Martial Inverse

Chapter 59 - Reverse Scale

"Hey, interesting, God didn't let you practice, but gave you good wisdom, these things, the damage is not weak."

The spirit of the old cow is very resistant to the wind. As a demon clan, its physical body is already very good. The guns it hits flew around, and the mercenaries who bombed it were extremely panicked.

As the top mercenary organization in Asia, the blood wolf has also hunted and killed aliens and Chinese monks. They know that these people are mortals after all, and they cannot stop the attack of hot weapons.

However, Feng Hao and Lao Niu opened their eyes, and their hearts were trembling at the moment.

The severely wounded leader of the mercenary turned extremely pale when he saw his brothers dying.

Those equipment that cost a lot of money are all destroyed now.

In an instant, their blood wolf mercenary organization returned to before liberation.

At this moment, he regretted it too much. He hated the elders of the Jin family to death. He didn't tell him beforehand that the opponent he provoked would be so terrifying.

Now, the old cow who turned into a human body is still very strong physically, and his physical body is hard to resist shells. After he lifted a tank with his bare hands and smashed the mercenary leader to death, the battle finally came to an end.

"This guy……"

There was a look of astonishment in Jin Jingmei's eyes. This was the first time she had seen a person whose physical strength had reached the point where he could resist shells.

Although monks can also do it, it all depends on the method of cultivating immortals.

Lao Niu is like the Hulk in the movie, the powerful visual impact makes Jin Jing's blood boil for it.

It's a pity that the mercenaries are dead, and she has no chance to make a move.

Then, she seemed to remember something, her pretty face turned pale, and she chased after Feng Hao in the direction he left.

The old cow looked at the messy surroundings full of gunpowder smoke, with a curve on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know when he had a cigar in his hand.

Lit and smoked.

"A group of rabble, not fun."

The old cow sighed softly, he was very unsatisfied. When he saw no one around, he came back to his senses, took a step, and immediately chased after him with a cigar in his mouth.

Not far from the battle,

After losing Feng Hao's footprints, there is a pool of water in front of him, and the water in the pool is crystal clear.

"We're late, Feng Hao has entered the ancient Jin family, but unfortunately I don't have the token, so I can't get in..."

Jin Jing said softly, feeling very dazed at the moment.

She doesn't have deep feelings for the Jin family, but her younger brother Jin Xin is a genius who was never born in the Jin family. She is worried that something will happen to him.

As for the elders of the Jin family, there was only coldness in her eyes, and whether she died or not had nothing to do with her.

"Just wait, Feng Hao will smash your Jin family's enchantment later."

Lao Niu said softly that the relationship between him and Jin Jing is no longer so rigid at this moment, but they are not familiar enough to be casual.

But just when Jin Jing and Lao Niu were at a loss what to do, there was another scene in the Jin family's paradise.

Holding the token in his hand, Feng Hao unfolded his innate supernatural power, Suzaku Wings, and quietly suspended in the Jin family's barrier.

Below him, there are more than a thousand monks of the Jin family who are ready to face the enemy.

At this moment, they formed a formation, and they seemed to have expected Feng Hao's arrival long ago. After the formation of thousands of people formed, they echoed each other, exuding a powerful coercion.

Feng Hao's expression was indifferent. He admired the birth of the civilization of cultivating immortals in the Central Plains of the earth, and the formation of a thousand people of the Jin family was in operation, which was very majestic.

It is worthy of being the head of the ancient clan in Huashan District, with a very profound heritage.

"Where is your clan elder, let him come out, otherwise, don't blame me for killing!"

Feng Hao looked stern, and was very worried about Xiao Hei's current situation.

Judging from the situation in front of the Jin family, it must have been prepared, even... Xiao Hei has been suppressed by them with special means.

Otherwise, he would have appeared, but Xiao Hei hadn't.

"Feng Hao, you are really arrogant, but that's all you need to do. Today you will be here for hatred."

"You are the first person who dared to say that you would take away my Jin family's method of cultivating immortality, but do you know that from the time you said those words, you were already doomed to face death..."

"The ancient Jin family, don't be bullied!"

The old men who were in charge of the center of the formation looked extremely arrogant. He raised his head solidly, and his eyes were full of fire.

"However, I will give you a chance to survive and hand over your skills."

An old man was extremely arrogant. He seemed to have taken a fancy to Feng Hao's strength, such as the pair of Suzaku wings, which moved his heart very much.


Feng Hao suddenly laughed, laughing to the point of murderous intent.

A group of frogs at the bottom of the well actually utter nonsense in front of him, it's really boring.

