Martial Inverse

Chapter 65 Mysterious Ancient Tree

"What are they going to do? That is the forbidden area of ​​our Jin family. No one is allowed to enter except for the core clan members such as ancestors and clan elders."

"It must be looking for some treasure, my God, this is the treasure of our Jin family, how can they snatch it?"

"Robbery, this is naked robbery, call the police, call the police quickly, and ask the army to suppress it."

The eyes of the Jin family members were all red. The Leichi Forbidden Land was the ancestral land of the Jin family, and there must be some great treasures inside.

However, now that treasure belonging to the Jin family is going to be taken by outsiders, their hearts are almost aggrieved to the limit.

At this moment, a member of the older generation of the Jin family took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the head of a military region.

"Hey, Chief Li, I am the elder of the Jin family, yes, the ancient Huashan family, please help me with something, yes, it is that Feng Hao, he..."

The old man of the Jin family had just reported the current situation of the Jin family, and just when Feng Hao was mentioned, a busy tone came from the phone.

"Beep beep!"

"Hey, hello!"

The faces of the old Jin family members were all green, and a pair of small eyes bulged out with anger.

"It's too late to flatter us. The Jin family is in trouble, and they actually hung up on me directly. I'm so angry."

The Jin family's old-fashioned white beard trembled wildly. Could it be that they had to watch the treasure in the family's forbidden area being taken by outsiders?

Then, he saw Jin Jing not far away from Fenghao, his eyes lit up suddenly, he bent over and trotted over,

"Jin Jing, I'm the elder of the clan! I didn't expect you to come back. No, the clan has become like this, so they can't entertain you." The elder of the Jin clan said with a pleasant face.

Jin Jing squinted at the elders of the Jin family, and said coldly: "This is your Jin family, not mine. You chose my brother as the incarnation of the Son in the world, and now? The Son has occupied his body, my brother Where did you go?"


The Jin family was always speechless by Jin Jing's question, and their expressions were green and white.

As an elder of the clan, talking to the younger generation in such a low voice is actually a hot face and a cold ass. If he didn't see that she and Feng Hao seemed to know each other, he wouldn't give Jin Jing a good face at all.

What qualifications does a woman who has been sentenced to the Jin family have to step into the ancestral land of the Jin family?

"I have nothing to say? I didn't leave." Jin Jing said coldly.

For the members of the Jin family, except for his younger brother, she treated everyone with such a cold look, even with a little hatred.

However, when she thought of her younger brother Jin Xin, her beautiful eyes turned to Feng Hao, her expression full of helplessness.

What Feng Hao did was already the greatest forgiveness to his brother, otherwise, she didn't think that a person who dared to hunt the black dragon would live in front of Feng Hao.

Therefore, she still has a lot of gratitude in her heart for Feng Hao who just sent the Son into space.


Suddenly, a deafening sound came from the Jin Family Ancestor's Pool, and the ground trembled.

The earth-shaking scene soon spread to the entire Jin family's ancestral land.

Those of the Jin family who were weak in cultivation were unable to stand still due to the earthquake, and their expressions were filled with inexplicable panic.

"what happened?"

"It's terrible, is this a natural disaster?"

Everyone looked terrified, even Jin Jing frowned, slightly worried about the current situation, but Feng Hao was like a mountain, rooted in the earth, and his figure did not waver.

"Interesting, it seems that there are really treasures in the depths of the ground."

Feng Hao looked at Zu*chi, and at this moment, he saw the precious light bursting out from those cracks.

The air in the entire Jin family was full of treasure, and exuded a mouth-watering aura.

Full of aromas that delight the palate.

At the same time, the fragrance that filled the entire Jin family's ancestral land was mixed with a palpitating quaint sword intent.

That's right, it's sword intent.

Feng Hao is very sure that although his main god's cultivation has been suppressed to the limit, he still has the perception of these breaths.

That quaint sword intent even made his heart skip a beat.

