Martial Inverse

Chapter 78 Freedom

"Sun Monkey, stop! He is not an ordinary person."

The Bull Demon King ran to Sun Wukong and said in a voice that only the latter could hear: "He is the Lord of the Great Thousand Worlds, the same existence as the Lord of the Buddha Kingdom..."


Sun Wukong's monkey eyes stared at Feng Hao firmly, with disbelief deep in his eyes.

"Really, the old cow doesn't dare to fool anyone, you are my big brother of the monster clan..." the Bull Demon King said seriously.

After all, Sun Wukong is the demon god of the heavens and the world, and his status is much higher than that of the demon king, but he must still have a long way to go from the main god.

Therefore, the Bull Demon King didn't want Sun Wukong to have something to do.

This guy is a very unique existence in the heavens and the world. He was once the protagonist of an era and stirred up the situation in the heavens and the world.

Sun Wukong's pair of fists are as big as a mountain bag, clenched tightly, it is presumptuous and unruly, it is impossible to surrender to Fenghao.

At that time, the Lord of the Buddha Kingdom suppressed it for hundreds of years, but failed to make it submit. It is not its style to surrender after a small failure.

"Hey, this time my old grandson thinks he is not as good as others, so you return the golden cudgel to my grandson, and after my grandson adapts to this place, I will fight you again."

Sun Houzi stared at Feng Hao, provocatively said: "Do you dare to agree?"

"Brother Monkey, my brother Monkey, don't provoke Feng Hao anymore, he is so ruthless that the old cow's heart is trembling." The Bull Demon King trembled in fright.

"Hey, you little cow demon, when will it be your turn to take care of my grandson's affairs? Go, go, or you will be beaten together."

Monkey King kicked at the Bull Demon King, who let out a cry of pain, his body was like a kite with a broken string, and he fell directly in front of the girls, eating his mouth full of mud.

"Bah, bah, bah! This monkey doesn't know how to be restrained, and this character will only suffer." The bull devil's face turned red.

His suit was kicked to pieces by Monkey King, and now it was hanging on his body like a strip of cloth, and one side of his sunglasses was also broken.

This scene caused Xia Shilan and the others to cover their mouths and laugh.

At this moment, Feng Hao fell from the sky to the ground, and the wings of the Suzaku behind him retracted. He looked up at the giant Sun Monkey, and said in a serious voice: "You can return the golden cudgel.

Even, I can accept your challenge at any time, and I can also give you a fruit of the holy tree of extreme demons. "

"Brother Feng..."

The Bull Demon King trembled, and said with a mournful face: "Then there are only three or four fruits. If Sun Houzi has one, and your little friends each have one, I..."

"Shut up!" Feng Hao stared, and the Bull Demon King froze immediately.

Even Sun Wukong doesn't seem to be Feng Hao's opponent, so how can the Bull Demon King dare to have the slightest chance.

Sun Wukong listened to Feng Hao's words very clearly, his eyes were also shining with a strange light, what did Feng Hao mean by this?

Want to negotiate with it?

"Hey, you really like me, you give me back the golden cudgel, everything is easy to talk about." Sun Wukong kept his eyes on the small iron rod in Feng Hao's hand, and rarely felt pain.

This is the baby that has been with it for tens of thousands of years, and it is already a part of the body

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curled up, and he directly threw the golden cudgel in his hand to Monkey King.

The latter's eyes lit up, his figure shrank sharply, and then he reappeared as a young man, catching the golden cudgel with a somersault.

Then immediately put it in the ear, as if worried that Feng Hao would be cheating.

When he felt the slight itchiness in his ears, Sun Wukong finally breathed a sigh of relief. He stared at Feng Hao, his expression no longer as proud as before, and said: "As long as it is not something unreasonable, my old grandson doesn't mind helping me." You once."

"But it helps, you and I are settled. When it's time to fight, I still have to fight. My old grandson is born to like to fight, especially when I meet an opponent like you. I want to fight heartily for three hundred rounds. It's a pity , My old grandson still didn’t take that step after all, otherwise, I wouldn’t have lost to you just now.”

Sun Wukong is a monkey who knows what to love and what to hate. Feng Hao also gave him the golden cudgel, and the two are no longer enemies.

But it's too early to tell about friends.

Feng Hao held his hands behind his back, and looked at the look not far away, somewhat similar to the Monkey King in the film and television drama, and admired him very much in his heart.

"Can the fruit of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree allow you to take that step?" Feng Hao looked at Monkey King.

Sun Wukong trembled slightly, his eyes flickered, he stared at Feng Hao and said: "There is a great possibility."

"Okay, then I'll leave one for you."

Feng Hao nodded, and as he spoke, he winked at Xia Shilan and the girls, signaling to leave here.


Feng Hao wanted to leave, but Sun Wukong didn't stop him, but he was very confused and didn't know the reason why Feng Hao did so.

As a result, it made it itchy in the heart.

Feng Hao turned his head to look at Sun Wukong, smiled lightly and said: "Because you are Monkey King, after struggling for so long, it is time to get the freedom you want."

As soon as the words fell, Sun Wukong trembled all over his body. He looked at Feng Hao in astonishment, and he felt mixed feelings in his heart for a while.

It is a heart of stone, not as sentimental as human beings, but... Feng Hao's words are like a lightning bolt, splitting its heart of stone.

"How did he know... I struggled for so many years for freedom..." Sun Wukong whispered in his heart.

It didn't come back to its senses until Feng Hao and others walked away.

Then, he showed a slight smile, clenched his fists and said: "Feng Hao, my grandson won't accept anyone, but only you this time, when my grandson gets the opportunity of this universe, I must be good with you!" Have a fight."


"Brother Monkey, Fairy Zixia is gone..." Bull Demon King looked at Sun Wukong at this moment, he didn't follow Feng Hao, but stayed behind,

Because, Monkey King and it are both great monsters in the heavens and the world, and they should support each other again.

Besides, the fruit of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree is ripe, and they are going to rush to the ancestral land of the Jin family in Huashan anyway.

"Fairy Zixia is dead."

Sun Wukong's expression froze, and the Bull Demon King laughed dryly, not daring to bring up this topic again.

"Brother Monkey, where are you going?"

The Bull Demon King saw that Monkey King turned and left, and walked towards the city, not caring about the holy tree of the extreme demon.

"Go to sleep. Are you coming too?"

Monkey King looked impatiently at the Bull Demon King.

"Monkey, you are a demon god who came out of my demon realm. There is a godhead in the realm of the gods. I, Lao Niu, want to learn from you."

Bull Demon King said without blushing.

"You go to Feng Hao, he is very strong, and he is the master of the world, just like the master of the Buddhist kingdom, there are sutras all over his body."

Sun Wukong has no temper with the Bull Demon King at all. One sentence about the demon world reminded him of many past events. Finally, he sighed softly, waved his hand to the Bull Demon King and said, "Let's go, when the time comes, I will appear naturally, you little bull." Yao, stay with Feng Hao! Help me...thank him."

As he said that, Monkey King jumped up and flew away directly, the speed was so fast that it could be called a somersault.

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