Martial Inverse

Chapter 69 The Divine Crocodile King (Part 1)

Some visions came from his body, so Feng Hao had to think that this extreme demon sacred tree had the possibility of making him less suppressed by the laws of the universe.

Feng Hao felt that this had something to do with his severe damage to the great monster of the giant gorilla tribe.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking that defending the earth against the coming of these extraterritorial races might help him reduce the suppression of the earth's laws.

What happened in front of you can already prove it.


The big monster of the giant gorilla clan roared again and again, even though it was seriously injured, it also looked up to the sky and was furious, its lake-sized eyes stared at Feng Hao, hating to the extreme.

It came across the border with the expectation of the giant apes, with the purpose of taking away the fruit of the sacred tree on the earth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it arrived, it was severely injured by the natives of the earth.

He died before he left the school, making it unacceptable to this result.

But its bones have been shattered, without any combat strength at all, even standing up is a luxury.

"Da da da!"

All of a sudden, six helicopters flew over the Jin family of the ancient clan, moving forward in a special formation, heading for Feng Hao's location.

Looking at this scene, Feng Hao recognized that this should be the latest armed helicopter developed by the Huaxia military. Its performance is already ahead of other countries, and it has completely independent property rights.

Unexpectedly, six of them flew here.

His eyes fell on the helicopter that was escorted in the center of the five helicopters. Obviously, this was the helicopter where the most important figure was located.

At the same time, Xiao Qiuqiu's live broadcast room also caused a storm, and they all recognized the models of these fighters.

"Oh my god, six planes will be dispatched directly. Looking at this formation, the arrival of the chief cannot be ruled out."

"Maybe it's the one from Huaxia..."

"Hiss, it's terrifying, it's terrifying, Lord Beast God, please don't turn off the live broadcast, let me wait and admire the demeanor of the great gods."

The comments in the live broadcast room swiped like a tide, making people's eyes dizzy.

This is also a good illustration of how popular Xiaoqiuqiu's live broadcast room is. People all over the world who want to witness this,

are watching.

The boss of the live broadcast platform estimated that Da Ya had laughed it off, and waited for the IPO to collect money and compete for the position of China's richest man.

What about Xunteng, the CEO of Alimama, I am afraid that there is no way to compare with him.

Sitting on one billion user resources around the world, it is simply not too powerful.

The helicopter landed not far from the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, only a few hundred meters away from Feng Hao and the others. The strong wind from the propellers made people's hair dance wildly.

The helicopter stepped down from a bodyguard in a black suit, who seemed to be the top bodyguard in China Zhongnanhai, and then an old man with a slightly fat body walked down.

"It's him……"

Feng Hao's expression was moved. The identity of the visitor was really not simple. He knew the information of this old man from the Internet, and he was almost one of the top few people.


With a smile on his face, the old man walked towards Feng Hao without any defense at all.

But this scene made the bodyguards break out in a cold sweat.

Just when they were about to catch up to protect him, they let the old man make a gesture, and they backed up directly, watching him walk in front of Feng Hao.

"You are younger than those on TV." The old man had kind eyes and kind eyes, and he was a very friendly old man.

There is no airs, and people support him from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's dangerous here, you shouldn't be here."

Feng Hao looked very natural, looking at the old man, he also had doubts in his heart, why did he come to the ancient Jin family? Is it also for this sacred tree?

Or, for another holy tree that can be eaten by mortals and immediately become a saint?

The old man chuckled and said, "With you here, I feel relieved."


Feng Hao was speechless, he didn't expect that this old man with extraordinary status, who stomped his feet and made Hua Xia tremble, would be so talkative.

"Then what's the matter with you coming here all the time?" Feng Hao asked directly.

It's just that the place is really dangerous, and the five big monsters in the vortex are about to complete their descent, and the aftermath that will be created by then is not something ordinary people can bear.

This old man with an unusual status should have been in the imperial capital, but he came to Mount Hua at the risk of danger, which made Feng Hao very confused.

"These anomalies happening on the earth today have a great impact, and you monks are also exposed to the world, but the country still needs to continue to develop, but the direction may also be adjusted."

The old man looked at Feng Hao, couldn't hide the admiration in his eyes, and then said: "I hope, I can reach a simple agreement with you."

"Say it!" Feng Hao gave the old man enough respect.

Originally, as the main god, it was impossible for him to respect a mortal like this.

But the identity of the elderly is very unusual and admirable.

"I hope that all the big monsters you hunt and kill can be handed over to the state agencies, and I will represent Huaxia and give you the greatest convenience."

The old man looked at Feng Hao seriously. His purpose of coming this time was very simple, just for these big monsters from outside the territory.

Originally, this matter could have sent other people to negotiate.

But the old man insisted on coming here in person, because only in this way is the greatest respect for Feng Hao, a person who defends the earth against the big monsters from outside the territory, he is the hero of all mankind.

Feng Hao was also slightly stunned when he heard the old man's words. He thought it was a big event, but he didn't expect it was just for the corpse of the great monster from outside the territory.

This is better, and he is also worried about how to deal with the corpse of the big monster from outside the territory.

Because, he has already made a plan to suppress all the threatening existences of these big monsters who descended on the earth.

"Okay! As long as it's a dead monster, you always arrange a department to deal with it at any time, and I won't intervene." Feng Hao nodded.

The old man smiled and said: "Then I wish you in advance, have a good time!"

Afterwards, the old man shook hands with Feng Hao, turned around and left with satisfaction, boarded the helicopter under the escort of bodyguards, and left the dangerous Huashan area.

At the same time, the audience in Xiaoqiuqiu's live broadcast room were all excited again. The moment the old man appeared, the entire live broadcast room was strangely quiet.

They didn't dare to speak out until the old man left.

The aura is too strong, it looks like an ordinary old man, but that invisible aura can make people breathless.

"The country seems to be using the corpses of these big monsters for research."

"This is a good thing. With the gene of the big monster outside the territory, or some data, the field of national biology may lead the world again, and may rise to a new height."

"Feng Hao is the blessing of China."

Comments were flying in the live broadcast room, but soon, the lively comment area of ​​the live broadcast room became quiet again, just because... another big monster descended.

It was a giant crocodile covered with bone spurs, with as many as twelve bone spurs on its back, exuding a palpitating sharpness.

He descended from space, rushed into the atmosphere, dragged a trail of flames, and fell like a meteorite falling from the sky, causing the void to tremble, and the air rubbed against it, making a piercing howl.

And a powerful coercion came with the appearance of this giant crocodile, sweeping the Huashan area.

"Haha, the seniors of the divine crocodile clan are here, ants, you are dead this time. This is the king of the divine crocodile clan, and his cultivation can rank among the top 100 super existences in the entire universe."

The dying giant gorilla monster grinned grinningly, looking at Feng Hao with a cold light in his eyes.

It has heard just now that Feng Hao seems to be hunting it, and handing over the corpse to weak humans may decompose his body.

This is simply hateful to the extreme, Feng Hao must be killed.

And as the big monster of the giant gorilla clan who has contacts with the divine crocodile clan, seeing the arrival of the divine crocodile king, his eyes became extremely ferocious.

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