Martial Inverse

Chapter 70 Divine Crocodile King (Part 2)

The giant crocodile came across from outside the territory, and even arrived on the earth smoothly. At this moment, seeing the sacred tree in front of him, the eyes of the crocodile were full of greedy light.

It took a lot of money to come across the border, and it finally didn't disappoint it.

As the king of the crocodile clan, and a super existence in the top 100 in the entire universe's combat power rankings, he is so proud that he looks down on the world.

He didn't take all the existence of the earth in his eyes at all.

Before they came, the crocodile tribe had investigated the information of the earth, including the major forces, who is the strongest, and what their cultivation level is.

After learning that the strongest can't even cross the starry sky, they underestimate the earth even more.

"King Divine Crocodile, you are finally here."

At this moment, the haughty Alligator King was interrupted by the sudden voice, and his eyes were also moved away from the holy tree. He turned his head lightly, and saw the big monster of the giant gorilla with a flattering expression.

It's just that the latter's posture is very unsightly, half lying on the ground, bleeding from all seven holes, looking extremely embarrassed and unbearable.

"Gorilla King, Caesar?"

The crocodile king stared at the giant gorilla king with a pair of crocodile eyes, like a king looking down on his subjects.

Under the eyes of the crocodile king, the giant gorilla king trembled even more in the depths of his soul.

It was shocked by the divine crocodile king descending to the earth, and under the suppression of the law, it still has such a powerful cultivation base.

At the same time, it is extremely exciting.

That damned ants, surely they will die now, right?

"Yes, it's me."

The giant gorilla king said in a trembling voice. It trembled and knelt down on the ground with a respectful expression.

And this scene also shocked all the netizens who witnessed it. A peerless monster from outside the territory actually knelt down to another monster who descended from the other side.

Obviously, the latter is stronger.

At this moment, the crocodile king looked indifferently at the giant gorilla king Caesar, shook his head and said, "You came to the earth and fell from the starry sky, and you turned out to be like this, it's a disgrace to us and the other gods."

The giant gorilla king Caesar shook his body, his expression suddenly became ferocious, and said: "My king, as the king of the giant gorilla family,

How could it fall like this? It's all him, this damned ant..."

After saying that, its eyes fell directly on Feng Hao who was not far from the sacred tree, and there was a cold light in his eyes, which was almost real.


The crocodile king's eyes showed surprise, following the gaze of the giant gorilla king Caesar, he also saw the calm and indifferent Feng Hao.

"It's interesting, you dare to look me in the eyes, you are the number one person on the inferior planet." The Alligator King said contemptuously.

A small human being, it didn't pay attention at all.

I'm afraid that even a scale on his body can crush it to death!

The cultivation base and combat power of the people on earth, the Alligator King has investigated clearly for a long time, otherwise he would not risk crossing the void to come here.

It is with absolute certainty that he dares to come to Earth.

Therefore, the Divine Crocodile King would not take a second look at Feng Hao, a young man with no fluctuations in cultivation in front of the holy tree.

However, Feng Hao sneered at the contempt of the Divine Crocodile King, "It's really laughable for such an evil beast to dare to call himself the king of the God Clan."

"Even if you are my mount, you are absolutely unworthy."

Feng Hao said lightly, as if he was talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

However, his words fell into the ears of the God Crocodile King, who had long been the king of the God Race, and that was a great humiliation to it.

How dare a little ant talk to it like that?

When the god king is angry, the galaxy will explode!

The bony spurs on the Alligator King's body spread open, like a peacock spreading its tail, exuding a palpitating cold light, a sense of sharpness, which even created cracks in the void.


The crocodile king took a step forward, and under his huge body, a crack appeared on the land protected by the sacred tree.

It can be seen that the horror of this divine crocodile king.


The Alligator King stared at Feng Hao, and suddenly said in a deep voice.

Then, with this icy tone, mixed with this chill that made one feel like being in an ice cellar, the entire Huashan Mountain seemed to have entered the cold winter in an instant, and everything condensed into ice.

