Martial Inverse

Chapter 72 The Storm Is Coming

"You are not a native of the earth, which galaxy in the universe are you the king of the gods?"

The old monster of the giant gorilla family was very unwilling, and felt that it was impossible for the earth to have such a powerful existence. It wanted to confirm that it was not defeated by the natives of the earth.

"I'm not a king of the Protoss."

Feng Hao glanced indifferently at the old giant gorilla monster, and then directly ended its lives and that of the giant gorilla king Caesar, and the corpses were also taken away by Huaxia officials.

And at this moment, in the remaining vortex in the sky, there are big monsters with half of their bodies exposed, but they didn't come down immediately.

The main reason is that they sensed the changes on the earth, and the three big monsters came, and all their breaths disappeared.

This shows that there are existences on the earth that surpass the kings of the Protoss.

"Just now, this king sensed the aura of the old monster king of the giant gorilla family, but it has been cut off..."

"Terrible, this strange little planet can give birth to a holy tree and has the opportunity of the main god. It really can't be theorized by ordinary theory. It seems... this earth is also very troublesome."

"The three-headed demon king is dead, if we come down, we will end up in the same way..."

The big demon kings from distant galaxies were terrified, and made a decisive decision, pulling back the descending body abruptly.

However, the vortex black hole in the space still exists. Obviously, the departure of these big monsters is only temporary, or they are watching the changes quietly.

At the same time, people also discovered strange changes on the star dome, and the powerful aura that was originally overwhelming has disappeared at this moment.

Only the vortex exuding a strange glow was left, hanging in the space.

The International Space Station has also entered a state of alert, monitoring those vortices non-stop for 24 hours.

At the same time, major countries have also entered a state of combat readiness, pointing their swords at the sky.

In the Huashan area, a towering ancient tree is still slowly growing, and the entire Jin family's ancestral land no longer exists.

And the flowers on the ancient trees became more and more colorful, as if they would bear fruit at any time.

This scene also made Xiao Hei, Xiao Qiuqiu, and the Bull Demon King all look forward to it.

As monsters, they have an instinctive desire for the fruits on ancient trees,

It has nothing to do with strength, even, the stronger the strength, the more eager to obtain the holy fruit and complete the transformation.

"When will it be fruitful? Old Niu."

Feng Hao came to the Bull Demon King's side, and the latter's body trembled suddenly, looking at Feng Hao with lingering fear.

Just now, Feng Hao killed three big monsters in the universe in a row, destroying them. This kind of power has already penetrated into the hearts of the people, and the Bull Demon King is even more frightened.

"Probably the day after tomorrow will be able to bear fruit."

The Bull Demon King didn't dare to hide anything, and then he looked at Feng Hao with a look of expectation, and flattered: "Brother, I should have a share of this fruit, right?"

The Bull Demon King looked at Feng Hao eagerly, with as pitiful an expression as he wanted.

Feng Hao squinted at the Bull Demon King, and said, "Look at your performance."

"Don't worry, Lao Niu is a very honest person. If you have any doubts, you will know everything Lao Niu knows."

The Bull Demon King made up his mind to get closer to Feng Hao, and his determination could not be shaken.

After all, this is the main god of the great world, and he has invincible combat power on the earth. In the future, when the opportunities on the earth come up, he can also have soup to drink.

While not meat, it was also very satisfying.

Feng Hao nodded in satisfaction, and then asked: "How do you know the fate of the earth in the world of the heavens?"

This is something Feng Hao has been perplexed about.


The Bull Demon King choked for a moment, and his expression became weird.

Feng Hao frowned.

The Bull Demon King shuddered all over, and said with a sneer, "It's the news from the God Realm of the Heavens and Worlds, and it was my big brother who told me."

"God's Realm of the Heavens and Worlds?"

There was a solemn look in Feng Hao's eyes, and he knew from the mouth of the Bull Demon King that there is the Lord God Yunhuang in the God Realm of the Heavens and Myriad Worlds.

If this main god also came across the border, things would definitely progress to the point where he couldn't control it.

After all, the Lord God has already surpassed all things, and in the world he is in, he already has the ability to create things.

If the two main gods gather on the earth, there will be another situation of confrontation... perhaps, this will be a disaster for the earth.

"Well, my big brother is calling for his brothers to come over. I heard that it is to compete with the old-school god-kings from God's Domain for the opportunity to come here."

The Bull Demon King nodded and said: "The god kings in the God Realm are not comparable to these demon kings. Almost all of them are immortal. They have been coveting the opportunity of the earth for a long time, and they may come soon."

The Bull Demon King's tone became more and more serious.

Looking at the flowers on the sacred tree, he also became anxious. He was worried that the chance he got would fly away because of the arrival of the god kings of the God Realm.

Feng Hao heard that there were many powerful people from the heavens and worlds coming, and he also thought in his heart that it would be great if there was a way to communicate with the world, so he also moved those figures here.

God King, what is it?

The opportunity for the earth to become the main god appeared. Anyone would definitely want to come and fight for it. This place might become a battlefield for 'gods'.

In short, this place on Earth may become a cemetery for gods and demons.

"It seems that Huaxia also saw the future, so he proposed to do research on the corpses of those big monsters, hoping they can gain something."

From the bottom of his heart, Feng Hao didn't want the Huaxia people to encounter irreversible harm in this incident.

This is an ancient country with a profound cultural background, and it occupies the most important position in the history of the entire earth.

Moreover, Feng Hao has an intuition that the opportunity to become a god lies in this ancient land of China, and has nothing to do with other countries.


At this moment, without the threat of the big monster from outside the territory, the wind and the sun are rare in the world, and the Huashan area has been blocked.

However, there are still people who try their best to sneak over.

This included Zhang Yi, Xiao Lei, Liu Xiaofei, Xia Shilan who came from SH.

From the live broadcast, they knew that Feng Hao was next to the old tree in Huashan, and Xiao Qiuqiu had become the most popular anchor in the world.

Now he is also a super local tycoon worth billions of dollars.

While the girls were surprised, they also felt that little Qiuqiu was too good at making trouble.

"Sister Xiaofei, will it be dangerous for us to come in? Or should we wait outside for him to come out?" Xia Shilan felt that the forests in Huashan were too gloomy.

Perhaps because of the arrival of the big monster before, the birds, beasts, insects and ants all hid, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

As women, they would definitely feel intimidated.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound in the depths of the dense forest, as if something had fallen from a high altitude, and the sound was very loud.

"Hey, this earth is really uncomfortable, but the suppression of this law is completely useless to my grandson. My grandson has jumped out of the three realms and is not in the existence of the five elements. Hehe, my grandson will definitely eat this universe The seat of the Lord God of the world."

A slightly shrill voice came from the depths of the dense forest. This scene also made Xia Shilan and the girls frowned slightly.

"Meet a lunatic?" Liu Xiaofei asked doubtfully.

Zhang Yi pondered for a moment, nodded, and whispered: "Maybe, but we have a lot of people, so I'm not afraid of him being a lunatic."


However, just as Zhang Yi's voice fell, in the dense forest, the owner of that voice shouted suddenly.

Apparently, they were found.

In an instant, the women's delicate bodies trembled slightly, because they felt a sense of crisis.

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