Martial Inverse

Chapter 73 Zixia Fairy

"What if we are found? Will it be an official patrol?"

The girls didn't dare to move where they were. If they were soldiers on patrol, if they acted rashly, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble.

"Probably not. This place has already penetrated into Mount Hua, so there is no need for patrolling." Xiaolei analyzed.

"Let's not be impulsive, let's see who the other party is first."


Xia Shilan and Liu Xiaofei were quite calm, their beautiful eyes stared at the direction of the sound, and then they vaguely saw a figure approaching them.

At this time, they saw clearly that the person who came was actually a white-haired old man carrying a bamboo basket, with a benevolent look on his face.


Seeing that it was actually an old man, Liu Xiaofei and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and the previous haze was swept away.

With a quiet smile on Zhang Yi's face, he said softly: "Grandpa, were you talking just now?"

The white-haired old man also had a slight smile on his face, nodded and said: "The old man hasn't seen a stranger for a long time, that's why he made the noise, didn't it scare you?"

"No no."

The girls quickly shook their heads.

However, they were also a little confused. Before Huashan, there was a big monster from outside the territory, and all the birds, beasts, insects and ants hid. Why is there an old man here.

However, they didn't think too much about it.

An old man, not a monster.

"That's good!"

The old man nodded, but then he showed a puzzled look, his eyes fell on Liu Xiaofei, and said: "You young people, what are you doing here? Now, this place is dangerous. The belly of the beast."

As he said that, a look of surprise flashed in the depths of the old man's eyes.

This old man is none other than Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who came from all heavens and myriad realms. After hearing the sound, he immediately performed seventy-two magical powers and became an ordinary old man.

Because he was also curious,

Now this place is full of dangers, but there are a few mortals without any cultivation, which really surprises the monkey.

Now, when I saw it with my own eyes, I immediately noticed something strange.

There is actually a trace of original power in these women, which does not belong to this world, and even the monkey feels a trace of coercion from it.

This shocked the monkey.

After all, as the demon saint of the heavens and the world, it dared to overturn even the domain of the gods. It once held a golden cudgel and smashed the heads of many god kings.

Now, he felt that coercion from a few ordinary women.

"Grandpa, what are you looking at?"

The girls frowned slightly. They saw the old man looking them up and down with a pensive look on his face.

However, this pensive expression was full of wretched taste no matter how you looked at it.

"Ah, oh, no, my old grandson... my eyes are not bright..."

Monkey's heart skipped a beat, almost revealing his true nature.

He has already decided to find out what is the original power of these women, and maybe taking it can make him cultivate to a higher level.

At that time, the opportunity to compete for the main god will be even greater.

"Hmph, when my old grandson completes the transformation, those old bastards will have their heads blown by my old grandson, hehe!"

A gleam flashed in the depths of the monkey's eyes.

But he concealed it very well, Liu Xiaofei and the others didn't find out, but... they were a little wary of this monkey.

Any woman would feel uncomfortable being stared at like this.

They looked at the old man, feeling weird in their hearts, but they couldn't tell what was weird.

"Old man, if it's okay, we'll leave first."

Zhang Yi and the others looked at each other, and they didn't intend to waste any time here. This place is still some distance away from the ancient Jin family.

At that time, it will be even more impossible to hurry.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go!"

The old man's wrinkled face was filled with a kind smile, and he raised his hand, waving hello to Liu Xiaofei.

Liu Xiaofei was a little terrified by the old man's gaze, so she couldn't help speeding up her pace, pulling Xia Shilan and the others away from this guy.

"Unexpectedly, I could meet someone exactly like her... My old grandson, this heart of stone can still beat..."

Monkey looked at Liu Xiaofei's back, dazed.

Then, his appearance began to change, from the original old face to a young man in casual clothes.

He walked unhurriedly, following the place where Liu Xiaofei and the others walked, towards the ancient Jin family in Huashan.


At the same time, Feng Hao, who was originally chatting with Lao Niu about the affairs of the heavens and the world, suddenly flickered his eyes, as if he had a feeling in his heart and looked in a certain direction.

"Why are they here?"

Feng Hao frowned slightly. When he left SH, he left a trace of his original power on the women. Although their cultivation was suppressed, he could still clearly feel it when they were close.

"Who's here?"

As if the old cow hadn't said enough, he continued: "Don't worry about it so much, with your strength, big brother, who are you afraid of coming? Even if the king of gods comes, you can still slap him to death."

"By the way? What did the old cow say just now?" The Bull Demon King suddenly got stuck and was stunned.

Feng Hao rolled his eyes at this gossip-loving old cow, and said angrily: "You said that your big brother, Sun Wukong, fell in love with a saint from a certain force in the God Realm, known as Fairy Zixia..."

"Yes, yes, my big brother dares to love and hate, but it doesn't believe that monsters can't love each other, so it wants to go against the sky and take away Fairy Zixia forcibly... And its catastrophe began from this."

In order to adapt to the situation, Lao Niu struggled to squeeze out two tears, and said softly, "My big brother is pitiful."

"He fell in love with someone he shouldn't love, and it's expected that he will end up like this. How can a monster compete with the strength of the entire God Realm? Unless he can achieve the position of Lord God..."

Feng Hao didn't have any emotional fluctuations about this. The great sage Monkey King told by Lao Niu reminded him of his own cultivation career.

Isn't it so difficult that he is almost an enemy of the world, but he finally broke through and became the main god.

This is his luck!

"So, my big brother vowed to become the main god and resurrect Fairy Zixia, presumably... he will come here soon."

The old cow said in a serious tone.

He was worried that the monkey would come and follow Feng Hao.

After all, he knows the character of that monkey too well, so if he meets anyone, he has to fight first...

"I'm still a little interested in him, but if he touches my bottom line, no matter whether he is your brother or not, I will not show mercy."

Feng Hao glanced at the Bull Demon King.

The other party knew the identity of his main god. He said this because he hoped that the Bull Demon King could tell the monkey.

Don't mess with yourself.

Afterwards, Feng Hao stood up, left the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree directly, and walked towards the depths of the Huashan dense forest. At this moment, he was concerned about the comfort of Xia Shilan and the others who rushed over.

Now is not a time of peace, Huashan has become a target of public criticism and is full of dangers, but Feng Hao doesn't want Xia Shilan and the others to be in any danger.

Who made it...their looks are too coincidental, they look like their wives, it's a pity to look at them.

"Hey, I don't know who is here, but Feng Hao cares so much."

The Bull Demon King said with a smile, however, when he inadvertently glanced at the direction Feng Hao was leaving from, his hair suddenly sprang up, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Fuck me, this monkey... monkey... is here!"

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