Martial Inverse

Chapter 74 Stop

Feng Hao's departure caused both Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu to look over. The latter's eyes lit up, and it was particularly sensitive to aura, and it also felt the aura of Xia Shilan and others.

"Where is Feng Hao going? Should we go there?"

Xiao Hei circled his body, circling around the Ji Dao Demon Sacred Tree, his eyes were always on those few flowers, but this time, Feng Hao's sudden departure made him pay more attention.

These flowers haven't produced fruit yet, even if they bear fruit, Feng Hao is always in the first place for it.

"You stupid dragon, I didn't see that Feng Hao went after a few beauties, why did you and I join in the fun? Are you going to take this fruit?"

Xiao Qiuqiu patted Xiao Hei's head with his little paw, but it wasn't heavy.

But Xiao Hei seemed to enjoy it a little.

Then, it continued to circle around the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, as if it was guarding something.

The strange thing is that this extremely demon holy tree that hasn't stopped growing seems to have a good impression of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu. The branches are swaying and shimmering with divine brilliance, as if greeting them.

"Should I follow?"

Lao Niu looked at the back of Feng Hao leaving, and was a little hard to make up his mind for a while. Afterwards, he gritted his teeth violently, and said in a low voice: "If you fight it out, you can't let Feng Hao underestimate me, Lao Niu."

Said, the Bull Demon King also left shortly after Feng Hao's front foot, and it chased after him on the back foot.

"Feng Hao, yes, who came here? Did you feel something?" The Bull Demon King walked to Feng Hao and said in a low voice.

Feng Hao looked suspiciously at the Bull Demon King, and said, "What does this have to do with you? If you don't guard the sacred tree, you won't worry about others coming to snatch it, or it will suddenly end up being picked off by my two friends? "

The Bull Demon King paused, hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and followed, and said with a smile: "The Jidao Demon Sacred Tree will not bear fruit so quickly, and... I really believe in the character of your two little friends." , You still haven't told me, what are you doing here all of a sudden?"

Lao Niu was very nervous. He hoped that Feng Hao didn't find out that the monkey was coming, and he didn't come for his grandson.

Because Sun Houzi's personality is too unpredictable, if the two of them meet, they might have a big fight.

"Pick up!"

Feng Hao was too lazy to talk to the old cow,

He said in his mouth that he was very honest, but no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like it.


The Bull Demon King was startled, and said with a dry smile: "Pick up, pick up who?"

"You've seen it."

Feng Hao was speechless, feeling that Lao Niu suddenly started talking nonsense, at this moment, he didn't want to say a word more.


The Bull Demon King swallowed his saliva, the hairs all over his body sprang up, and he shouted in his heart: "He, he really found Sun Monkey."

Feng Hao sensed the mood swings of the Bull Demon King, frowned and said: "You are in a cold sweat."

"No, no! It's because of the hot weather!"

The Bull Demon King shook his head with a dry smile.

He said tentatively: "I will receive it later, don't be impulsive..."

However, before the Bull Demon King finished speaking, he saw Xia Shilan and the others, and there was no sign of Sun Houzi at all.

In an instant, the Bull Demon King was relieved and felt very comfortable all over. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and was terrified.

Feng Hao originally had a trace of anger in his heart, and felt that the girls were too courageous and were joking with their lives. Today's China is not peaceful, and it will be a little safer in the big cities.

After all, no big monster would lose his mind to massacre the city and commit a great crime.

However, when he saw the girls who were full of joy and their beautiful eyes sparkled, there was no way to vent their anger.

"Feng Hao!"

Xia Shilan's eyes were slightly red,

Feng Hao said with a serious face, "You guys are really brave."

"We..." Xia Shilan was even more speechless. What they were worried about happened, and Feng Hao would really be angry.

But...they wanted to see Feng Hao too much.

"Because you are the first offender, let's forget it this time. Next time after I arrange you, if you come to me privately again, then I will leave your world forever."

Feng Hao said rightly.

What he said was from the bottom of his heart. Regarding the girls, he actually had a very complicated heart. He couldn't say he liked or loved them, at most... he wanted to take care of them more.

Being able to look exactly like his wife is also a kind of fate in itself.

When the girls heard Feng Hao's words, they all showed smiling faces. They were very good-looking, and their smiles captivated the city.

And this scene also stunned the Bull Demon King behind De Fenghao, drooling at the corner of his mouth, swallowing wildly.

"Hey, beauties... No, how are you beauties, I am Lao Niu, Feng Hao's new younger brother."

The Bull Demon King stared wide-eyed, posing in what he thought was the most handsome pose, picked a rose from nowhere, bit it in his mouth, and looked at the girls with a wicked smile.

"It's really a sight to behold, get up!"

Feng Hao felt that the head was extremely big, and the Bull Demon King was courting the girls, which made him feel extremely awkward, as if the Bull Demon King was courting his wife.

As he spoke, Feng Hao lightly kicked the Bull Demon King.

"Feng Hao, you can't eat alone. I want to take this beauty back and become Mrs. Yazhai."

The eyes of the Bull Demon King emitted green light. Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei and Xiaolei are really beautiful, especially under the nourishment of Feng Hao's original power before.

His whole body was filled with a dusty smell.

Moreover, they have the same appearance as Feng Hao's wife, which in itself is a unique charm.

It is reasonable for the Bull Demon King to be unable to resist.

"Your sister, believe it or not, I will send you to heaven?"

Feng Hao glared at Lao Niu, and the latter noticed that Feng Hao seemed really displeased, so he didn't dare to make too much publicity, dropped the roses, stepped forward and squeezed Feng Hao's shoulders as if to flatter him.

"My old cow is excited, hehe!"

The Bull Demon King smiled, but felt full of grievances in his heart.

Anyway, he is also one of the demon kings in the heavens and worlds, but now he has been reduced to this level, but after thinking of Feng Hao's identity, he feels a little better.

Even other people's black dragons have become his mounts. As a bull demon, he is already very lucky to be in the same camp as him.

Niu, know how to be grateful.

"Let's go!"

Feng Hao glanced at the girls helplessly, and asked them to follow him to the Jin's courtyard near the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree.

Today, in the entire Jin family, only the other courtyard far away from the ancestral land is still intact, and the other places have been crushed by the holy tree.


However, just as Feng Hao and the others turned to leave, there was a cold shout in the dense forest. In an instant, everything around them seemed to be silent. In the whole world, there was only the sound of breathing one after another.

"Oh my God……"

When the Bull Demon King heard this familiar voice, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning and was about to cry.

He originally thought Sun Houzi would not come out for the time being, but who knows... he actually provoked Feng Hao directly, which was obviously the rhythm of a fight.

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