Like a sword intent, an inexplicable breath was calling to him.

Feng Hao looked at Jin Jing, and found that the latter didn't seem to feel the aura of calling, and this also greatly attracted his favor.

Feng Hao took a step forward and walked towards the Jin Family Ancestor's pool. He didn't spread the wings of the Vermilion Bird and flew over because he wanted to feel the sword intent for himself.

"Pure, fierce, sacred, emperor, gentleman..."

In the sword intent contained in the fragrance, as Feng Hao walked forward, he felt more and more breaths, which seemed to contain thousands of breaths in the world.

This is a sword that gathers the energy of the great thousand.

This is Feng Hao's definition of the unborn sword in the ground, and this also makes him eager to meet this sword.

In the distance, Feng Hao saw that when the ground split open, a huge ancient tree actually broke through the ground and rose slowly.

To be precise, it is growing.

After the ancient tree broke through the ground, its growth speed suddenly accelerated. From the original height of one person, it finally grew to the level of ten people hugging each other, and then slowed down.

It is constantly growing, the branches are swaying, glowing with colorful brilliance, and then the branches begin to bloom, and the fragrance becomes more and more intense.

It makes everyone intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers, confused and fascinated, as if they have fallen into an illusion.

The fragrance of flowers is intoxicating, so there is such a thing.

"Such a strong floral fragrance, what kind of tree is this? It is blooming now, and will it bear fruit later, and the fruit that it bears, I am afraid that the old cow will tell the reason why he is hungry!"

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, he was not interested in this huge and extremely strange tree, but the sword intent in the depths of the earth was what he cared about.

At this moment, the old cow's eyes were wide open, staring at the countless branches, only holding ten flowers, his eyes were red.

At the same time, he became alert like never before, his throat squirmed constantly, his lips moved slightly, as if he was talking about something.

But it can be seen that he is indeed very excited at this moment, as if the purpose of coming to the earth this time is for the blooming flowers.

"This cow really has a conspiracy."

Feng Sheng glanced at the Bull Demon King, but he didn't regard him as his enemy, and even regarded him as a friend because they had been together for a long time.

Of course, just ordinary friends.

"Xiao Hei, do you feel it? If you eat him, you will have a chance to transform. As for what kind of transformation will happen, I don't know. After all, I am not a virtual dragon."

Little Qiuqiu said softly, its eyes were also glowing green, staring at the few flowers of the huge ancient tree with great interest.

The little black dragon's eyes shot out, and he was aroused by Xiao Qiuqiu's words.

The Bull Demon King seemed to feel the eyes of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, and when his eyes rolled, his heart was filled with bitterness.

In his view, this great opportunity can only be shared equally with Feng Hao and the others, and it is already impossible to take it all by himself.

Afterwards, the Bull Demon King saw Feng Hao walking towards this side, and his expression became stiff.

If Feng Hao didn't come, he might be the first to take away the fruit and let him distribute it.

But when Feng Hao came, the task of distributing the fruits couldn't fall on his head.

At this moment, Lao Niu wished he could look up to the sky and sigh, cursing at the damn God for moving Feng Hao, a great god, to the earth.

At the same time, the changes in the ancestral land of the Jin family in Huashan have also attracted the attention of officials and other countries.

On the satellite map, a vortex formed in the sky above the Jin Family Ancestral Land, which blocked the satellite's detection, but through the vortex, one could vaguely see the Jin Family Ancestral Land, and it seemed that there was something extra.

Suddenly, several huge colorful vortices appeared out of thin air in the space outside the earth, as if the void was distorted, and it seemed to be formed by a black hole.

And in this black hole, there is a palpitating terrifying aura, as if a giant beast of the past has woken up...

This scene caused the space stations of various countries to issue an alarm, and immediately conveyed the vision of space back to the ground.

In an instant, all countries were boiling.

And the spearhead of all these seems to be pointing at Huashan in the ancient country of China...

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