"It's so cold..."

The members of the Jin family were closest to the Divine Crocodile King, and this chill also made their bodies start to frost, and they were on the verge of freezing.

Everyone's faces were full of horror.

Only Jin Jing, who has a not-so-weak cultivation base, was not affected by this substantial chill, but she was obviously under a lot of pressure, and there was a trace of unwillingness on her pretty face.

"This little guy is very arrogant!"

The camera of Xiao Qiuqiu's live broadcast was facing the Alligator King, and his tone was very relaxed.

And its words also relieved the pressure on the netizens in the live broadcast room, and the confidence exuded by Xiao Qiuqiu infected them.

As a result, they were not as afraid of this mighty alligator king as before.


After all, King Crocodile is one of the top 100 super existences in the universe, and Xiao Qiuqiu's words fell into his ears without omission.

The next moment, he was also furious.

The huge crocodile claw, tearing apart the space, was photographed suddenly in the air, like a piece of sky falling, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"If you want to move it, it depends on whether I agree or not!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly resounded in this space. Before the Alligator King could find the source of the sound, Feng Hao had already displayed his supernatural powers of the Vermilion Bird Wing and Qilin Arm.

Under the premise that the cultivation base in the body is a little loose, the power that erupted at this moment has been greatly improved.


There was a loud noise, and when the Divine Crocodile King was puzzled why his palm could not be slapped off, he was suddenly horrified to see that the right palm he slapped had a big hole broken without warning.

Then, a piercing pain came suddenly, it saw a fiery red streamer shoot out from the hole in the palm, and hovered in front of him.

It was Feng Hao who was despised by him before.

"You damn ant, you actually hurt me!"

The crocodile king stood on his head with bone spurs all over his body, and became angry from embarrassment.

How can an ant hurt it? Shame, this is a shocking shame.


The figure of the Alligator King suddenly changed, shrank sharply, and turned into a middle-aged man with bone spurs and scales all over his body.

And he hovered in the air so quietly, without relying on any external objects, just like a god descending from the mortal world.

"Before eating the holy fruit, I want to appetize with your blood!"


The middle-aged man transformed by the crocodile king held a bone spur, and rushed towards Feng Hao directly. It was extremely fast, and it came with the force of wind and thunder.

The bone spur in its hand tore through the space, and in an instant, it had reached Feng Hao.

"My king's speed is too fast for you to react."

The crocodile king sneered, the moment he mentioned the bone spur and rushed out, there was a buzzing in the space, it believed that at its current speed, Feng Hao might not be able to see its own trajectory clearly.

And Feng Hao, in its eyes, has become a dead person.

"Where did you get your confidence?"

However, the next moment, the eyes of the Divine Crocodile King suddenly widened, because Feng Hao, who should have been killed by him, disappeared.

But behind him, came the familiar and arrogant voice.


As soon as the crocodile king turned around, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and the soles of his feet suddenly magnified in its eyes.


Feng Hao's foot stepped directly on the face of the Divine Crocodile King. After the loud noise, huge shoe prints appeared on the latter's face, and then his body fell from the air.


The gorilla king Caesar was stunned when he saw this scene, and his tongue was rolling.

King Crocodile, a super strong man in the top 100 in the universe, was actually stepped on the face by Feng Hao.


The giant gorilla king Caesar burst into tears, tears streaming down his face, and tremblingly said: "Mom, I want to go home, the earth is terrible..."


The crocodile king fell on the ground, his body was embedded in the ground, at this moment, he looked dull and confused.

"what happened?"

Until now, it still has not reacted. What happened just now?

And... the live broadcast room that witnessed this scene was also completely silent, and people all over the world who witnessed this scene also forgot to breathe.

This too...domineering!

He punched the crippled giant gorilla king Caesar, and kicked the crocodile king who could turn into a human into the ground.

At this moment, their worldview is collapsing.

Feng Hao, he is not human at all...

It is simply a god!

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