ancient city of the Cheng family has been exposed, and the army has directly intervened to prevent ordinary people from approaching. Our Jin family is one of the eight ancient Chinese clans, and has close ties with the military. We only need a phone call from the elders." , there will be troops stationed there.”

"These things can't stop me."

Feng Hao understood that it was obviously what happened in the Tibetan area before, which made the Jin family put on guard and wanted to stop him from coming.

Jin Jing sighed: "But they don't know your strength. Even if I face a well-trained army, I will hate you. In recent years, with the progress of the Chinese government, our monks have been weakened more and more. gone."

"This is good. After all, not everyone on Earth can cultivate. If no one protects ordinary people, wouldn't you monks be able to do whatever you want?"

Feng Hao said indifferently.

Jin Jing fell silent. In the past, most of the changes in China's dynasties were secretly supported by the Xiuzhen family and fueled the flames.

At that time, the Xiuzhen family was superior to the country, and the national teacher was in charge of the palace, but it was actually supervising the world, very majestic.

But it can't work now, if their cultivator family dares to intervene in military affairs, the gate of the mountain will be flattened immediately, this is the bottom line of the country.


Suddenly, the patrolling soldiers spotted the three of Feng Hao, and eight soldiers in camouflage uniforms pointed their guns at them.

At the same time, the entire temporary army stationed outside the Jin family's ancient clan was alarmed, fully armed, tanks started, and rocket launchers were ready.

At this critical moment, people who enter this dense forest cannot be ordinary people, and they can hardly be sloppy.

"I am a member of the ancient Jin family, this is my identification."

Jin Jing revealed the small rhombus-shaped jade pendant.

A middle-aged man with the rank of a colonel walked over, took off his sunglasses, and looked up and down at Jin Jing and Feng Hao Niu Demon King.

"The ancient Jin family has been sealed off. No one can enter or leave. They can only be released after the matter is resolved."

The colonel's gaze stayed on Jin Jing, and there were several gleams in the depths of his eyes.

"What happened inside?"

Feng Hao vaguely sensed that something was wrong. The army stationed here might not be just as simple as guarding the gate of the Jin family.

Otherwise, even members of the Jin family would not be allowed to let them go.

Combined with the fact that Xiao Hei has not yet appeared, he suspects that the Jin family is going to do something to Xiao Hei.

"Is there room for you to speak here?"

The senior colonel took out the pistol from his waist and put it between Feng Hao's eyebrows with a naughty personality, saying viciously: "Didn't you understand what I said? Get out, or you will be shot dead."


Feng Hao shot instantly, the pistol was directly pinched by him until it was deformed, and then turned into iron filings, and he kicked it out, and the middle-aged colonel flew upside down for more than a hundred meters.

The whole person curled up on the ground, vomiting non-stop.


Seeing this scene, other soldiers in camouflage uniforms fired machine guns at Feng Hao frantically.


Feng Hao noticed something was wrong. The camouflage uniforms of these soldiers did not have the numbers of the Huaxia military, but more like the camouflage uniforms he killed before, which belonged to mercenaries.

Da da da!

Hundreds of bullets were fired at Feng Hao, but there was no sound of bullets passing through the flesh at all.

"Since it's not a soldier, but a mercenary, then you can't blame me."

Feng Hao didn't have any good feelings for the mercenary organization. He opened his hands and fingers, and countless bullets caught by him bounced back the same way.

puff! puff! puff!


None of the mercenaries who fired the shots survived. All of them were shot between the eyebrows and killed by a single shot.

Jin Jingmei's eyes were rounded, even if it was her, it was impossible to face it so easily, at least she had to keep using the spirit formula.

Feng Hao's physical body is too strong, almost invulnerable to swords and guns, the golden bell cover of the roar of the tiger, and the iron cloth shirt of the Dragon Yin are all weak.

"Monster, monster!"

"omg, this..."

Many mercenaries were completely frightened, and the head of the mercenary who was kicked away got up and roared: "Fire, blow him to death!"

call out!

call out!

* Launched together with the armored tank, not only Feng Hao was targeted, but even Jin Jing and Bull Demon King were targeted.

"The Jin family disappointed me so much. They invited mercenaries here. Where did these armored tanks and weapons come from? Is the clan always going to be exterminated?"

Jin Jing also seemed to have noticed something was wrong. The Huaxia military took action to release these weapons of mass destruction. Without orders, they would not do it at will.

But the middle-aged man and these camouflage uniforms are more like mercenaries, shooting and killing people if they disagree.

And the ancient cultivators cooperated with the mercenaries to mobilize these armored tanks and weapons of mass destruction. If they were known, it would be the end of the extermination of the clan.

Jin Jing's face was so pale that she hadn't even reacted when a gun was shot at her. Even if she was a monk at the Golden Core level, she was no different from a mortal under the premise of being in a state of confusion.

"A group of ants don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. If they attack the old cow, they may be tired of their work."

The Bull Demon King was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he grabbed a gun and threw it back.


An armored tank was hit, its tracks were broken, and black smoke came out.

"This thing is interesting." Lao Niu's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent, and began to frantically intercept*, using tanks as targets.

As for Feng Hao, as if entering a no-man's land, the phantom of the blue dragon appeared behind him, and the whole person disappeared. He appeared in front of Jin Jing at the speed of a phantom, and crushed the gun with a single punch.

"Give me the jade pendant, and leave it to you and Lao Niu!"

Feng Hao's expression turned extremely ugly, if Xiao Hei lost even one vellus hair, he would definitely let the entire Jin family be buried with him.

Jin Jing was shocked by the scene in front of her, and subconsciously handed the jade pendant to Feng Hao, and then she woke up with a look of fear in her beautiful eyes.

She knew that if Feng Hao took the jade pendant, he must be going to the Jin Family Cave.

"Oh my god! The clan elder is crazy, isn't he, dare to catch that black dragon?"

Jin Jingxiu frowned, he vaguely guessed why the elders of the Jin family invited mercenaries instead of official troops, and it was clear that they had ulterior motives.

Apparently, the Kim family wants to hunt dragons!

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