Martial Inverse

Chapter 68: The Power of One Punch

The Bull Demon King roared angrily, trying to suppress the big monster that came first, so he took a step forward and rushed over.

Every step he took made the ground tremble.

However, under the protection of the Ji Dao Demon Sacred Tree, the ground only trembled, and did not crack. This scene also made the Bull Demon King completely let go.

"Look at my Bull Demon Fist!"

The Bull Demon King roared, to meet the big monster unicorn, he punched out his right fist with the force of wind and thunder, and under the trembling of the void, it hit the big monster directly.


The muffled thunder-like sound resounded through the entire Huashan area, shaking people's heads.

The big monster was directly punched and hit the mountain heavily, but it didn't seem to cause any damage to it.

It stood up shaking its head, and the arc light of the single horn on top of its head became even denser, and in the sky where it was located, suddenly dark clouds gathered, and the scene of lightning and thunder appeared.

Obviously, the unicorn of this big demon has the ability to gather thunder.

"This king is the king of the giant gorilla family in the universe. You, a little bull demon, dare to fight against this king?"

The big monster of the giant gorilla clan licked its sail-like lips, and its eyes showed a bloodthirsty light. As the sky thunder fell, its body surface was already covered with a layer of armor condensed by thunder, shining with a heart-pounding arc.

"Using thunder to transform armor, it seems that he is a great monster who comprehends the laws of heaven and earth." Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

Although this great monster from the cosmic world seems to be also subject to the laws of the earth, because it is in the same cosmic world as the earth, this kind of suppression is not very strong.

As a result, this big monster of the giant gorilla family can use the power of heaven and earth.

Whether it is the Bull Demon King or the big monster of the giant orangutan clan, they are already at the level of the king of the monster clan, and there is almost no difference in physical strength.

But because the giant apes are the big monsters in the universe, they have an absolute advantage innately.

"Little bull demon? You are just the king of a clan, and this king is the king of the demon world."

The Bull Demon King was furious, it was not good to be looked down upon by someone who was even worse than him.

with rage,

His body shape changed again, becoming a black bull the size of a mountain. With the appearance of the main body, the aura of breaking free from the shackles of the law appeared again.


With a roar, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the huge pupils of the big giant gorilla also shrank suddenly, obviously feeling the breath that made it palpitate.

"Brutal collision!"

The bull demon roared loudly, pawing the ground with his hooves, spewing out white mist from his nostrils, and magma was produced again under his feet.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King, like a messenger from hell, slammed into the big monster of the giant gorilla family with his innate supernatural powers.

And the ground it stepped on left a huge magma pit, and the soil burned.

"Earth, there are still big monsters like you, but do you think you can keep such an opportunity? It's ridiculous."

The big monster of the giant gorilla tribe sneered, and his fists were even more arc-wrapped, like two huge balls of lightning, directly hitting the bull demon king who was coming.



The moment the fist collided with the Bull Demon King's head, the space was distorted, creating a terrifying black hole that swallowed even light.


Vaguely, there was a loud noise between the heaven and the earth, like the amplified cracking of bones.


The Bull Demon King roared, his hooves gave way, and he almost knelt down on the ground, his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

"Old cow!"

Feng Hao's expression was moved, and the innate supernatural power of the Azure Dragon Spirit was displayed, appearing in front of the Bull Demon King as if teleported.

He saw the crack between the bull demon king's horns, dripping with blood, which was shocking.

As for the big monster of the giant gorilla family, although the armor of his fists was cracked and the bones of his fingers were ripped apart, the damage he suffered was far less severe than that of the Bull Demon King.

A killing intent also quietly appeared between Feng Hao's eyebrows.

"This cosmic world suppresses us too much. If we are in the heavens and worlds, Lao Niu's human condition can make him go to the west."

The Bull Demon King was very unwilling, he looked at Feng Hao, gritted his teeth and said: "Feng Hao, my big brother hasn't arrived yet, so I can only ask you to take action and kill him for me."

Feng Hao didn't speak, just nodded.

Then he suddenly turned around, and his eyes fell on the sneering giant gorilla monster.


Cold words came from Feng Hao's mouth.

"Pfft, haha! I'm dying of laughter, you, an ant-like human, dare to talk to me?"

The giant gorilla monster was stunned for a moment, and then saw the ant-sized Feng Hao on the ground, and almost burst out laughing.

As for the little ball and little black in the distance, their eyelids twitched, and they all looked at the gigantic monster who was laughing with sympathy.

Facing the sneer of the giant gorilla monster, Feng Hao had only one response, and that was the appearance of unicorn totem-like lines on his arms.

The unicorn arm appears!

With a light grip, the void exploded directly.

But the big monster completely ignored Feng Hao and didn't notice this shocking scene.

"This king kicks you casually, and you will be smashed..."

The big monster of the giant gorilla raised his foot casually, said, and stepped on Feng Hao directly, but at the moment when the sole of his foot was about to touch Feng Hao's head.

Feng Hao simply raised his hand and punched out.


In an instant, the void hummed crazily, as if the space could not bear the power of Feng Hao's punch, and was whining.


Click, click!

And this punch suddenly made the eyeballs of the giant gorilla monster bulge, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and then his soles, calf bones, thighs, and spine directly hit Feng Hao's punch. Under the authority, all shattered.

Bones, broken one by one.

And the arc armor on it also turned into dots of light, floating between the sky and the earth.

Then, the whole body of the giant gorilla monster flew upside down like a kite with a broken thread, and fell to the ground like a dead dog. A pair of big lake-like eyes were full of inconceivable and terrified shocks.

"He...that ant, how could..." the giant gorilla monster murmured in a low voice, trembling uncontrollably after feeling the condition of his body.

It couldn't figure out how that ant-like body could contain such a powerful force that even his proud physical body couldn't compete.

Being able to come across the boundary, his physical body has already withstood the tearing of the cracks in time and space.

But now, the bones in human hands are cracking.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and Jin Xin, a member of the Jin family, was dumbfounded and his body trembled. Even the Bull Demon King and Xiao Hei Xiaoqiuqiu were dumbfounded.

Rao, they never imagined that on this earth where cultivation bases were suppressed, the power of Feng Hao's punch would still reach such a shocking level.

It is worthy of being the Lord God.

And the live broadcast of Xiao Qiuqiu was not turned off, and the camera happened to capture the scene just now. At this moment, the entire Huaxia people went crazy.

The whole world is cheering!

Originally, everyone thought this was the end of mankind, but the live broadcast told them that Feng Hao, who is a human being, has the power to save the world.

Even the big monsters from outside the territory can't compete at all.

And this also made them think of Huangdi Xuanyuan, the protagonist of the movie "War of the Ancient Gods". At this moment, if Feng Hao changed the props and costumes, the real Huangdi Xuanyuan was still alive.

Feng Hao's shadow was imprinted on everyone's hearts, which was indelible.

At the same time, the holy tree of extreme demons that protected this land seemed to have sensed it, sending out a friendly signal, and its branches swayed.

Similarly, with the changes reported from the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, Feng Hao also felt a sign of loosening his cultivation base, and couldn't help but look moved.

Could it be...

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