Martial Inverse

Chapter 60 The Wrath of the Wind (Part 1)

"Haha, this Feng Hao is very arrogant, he dared to enter the ancestral pool, that is no ordinary thunder pool."

"In legend, dragons can control clouds and rain, and feed on thunder and lightning. This black dragon is also attracted by the thunder and lightning in the thunder pool, but it doesn't know that this thunder is not an ordinary divine thunder."

"That's right, the ancestor spent more than a thousand years building this nine-pole cloudy thunder array, which contains the laws of heaven and earth. It looks like a divine thunder, but it is actually a cloudy thunder that can burn the soul and the body. Iron God Chain, even the legendary Thunder Dragon, will be hated."

In the distance, many members of the Jin family saw this scene, and they sneered with strong anticipation.

If Feng Hao falls in the Jin family, it is only a matter of time before Feng Hao's pair of Vermilion Bird wings are captured by the means of his ancestors, his skills are stolen, and he becomes the number one clan in the world.

Similarly, the old man looked very excited. Facing Feng Hao who was rushing from the sky, he raised his arms, stretched out his hands, and shouted: "Sword!"


In an instant, the ground cracked open in the thunder pond, and a bolt of lightning shot out from it, revealing the three-foot Qingfeng sword itself.

The sword god is covered with mysterious and complicated lines, and the flow of electric light can be vaguely seen.

The moment the old man took the long sword, Feng Hao also appeared on the altar, stretched out his unicorn arm, and punched the old man on the head.


Feng Hao's expression was extremely stern, with only cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"It's ridiculous, the old man is a strong man in the late Yuanying period, the unborn ancestor of the Jin family, you..."

The old man was so arrogant that he didn't seem to take Feng Hao seriously at all, and swung his sword lightly. Apart from the astonishing spiritual power contained in the sword, it seemed to have the power of thunder and lightning that made people palpitate.


Before the old man finished speaking, Feng Hao punched out his fist, and there was no slight fluctuation of spiritual power, but it smashed the lightning bolt with one punch.

That's not all, Feng Hao's previous fist could compete with the Bull Demon King's innate supernatural power 'savage collision', while shattering the old man's spirit sword, he even punched the old man's face.


Indistinctly, there was the sound of bones breaking.

And the body of the ancestor of the Jin family was even thrown into the sky by a punch, and he lost his trace.


This scene fell in the eyes of the Jin family members, and everyone gasped, and then their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Their expressions were full of horror.

The patriarch was blown away with one punch, and the legendary Thunder God Sword, which had been cultivated for a hundred years in the Jiuji Yinlei Formation, was broken by Feng Hao's punch.


What the hell is this guy doing? Could it be that he is a god?

"The ancestor is dead?"

"Impossible, the ancestor lived for thousands of years, and his body was conceived by thunder for hundreds of years. He trained the body of thunder, so he couldn't be killed with a single punch."

"Where did the ancestor... get beaten?"

A group of Jin family children were trembling as they spoke, and their eyes were full of disbelief. The invincible ancestor in their hearts was beaten and disappeared.

But at this moment, Feng Hao spread the wings of Vermilion Bird and stepped into the thunder pond, those dark lightning struck him without leaving any traces.

Feng Hao can vaguely feel that this thunder has the ability to attack the soul, but the strength of this attack basically has no effect.

He swung nine punches in a row, breaking the nine meteorite iron chains directly, losing the energy supply from the thunder pool, and the chains collapsed directly.

In the end, he directly punched the ground of Lei Chi. With the power of the punch, the whole ground trembled, and spider web-like cracks spread, spreading to the entire Jin family's ancestral land.

And the so-called nine-pole cloudy thunder array, under the power of Feng Hao's punch, also disappeared.

With the collapse of Lei Chi's ancestral land, Xiao Hei's physical body is also slowly healing at this moment. Now Xiao Hei looks a little embarrassed, and his eyes are filled with monstrous anger.

