The ancient country of China, the imperial capital.

In a slightly dim room, there were seven or eight middle-aged men sitting on a long table with their shoulders against generals. Their eyes all fell on the huge screen in the room.

Above, are the photos taken by the astronauts of Huaxia Space Station, as well as the high-definition pictures taken by satellites.

Even, the picture is followed by a short video.

What first appeared in the video was the blue panorama of the earth, and just outside the earth, several colorful vortexes appeared, like black holes, exuding a palpitating atmosphere.

"The great event of the ages, the world we live in has been completely turned upside down." A general said in a deep voice, his eyelids twitching slightly.

"Since we knew of their existence, the world has been turned upside down, but now it's more violent."

"What powerful existence will come this time? Let's just watch it?"

"At present, I can only watch, because I am not sure what will happen, and find a way to contact the youth who appeared in the Tibetan area before."

As a general's words sounded, everyone's eyes fell on him, and their eyes became extremely weird.

It seems that they had withdrawn all relevant persons long ago and gave up investigating anyone related to Feng Hao. Now that this old partner mentions it again, it will inevitably make them feel surprised.

The general sullenly said in a deep voice, 'Why are you looking at me like that? Figure out how to deal with the situation at hand. '

"Soldiers will come to cover the earth. If there is a threat to the earth, contact all countries and carry out the strongest strike. If it is just a simple space mutation, pay close attention."

A general said forcefully, and there was also a hint of evil spirit in his eyes.


At the same time, billions of people, men, women, and children all over the earth have discovered the six vortexes in the sky, like six colorful suns hanging.

Since the distance is not as far as the moon, people can see it very clearly.

This shocking scene, like a scene in a sci-fi movie, seems to be an alien invasion.

In the Huashan area of ​​Huaxia Province, among the ancient Jin family, the ancient tree grew thicker and thicker, like a mountain, and this growth rate did not stop, and the roots had already occupied the entire Jin family's ancestral pool.

The Bull Demon King kept retreating as the ancient tree grew, but his eyes were always fixed on the few flowers that made him salivate.

He is waiting quietly.

Similarly, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu also kept their eyes peeled, wanting to take the blooming flowers of this strange ancient tree for their own use, and glared at the Bull Demon King provocatively.

Only Feng Hao has no interest in the flowers. Although the growth rate of the ancient tree has slowed down, it is still very fast, and it is blocking his way at this moment.

"The sword is inside this ancient tree?"

Feng Hao looked at the bark of the big tree that was within reach, and felt that the ancient tree was extremely smooth and exuded a strange fragrance.

Even the smooth bark occasionally glows under the reflection of the sun, and the light sometimes converges and sometimes expands, as if it contains some kind of law, just like human breathing.

And Feng Hao, also inside this ancient tree, felt the call of the sword intent, and when he tentatively broke the bark, a huge force came, causing his unicorn arm to meet hinder.

Feng Hao was shocked by this scene.

He clearly knew the power of his unicorn arm. If he exerted his extreme power, he would be able to blow up the planet, but with such a powerful unicorn arm, he encountered the first obstacle in history in front of the strange ancient tree on the earth.

"Earth is really interesting. It's just an ancient tree, and as the main god, I'm a little helpless. Could it be that Huashan is the great opportunity that the holy son of the Qianyu God Race said?"

Feng Hao's heart was moved. If this strange ancient tree was the opportunity to become the God of the Universe, then he couldn't miss it.

Especially the call from inside the ancient tree made him look forward to it even more.

"Old cow, do you know something?"

Feng Hao saw the Bull Demon King who was constantly retreating as the ancient tree grew, not far away from him, and his eyes were showing a look of impatience.

After hearing Feng Hao's voice, the Bull Demon King trembled slightly, turned his head to look at Feng Hao, and said with a dry smile: "I don't know what, I just think this ancient tree is too strange, it is bigger than the mountain. It’s big, but only a few flowers have grown, just because I’m hungry, I’ll pick it off to satisfy my hunger when it bears fruit.”

"You really can't lie, I see the result, and you don't have any part." Feng Hao said very forcefully.

"I don't take you like this, Feng Hao. Anyway, you are also the main god of the Great Thousand World. You are a bit aggressive, so you don't have to be afraid of blushing when you grab something from the younger generation."

He is afraid of Feng Hao from the bottom of his heart. This guy is the main god of the universe. Even if the laws of the universe suppress him, he must have a way to temporarily break the restrictions of the laws.

In this way, Feng Hao will return to the west in a single thought.

"This is not robbery, this is called the ability to live!" Feng Hao said seriously.

"Brother, God Fenghao, I beg you, Lao Niu, this thing is useless to you, because you are not a demon, believe me, it is really useless to you."

The Bull Demon King was really worried that Feng Hao would do something that would be owned by one person, so he said in desperation: "I came here, and I did know the news from the Emperor Yun, saying that there is a chance to become a god in the universe. Niu, I am a demon, and I will never be recognized by the world as the main god in this life, but it is not bad to be the second only to the main god. That's why I came across the void with the help of the universe bag. The fruit of this tree, he made For the evolution of monsters..."

"A fruit that can make monsters evolve?"

Feng Hao subconsciously looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu. Could it be that these two little guys also suddenly became excited? Obviously, they also discovered this.

Thinking of this, the arc of Feng Hao's mouth became more obvious.

In the eyes of the Bull Demon King, his expression was even more like a nightmare, and the latter said unwillingly: "Feng Hao, I have told you the truth, do you still want to rob me?"

"Don't worry, since you are so sincere, I will definitely not rob you, but you have to tell me, what kind of tree is this?"

Feng Hao looked at the Bull Demon King and said.

Seeing that Feng Hao didn't seem to be joking, the Bull Demon King finally let go of the tense thread in his heart, and said with a light smile, "This tree is very unusual. As the main god, you don't even know it, so there must be no such tree in the world, but this tree is very special. It is an ancient tree, but it is recorded in the heavens and myriad worlds, it is a holy tree of extreme demons, it grows in 100 million years, blooms in 200 million years, and bears fruit in three days."

"If you guessed correctly, there is another sacred tree on the earth that is useful to your human race. Ordinary people can become saints directly after eating it."

The Bull Demon King did not forget to tell a shocking secret again, and Feng Hao was astonished by these words.

Ordinary people can become saints immediately after eating it?

If it is divided by the cultivation level of the Great Thousand World, isn't it a martial arts saint?


Thinking of this, Feng Hao, as the main god, caused quite a stir in his heart, even though Wu Sheng was like an ant in front of him.

But he has practiced step by step from a small person, and he has gone through thousands of calamities, and he knows how difficult it is to cultivate from an ordinary person to a martial artist.

Even without a profound opportunity, even if one possesses a heaven-defying talent, one may not necessarily be able to reach the height of a martial saint.

However, on the earth in this cosmic world, there are two sacred trees that can make demons evolve and ordinary people become holy.

But at this moment, the vortex fluctuations outside the space became more and more intense, Feng Hao raised his head, and his brows suddenly frowned,

"It seems that the Qianyu God Clan and Lao Niu are not the only ones who are coveting the opportunity of the earth... There are guests who can't wait to come over."

Feng Hao looked up at the six black hole-like vortexes in the sky, and while speaking softly, there was a palpitating chill in his eyes.

Anyone who threatens Xiaohei and Qiuqiu to go further will be the enemy of his master of the world.

The law of the jungle is the law of survival between heaven and earth.

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