"What are you laughing at?" The old man frowned and said coldly.

"I laugh at you for being too naive. Do you think that this thousand-man formation can keep me?"

Feng Hao descended from the sky with such a speed that no one could catch his trace, and the next moment, he had already appeared in front of the old man.

His right hand had already grabbed the old man's neck, and with a little force, he could send him back to the west.

The old man of the Jin family was covered in hairs, and his cloudy eyes were filled with horror. Feng Hao's speed was so fast.

Even the perception and spiritual knowledge of their monks can escape.

Shocked, the old man said with a dry smile: "Feng Hao, there's no need to fight with the Jin family. Let me go. We can talk about anything."

"Feng Hao, I advise you to let go of our elder, otherwise, you will die without a place to bury you."

A monk from the Jin family sternly shouted.



Unexpectedly, as soon as the Jin family monk finished speaking, Feng Hao directly cut off the neck of the Jin family elder.

"Damn it, you misled me..." Before dying, the elder of the Jin family stared at the Jin family cultivator with bull's eyes.

This was an unexpected and incredible scene. The voices of everyone in the Jin family were stuck in their throats, and they couldn't say a word.

And the monk of the Jin family who said something that threatened Feng Hao, his face was pale, and he also suffered the anger of many people.

He didn't expect that Feng Hao didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

hold head high!

Suddenly, in the depths of the Heavenly Paradise of the Jin Family Cave, there was a sound of dragon chant. There was anger and fury in the voice, as if struggling and roaring while enduring some pain.

"Little black!"

Feng Hao's eyes turned red instantly, and he didn't care about other things at the moment, rushing towards the depths of the Jin family's cave like a wind.

His eyes were full of cold murderous intent at the moment, and his energy and energy were also condensed to the peak. He had already decided that if Xiao Hei suffered any harm, the Jin family must be buried with him.


As Feng Hao approached, he finally saw the reason why Xiao Hei was berserk, there was a pool of thunder, and the sky was continuously raining down lightning, bombarding Xiao Hei.

Feng Hao's eyes were red, and he almost ran away.

Xiao Hei's four dragon claws were bound by thick chains, and there were many bloodstains on his body.

Restricted by the laws of the earth, although Xiao Hei is powerful, he is not much different from the Bull Demon King, and the Bull Demon King does not use his trump cards, and even the Golden Core Stage Jin Jing seems to be able to resist.

Naturally, there must be checks and balances for Xiao Hei in the Jin family.

"Little black!"

Feng Hao clenched his fists tightly, and rushed towards Lei Chi with red eyes, and his appearance made Xiao Hei even more violent.

Its dragon eyes were originally clear as water, but now they are replaced by pain and anxiety,


As soon as Feng Hao took half a step into the thunder pool, the thunder from the sky struck down densely and landed on Feng Hao's body.

However, Feng Hao's body didn't move at all. The talent of basalt gave him almost invincible defense, and a turtle loomed behind him.

Those divine lightning strikes on him can't do him any harm at all.

As Feng Hao continued to deepen, the bombardment of the divine thunder became more and more intensive. It seemed that someone was manipulating all this behind the scenes.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Just at this moment, a voice full of vicissitudes and twilight came from the depths of Leichi.

Feng Hao's eyes were fixed, and he saw an old man in white on an ancient altar. He was an extremely skinny old man, as if he had completely lost his vitality.

But now there is an astonishing amount of life energy, slowly flowing into his body from the special veins on the altar.

"Damn you!"

Feng Hao's eyes were red, and a monstrous killing intent could no longer be restrained. This old guy was stealing Xiao Hei's life force to extend his life.


Suzaku's wings spread out suddenly, followed by the shadow of the green dragon, Feng Hao's speed reached the extreme at this moment, the unicorn arm was revealed, one foot fell down, and the whole thunder pond trembled.

This was the first time he had shot with all his strength since he came to Earth. His heart was filled with crazy killing intent, and the injury Xiao Hei received was like a sharp knife cutting his heart.

His relationship with Xiaoheiqiuqiu is not a master and a pet, but a partner who has been with him for many years, which is an indispensable existence in his life.

But the old guy in front of him dared to steal Xiao Hei's vitality, which was no less than offending his Ni Lin.

"The speed is so fast, the physical defense that is not afraid of the thunder of the gods, and the strength is extremely strong. Your body is perfect. Today, you can stay and become the old man's new body."

The old man's eyes flashed with divine light, and his face was flushed. Not only did he not panic when he saw the storm coming, but he felt a strong sense of pleasure.

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