"Xiao Hei, you have fused the power of Lei Ji, why did you still suffer heavy damage from Shen Lei?"

Xiao Hei was safe and sound, Feng Hao was also completely relieved, but he was extremely confused, Xiao Hei not only fused the power of Lei Ji, but also possessed the super existence of the power of stars and space talent.

However, on the earth, he was hit hard by the thunder of the gods.

If this is said, no one will believe that Xiao Hei will be seriously injured by lightning.

"After I brought Jin Xin back, I discovered the pool of thunder in this space. I could feel the power of these thunders. I thought that if I could absorb these divine thunders, I might be able to break the shackles of the law and use my space talent to leave Earth, but I didn't expect..."

"This is not a real thunder, but a ghostly thunder. As soon as I absorbed a little, I was trapped by nine chains, and the thunder I inhaled into my body attracted more and more thunder. My body There are too many bardo thunders gathering together, they cannot be fused at all, and this chain is taking the opportunity to extract my life force..."

Xiao Hei was terrified at this moment, if Feng Hao didn't show up in time, the ancestor of the Jin family with amazing and extremely secretive methods might be able to suck up its vitality.

"If you don't swallow the first mouthful of thunder, these thunders will not hurt you at all..."

Feng Hao already knew the ins and outs, and probably knew why Xiao Hei was severely injured, the key was the first cloud of thunder that he absorbed in his body.

"Xiao Hei, remember, no matter whether you can leave the earth or not, you or Xiao Qiuqiu should never put yourself in danger. I will find a way to take you out of here and return to Tianwu Continent."

Feng Hao knows that Xiao Hei is doing everything for himself, but the more he is like this, the more he hates the Jin family in his heart.

"I know, but the Jin family harmed me, and I want them to pay the price they deserve."

Xiao Hei lowered his head slightly, but after that, fierce flames danced in its eyes, and then flew directly towards the Jin family's ancestral land.

Seeing Xiao Hei turning into a giant dragon and flying towards him, the members of the Jin family were almost frightened out of their wits. The black dragon that escaped from distress was obviously more terrifying than before.

The terrifying coercion that was released made them feel so frightened, they used various techniques one after another, fled away quickly, and their hearts were terrified to the extreme.

"Leave the ancestral land quickly, the farther you can escape, the better. The thunder pool has collapsed, and the spiritual energy has also collapsed. Let's go to the secular world and become a master."

"Yes, yes, don't those mortals want to cultivate? Let's take a few rich men as disciples, and hide our names from now on, so as not to be found by the black dragon and Feng Hao."

The members of the Jin family went crazy and fled from the Jin family's ancestral land one after another.

And the monk who couldn't run fast was hit by the black dragon's tail, and his muscles and bones were broken directly.

The person who was hit by the dragon's breath ignited flames all over his body and turned into ashes, and he didn't even have time to scream.

Feng Hao looked at all this indifferently. Those members of the Jin family dared to hunt dragons and put Xiao Hei in a dangerous situation, so they should have the consciousness to pay the price with their lives.

He then looked at an ancestral mountain in the Jinjiadong Heavenly Paradise, and shouted, "Where is Jinxin!"


Feng Hao's voice was like thunder, and exploded in the heavenly paradise of Jinjiadong. At the same time, two figures appeared from Zushan.

And stopped a hundred meters away from Fenghao.

It was Jin Xin, and beside him was an old man who seemed to have lost all strength in his body, bowed his body, and did not dare to look directly into Feng Hao's eyes.

"You let me down very much. Originally, I admired your talent, but what you have done is doomed to miss a big opportunity. Do it yourself, or should I do it?"

Feng Hao's expression was extremely indifferent. He used to appreciate Jin Xin's talent, but since he and the Jin family members hurt Xiao Hei.

Then you have to pay the price, no matter who the other party is!

This is his Fenghao's bottom line. Anyone who touches it will die!

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