Martial Inverse

Chapter 67 The Great Demon Arrives

The branches of the ancient trees in the Jin Family Thunder Pond swayed, shining with brilliance, shining brightly, and those strange flowers bloomed in full bloom, feeling the world.

Surprisingly, it actually made a baby-like crying sound, carefully identified, but it was somewhat similar to the sound of a dolphin.

Feng Hao, Xiao Hei Xiaoqiu and the Bull Demon King were also extremely shocked. This ancient tree is full of mystery, and it is not for nothing that it is called the Holy Tree of the Extreme Demon.

It's really close to a monster.

The vortexes in the sky were spinning faster and faster. When Feng Hao looked up again, a giant hand suddenly stretched out from one of the vortexes.

It was a giant fluffy human hand, with five fingers holding the sky, and then both hands stretched out, and the ten fingers supported the edge of the whirlpool, trying to squeeze out of the whirlpool as if tearing flesh.

"Damn, it's another guy who came across the border, but no matter who it is, except you Fenghao, whoever comes to snatch Lao Niu, I will definitely cut it!"

The Bull Demon King looked indignant, staring at the existence that came out of the vortex.

In other vortexes, visions have also been born one after another. Judging from the terrifying aura emitted, they must also be extraordinary existences in all walks of life.

And they appeared in the sky above the ancient country of China, they must have come for the ancient tree that was suddenly born in Huashan.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter who comes."

Feng Hao said calmly, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

When the Bull Demon King heard Feng Hao's chrysanthemum, his breathing became stagnant, and he realized that Feng Hao is the master of the world, and these guys who came across the void may not be able to chew on this hard bone.

As for establishing a good relationship with Fenghao, it feels that this is the greatest luck.

Otherwise, its fate may be the same as that of the Holy Son of the Thousand Feathers God Clan.

"Domineering and Lingran, the old cow convinces you."

The Bull Demon King flattered and said, "Even if it's my big brother, I don't admire you so much."

Feng Hao's expression moved slightly, thinking that when the Bull Demon King first came, he said whether he was his big brother, he had a thought, and asked: "Who is your big brother? The body is also invincible?"


The Bull Demon King fell into memory,

There was panic in his eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice: "He is a person who dares to knock even the ruler of the heavens and worlds, the Emperor Yun. Do you think he is overbearing or not?"

"He is a demon just like me, but he is the great sage of the demon clan... By the way, he likes others to call him 'the great sage equal to heaven'. He once made a big disturbance in the God Realm of the heavens and myriad worlds, turning the world upside down, Even Emperor Yun's head was knocked by him..."

Speaking of this, the voice of the Bull Demon King trembled slightly, as if mentioning his big brother, just thinking about it made him terrified from the bottom of his heart.

"Monkey King? Could it be that his name is Sun Wukong?" Feng Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

This is too much of a coincidence!

However, what surprised Feng Hao even more was that the Bull Demon King stared at Feng Hao in astonishment, and said softly: "Master Pangu, you haven't heard of my big brother's name in the world, have you? He His full name is Monkey King Monkey King."


Feng Hao was speechless, he was indeed shocked, he did not expect that the characters in the Chinese TV series really existed in the heavens and the world.

For example, there is the Bull Demon King in the TV series, and he has a brother named Sun Wukong.

And this bull demon from all the heavens and worlds in front of him also has a big brother called Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, which is hardly a coincidence.

When Feng Hao's heart was moved, he also had a clearer concept of the monster saint. Obviously, the monster saint is far more powerful than the martial saint in the world.

After all, even the main god dares to contend, at least he is an immortal existence.

But now the tree in front of him has such an ability, so it's no wonder that there are countless strong people from outside the territory vying to come.

If you don't fight for this kind of opportunity, your life will be in vain.

"There are only three days, presumably there will not be too many strong outsiders coming..."

Feng Hao muttered, three days will soon pass, but it is not so easy for a strong outsider to descend.

"Feng Hao, now Lao Niu depends entirely on you, the guy here is a bit scary, Lao Niu can't stand it."

The Bull Demon King stared at the vortex in the air and at the huge figure that occupied most of the sky, his whole body was trembling.

The existence in the vortex has not yet arrived, but this powerful sense of oppression makes people breathless and short of breath.

There have been varying degrees of panic throughout the world.

For ordinary people, this scene is not just a simple shock, but also a feeling of confusion about the future, feeling that the end of the world is coming.

Among the six vortexes hanging in the sky, there are six figures struggling to get out, each of which is an extremely large inhuman creature.


The first creature to come out of the vortex was a gorilla-like monster with thick and dark hair.

But on the head of this gorilla, there is a huge single horn, with a palpitating arc flashing on it, and the void is split open.

As soon as it appeared, it struck its chest with both fists, and the huge sound came, and the sky suddenly resounded with thunder, lightning and thunder.

This big monster directly broke through the earth's atmosphere, crashing into the earth like a meteorite, bringing a huge flame tail, and descending.

The size of the big monster has shrunk a lot when it broke through the atmosphere, but it is still hundreds of feet high.

But at this moment, the big monster in the sky above Mount Hua fell down like a divine mountain from outside the sky, covering the sky, like night falling.

The purpose of this big monster is very obvious, the red eyes that are as small as a post are full of excitement and fanaticism.


This big monster hit the ground, and the entire land of sx province trembled. However, what is surprising is that, with the swaying of the strange ancient trees, a circle of light visible to the naked eye directly spread to the entire province. .

However, the scene of an earthquake that was bound to happen in everyone's mind did not appear.

Obviously, it was the circle of light emitted by the ancient tree that directly stabilized the entire land.

"This tree..."

After Feng Hao felt it carefully, he guessed that this ancient tree must have a spirit. It is rooted in this land, and it seems to protect everything here.

And Feng Hao also felt a Ling Ran sword intent deep in the core from the ancient tree, which was a sword intent with killing.

The spearhead pointed directly at the big monster that came down.


The big demon raised his head and roared, his voice was like thunder.

And it is only tens of kilometers away from Huashan Mountain, and it is walking forward at this moment, staring at the few flowers on the ancient tree.

Greedy and fanatical.


The Bull Demon King was aroused by this big monster to fight. He regarded this ancient tree as his territory and wanted to defend it now.

As he roared, his body expanded rapidly at this moment, and finally turned into a bull demon with a height of several hundred feet.

This is the form he descended from before, and it is indeed somewhat similar to the Bull Demon King in the TV series.

The roar among the big monsters seemed to be able to arouse the fighting spirit, Feng Hao felt the fighting spirit coming from Xiao Hei, frowned slightly, and said softly: "Xiao Hei, don't be impulsive..."

Feng Hao drank softly, Xiao Hei's eyes became clear again, and he lowered his head slightly.

And Xiao Qiuqiu was also very excited to see the two big monsters showing their bodies, and quietly opened the live broadcast room, and directly presented the live broadcast screen of the two big monsters confronting each other in front of netizens.

In an instant, the entire Chinese netizens were blown up.

I saw two big monsters up close with my own eyes, one was the Bull Demon King who came down before but was suppressed by Feng Hao, and the other was the big monster who came from outside the territory just now.

The picture is clear, and through the screen, one can feel the suffocating coercion.

At the same time, netizens also saw the huge ancient trees growing suddenly in Huashan Mountain. While being shocked, they also deeply felt the brilliant civilization of the earth.

It is exciting, they live in a legendary age.

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